want to stay, over nir,.t. With the camo sangs and stories of Ma-Ka. Ja-Wan sung and told bv those who attended camp this suniner a most interesting time is promiseci. The membership of the troop se, far this season is as, follows: George and ýRobert Bousson. Rnv; Cederstrand, Jamès Christensen. Gil- 'bert Douizlas.' Henry Hansen. Svver Hansen, Fred Jenisen. Donald Julian., 'Kenneth Kennedy, Antan Kanstizki. Jack Neale.- Waino Newman. Frank Pekarik,, Bertram RaVmond, Fred Schroder, Emmett and Vincent Yore. Scoutmaster Robert ,., Roeber. *Assistant Scoûtmaster Walter É. ýtrub and Andrew C. Gartley. Mem- bers of the troop cammittee 'are Mon- tague Rasmussen. -chairman. H. R. Strenger, H. C. Griffis, F.I' . Me- É rackèn, the Rev. A: Bilîmian, F. Bergham. and joseph X'ore. THUNDERBOLT CEREMONY, At the Court of H-otior.session, atât the close of,' the camp period of the Boy Scouts of Cambridge, _Minn., Troop 135, of the Minneapolis Area çouncil, Eagie Sçoutsfdun lik Georgeý Engberg, Clenmens Fredecui *and Norman- Butler, were awarded their. Eagle Badges. Just as- théir. Parents. were called ta pin on the Scout Badges, a boIt. of1 ligh tninig struck the group knocking downl seil- erai of the Scouts and -the camip di- rector. Fortuniately no'one \vas in-. jured. The investiture -was continuect after a few minutes. These four Eagle Scouts took part ini an investi- After two or. three nùeetings the -pres- ent Scoutrnaster, Ray Danielson, wvilli leave and thus necessitate a nelw tmai. (1t's surprisingIhow news does travel but we understand that the reason, Ray is Ieaving Troop 55 is a feminine one. Congratulations,. Ray!'), The troop commfittee -is now in pro- cess of appointing a new -scoutmrast rand an announcement to that effect wiII be forthcomink in a short time. *More or less intensive effort- vi1I. cbe put in the. re.construction, work due. 1to, many advancements and prom1o- tions in, camp., Theère will be seveéral changes due to boys leaving thetown.; As a resuit it may. take a month ta get,,up full steam, ,but old troop' 55 is anxious and ready to shape itself into ,a. first class Boy Scout Troop. OVERNIGHT HIKE, Troop, 30, I'lighland Park, will hIaveý its opening meeting this fait in the nature of an overnight hike. It is: planned, ta go to the ,Des Plaines river. near Half Dav. Mrs. Sidne3v Miller and daughter have invited the troop ta camp on their country estate on1 Haif Day road. We are looking f orwa:rd *tôa'.,an, enjoyable timie.- Charles Tyson; Troop 30, Efil Place school. PLAN ACTIVITIES Troop 416, Lake Forest-At a nieet- ing of the troop comniittee, plans were formnulated for' fail activities. *The first regular mneetjing of the' troop will bc Friçlav, Septemnber 12. H. E. Sweeney, director of the Winter club, IREIHI! IbM EflE Il CHIJEN Old'syl have a large project ahead of thent. The troop has charge of«the registra- 'tion booth for Northbrook Day and are putting on an exhibition of Scout craft.--F. M. Harms, Scôutmaster. EXPBCT GREAT TIMES Troop 24, Hubbard Woods, will be-, gin fali meetings in.about two weeks. We plan to have a better troop than in the. past. and expect some great tlimes, with the, help of- the fellows that were at çanip.-Mart Weisner. Troop.24, Sacred. Heart church. In honor of Sea 'Scout Paul A. Sîple, and. his splendid record of service with the. Byrd Antarctic, Ex-' pedition, the Boy' Scouts of Mexdv ille, Pa., have named the- lake at their summer camp, Lake Siple. EVERY ONE ENJOYS The New. HOTEL WU-ITCOMB3 and Si. Joseph Michigan. The Whitcomb rates foi i930. are 25%, Iower than in 1929, and the rates al- ways rem iai n Constanta ehronghont the year. Eviry formî of enterri.ý- ment.- Attractive Casino -Dancing everyý nigh- Season now at its heigbr.> Reaervatkin, uopeated > Z. D.JENKINS, Manager DR. R1CHT DR. LEFT teeTHE FEET of the child wbo wears es newest of Pool & Piper sho.s are safeguarded ev.ry hourof the dayby the vigilance of these two *xperienced specialists in maintaining youthful foot- health-Dr. Right and Dr. Left. 4 Our lîfetime study of the anatomy of the growing foot is represented In the speci- fications under wkich these shoes are. m.anufactured for ý us. The result, is the accuracy of fit so necessary alike to, the healthy foot and to the foot in ne.d of corrective. strengthening. NOTE the inner shqnk construction shown. in the illust rations above-i'r's.' a BOWMAN DAERY COMPANY Wilmette 55 .CHUMDEN'S 16o8 HICAGO SI4OE SPECIAUSTS AVENUE +EVANSTON