Sne was iolloweci 0V Mrs, Sylvan Hirschberg, as second Presidetit, and Mrs. Canmann, the presernt president, wbo bave successfully carried on the work of welding together andi enlarg- ing the organization. At the presenlt time the.,membersbip numbers,*360 with members from Evanston to Lib- ertyville. besisterhood bas niaintained .a tbreefold platform- of civric, .religiouç, and pbilantbropic duties. Rabbi Louis Koppald, wbo bas generously given bis time and advice, has. with a view towards bigher educaftio iid civic developmenit, conducted current -event and religious study groups at tbe tempfle, forý. sisterhood members. For tbe coming year, Dr., Eustace Haydn of the University of Cbicago has been procured to give ýtwelve weekly lectures each Tuesday ,from October'.7, to December 23, inclusive. The sisterhood. bas been active each year in sewing for Arden Shore and the Infantt Welfare society as well as sewing regularly for the .Micbael Reese bospital, the Motber's Aid, -and Restbaven. The sisterbood'-bas in the junior. sisterhood, an auxiliary.porganized' for. theyougergirls of the congregation. The junior president is Miss Lois Goldstein of Winnetka. The sisterhood bolds regular rnonthly meetings on tbe tbîrd -Wed- nesday .of eacb month'from Oçtober uintil April. The first meeting of the year will be held Octo ber 15, and. * the artis.t for the afternoon will be Miscba Miscbakoff, the new concert- *meister of the Chicago Symphony or- chestra. The following are officers of the * sisterhood:. Mrs. Harry L. Canmann, president; Mrs. Herbert Conhaim of. Glenëoe, first vice-president; Mrs, Herbert Phi.lipsborn of Glencoe, sec'- o nd vice -president ; Mrs.. Joseph Sol- omon of Wilmette,- third vice-presi- dent; Mrs. Max Kabn of Winnetka, treasurer; Mrs. C. H. Barnard of j innetka, financial secretary; Mrs. Lester Felsenthal of Glencoe, record- The officers and chairmen guiding club affairs this year are Mrs.' Frank Thale, president; Mrs. Forest Miller. first vice-president; Mrs. John Dow- ney, second vice-president; Mrs. F.d-, ward L. Koenig,.recoîiçing secretary; Mrs. G. Wallace Moore, correspond- ing. secretary; Mrs. James F. Burns. treaâsurer. Mrs. Samuel Moore, Mrs. P. J. Mc- Gurk, Mrs. N. P. Zeck, Mrs. Henri Schtnidt,, Mrs. 'John H4. Walker, Mrs;. Charles Broad, Mrs.. Frank Widger, Mrs. George Schilbach, and Mrs-. F D. Wilson are tbe directors.. The department'chairnien are Mrs John. Boyton,..Çanctuar3rdepartmeit; Mrs. Artbur Johnson, civics;, Mrs. .Marshall Kearney, fine art s; ,Mrs. George Ludwig, philanthropy. The standing ýcommittees 'have as chairmen«: Mirs. ,B.'M. Lupton, auîdit- ing; Mrs. F. D. Wilson, child welfare Mrs. Samuel H.' Moore, church build- ing. fund; Mrsi, John, H. Walker, courtesy; Mrs. Russel Flood, educaý. tion; Mrs. John Downey,_ bouse arnd social; Mrs. Charles Bartoni, juninr membership; Mrs. Forest Miller, miembership; Mrs. WallaceMor printing; M rs. George H. Beaudin. ,program; Mrs. George Se-hi ' bach. publicity; Mrs. Frank Oelerich, revi - sion; Mrs. Frank Widger, ,ways and niean s. Complete Ail Plans for EIIQ-BoaI Weddig The wedding party of Miss Fran- ces Ellison of Evanston and Ayres Boal, Jr., of Winnetka is now com- plete. Mrs. E. H. Naylor of 'Evans- ton is to be ber sister's matron of honor, and Miss Sallue Windes anid Miss Hienrietta Boal of. Winnetka. wiIl be ýthe bridesrnaids. Stewart 1Boal, brother of the ýbride- groom, w111 be "best man, and a third, brother,~ Tonm, wilf be -one of, thc ushers.ý Loren and, George Massey of Winnetka and Douglas Flood of Kenilworth, cousins of the bride- grooni, and William *Miller. Jr., and "Donald. Crawfnrd, hnth of Winnetka. his Store Remains Open Saturday Eveninigs _JnfiI 9 O'clo< w m Perfect CopiÏeS:6f French' Knitted Suits $e9.50 terest, sewing, charitable wOrk, aflu anaivirs 1J.VLA. VIiuýn. V;. programs of rare talent and inferest. hostesses at the bome of tbe latter. 244 Forest avenue, Winnetka. Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. H*opkins and Miss Eldora, 1322 Greenwood ave- Mr. and Mrs; Morrisôn E. Griffith nue, recently 'returned f rom 'Southîbave moved from the Linden Crest Dakota, where they spenit a month.. a partments, to"630 Greenleaf avenue. New Leather Bags. $5 In colors to match your suit, or your bat, or botb. Stevens' of Evanton-First. Floot