Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Sep 1930, p. 3

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physician and Legionnaire, w a s elected Commander of the Seventh District of thse Illinois Departnient of the Amnerican Legion, at the state convention bield at Autrora, Monclay andTuesday, August 8. and 9. .The Seventh, district . comprises fourteeni posts of the Ainerican Le- gion, extending froni'Irving Park boulevard nortb. along the northi shore a s far as Glesicoé, including Wilmette, Peter J. Huerter, Winnetka, Evan- ston, -Glenview and Niles townships posts. The- total, memnbership of the district numbers approximnately 2.500 legionnaires. Ail matters affecting the, organization and service work of these posts ivili come under the direction of Dr. Hawkins. wbo. bas been elected for a twvo-year term. Dr. Hawkins, a veryr active LegiQu- naire for several vears served for two years as commander of Wilmette Post No. 46, and. recently li as* been in charg e of the post's entertainnient committee. *Captures Man In' Act ,of Stealing Wilmette Car While returnipg to the police sta- tion from bis beat shortly hefore 4 * o'clock Wednesday miorning Patrol- mian Robert Yeoman heard the sound of breakînig glass on Linden avenue * near the Chicago and North Western railroad tracks. Upon investigation hie found Ernest A. Haff, 34, of 1916 N. Francisco avenue,, Chicago, at- tempting to steal a Ford sedan owvnedt by Mrs. Pearle P. Jones, 1057 Lin- den avenue. About an bout' earlier Hafbad stolen another car belong- îng to Aldér Girard, 25 E. Delaware * place, Chicago,. at Clàrk street and Wrigbtwood.avenue ini Chicago, and this car was found parked near thse scene of the.attemàpted theft in Wil- mette.. Haf is said to be demented. * He. was turned over to tbe' ChicagQo police. O.E. S. Invites to ïng ot trees ani su DDeuuvy. i enx neeting'of the 'club will be M~onday, September 22. 'Thse place will be an- nounced later. Nominations for th,'- officers of tbe coming year will bc held and there will be a talk on in- terior-,decoiratting. I)y President J. E. Worthen at th e meeting of the Chamber Monday nigbt. This increase of 74 miembers in thse past year includes 37 regular * members and the samne number of civic membhers.ý Uncer hedirection of Mr. Wortbeni the civic membersbhip. plan was in- au gurated during tbe past year ini order to give residents of XVlmette il: ar nerested in the civic affairs of. the. village,. but, wbose business is in Chicago, an opportunity to takeý part in the, civic ýenterprises sponsored bythe Chamber of Commerce. Hold- ers of civic membersbips are entitled to the full privileges of the regular menihers at a greatly reduced mein- bership rate. Witk an *addition of twenty-onie regular meml)ers and the samenu.M- ber of civic members in the first, six montbs of the Vear endinig Septenber 1, the Chamber of Commerce- memn- l)ership had reached 191 by June - 1 of this year. The oresent member- sship of 223 is thre iargest in the or- ganization's history. The. Çhamber of Commerce coutin- ues to 'actively solicit civic memb)er-ý ships. The slogan is. "If you are inter- ested in the civic affairs of your vil- lage, join the Chamiber of Commerce under the civic miembersbip plan." Kenilworth Board Amends Ordinarice Governing Zoning Rear yards will no longer be neces- sary for, business buildings in the commnercial district of Ketiilworth, ac- cording. to the provisions of ati anmendnient to the Village zoning ordînance passed by the Kenilworth Village board Monday night. The. amendment was reconitended to -the -board by àa zoning,.cômmissioîý conîposed of: Charle S;D. Howe, chair. mati,,Laury Botthof, secretary, James: CÇ. Murray, Arthur B. Adair an Harry P. Harrison follôwiig a publie hearing held on the miatter the saine night. Iclothes to give these boys ïs jre- quested to cail Mrs. Nortbarn, Wil- mnette 2550, and she wilI send someone to, pck uùp the bundle. DQty 'Photo Col. Arthit1r Johnson, 3~2 Pour- leenth street, Wilniette, 'has been proinoted to his zwar-tirne ,ank of brigadier general oit the rctired Iist, according to a War departmnent ait- nouincement received by Mal. Cen. Frank Parker, commander of thte Sixth Corps area. During. the World war Generai Johnson served as a brigadier general and his pres- ent advancemnent is iit aceordane. zuith ait oct of Congress zwhich re- stores to retircd orrny off icers the highe st rais/ attained by them jin wva r service. G enerai ,Johnson is a West Point graduiate of tihe clas of 1886. PLAN BANQUET Tentative arrangements are,'being, mllade to>,hold the annual Wilmnettej Chamber of Comùmercel,banquet thc, year on or, about Monday, Novem- ber 17. T ELE P HON E WILMETTE 4300 ber 1, according o n nnunemli by President J. E. Worthen at a meeting of the Cbamber' Monclay iiiglit of tbis week... Mr' Loesch and Mr. Carlstrom will be.the first of several noted speakcers and leaders to be brought to Wil- mette during the 'winter by the ýWil- mette Chambeir of ý Commerce. Tbe meeting of theChamber Mon- day nigbt of tbis week was open to thse public. Village Managerý C. M. Osborn. making, bis firist public ,ap- pieatance since taking over bis duties here on August 1. addressed a.crowd of. about 250 peopfle. Exulaim - Manaer Plan Mr. Osborn explained tbe villageo manager form of government and the duties- of the manag er as provided in the village. manager oÏdinance, re- cently passed 1w the Wilmette Vil- la-ge board. Hie lilcened his job to that of an orchestra leader who must keep al thse flayers in harmony to get the best music. Coordination of thse var- ious departments' of the village under one head is the underlying princi.ple of the villaze manager system, be ex- plained. Wilniette bas always had efficient government, ie said ; but the new plan will bring about even greater efficiency with a substantial saving to the taxpayers.. Poniler Safety Me.mse Several. matters of interest to Wil- mette residents were taken up by thse Chaîpher of Commerce Monday nigbit. One of the inost important wvas a discussion of safety measures to be used in protecting the lives of .scbool chldren on their way to qnd from scbool. Mrs. C. 0. Walliýer, chairman of thse safety-first commit- tee of thse Central-Laurel Parent- Teacher a ssociation, gave a short talk. Tbe suggestion was miade that a village ordinance be passed requiring drivers to stop when coming out of alîcys, but the Chamber of Com- merce voted no recomnienclations in thse matter. and T4er one ofthteI most uni the club. this .season. gs will De events at

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