PATRONIZE OUR ADVIiRTISERS Make your furnoace AUTO MAT!IC. wiktis.,conversion Gas b urner, Ordy$50down aid as low as $5 a rnonth fer th e eas if you prefer "Ite by littk"plan. Pusi 0ONLY Cash, insoaZeW The exceptionally low price of the RepublIC'. Atmospheric Conversioni Burner brings the com-' fort and convenience of autmaicGas Heating within 'reach of every home ... Fits right into your present warm air, seror hot water sys-,. tem ... Cali in or 'phone, today for complete infor- -COMPANY ILLINOIS pre 'of [COl [Witt to imtntte natur hitectural lhuea ing. Fouridation house with the gr -der plantings of and yet J unity lantings ind and ie home r m - ~- -n - - mm n- n mm mou,~ EXPERT DECORATING * IWe pride ourselves on our ability *to do expert work- decorating* *tbat stands the test of years andI gives complete satisfaction. u D clude single early and double eariy tu- lips, daffodils and narcissus, to be fol- loived w~ith the Cottage, Breeder and Darntvinstulips, ctimpleting, the early spri .g sas'on up to the time of thé mertensia,- colunibine and other early bIoôoming peennals. Next most. im- portant corne. the iris season, followved by the Madonna liles and, delphin- juni. Irnnediately following, or rather run-. ning into thig season, cornes that most gorgeous array of peony bloom,' mixed with the later group of flowering pe ren- niais. ~Out summerseason is takcen care of chiefly with late bloothing perennials and phIox ; However, the "glads" help out this season rnost efficiently. Early- faîl is taken up Ichiefly with that most gorgeous and giant flowering of, ail' plants, the dahlias. 'japan liles, the hardy asters, Pyrotheum. Uligîniosui, Boltonias, and Sedumns,.. Yes, one- sboul d not f orget that the hla«Wy hy- drangea mnay be used as a pereniiail in tilling out this rather important, period. *Annuals should also be added each season, such as zinnias, Africannmari- gold, petunias and.,asters. 080 q There. are many thiugs -to be, con- sidrediiplanning the. foundatiofi plànting to bring.out ail of the charin of which the blouse-is capable., Thcre are the ýdifferent types of architecture, each of which would rqiea ifr ent kind of arrangement as wvell as different plant mnaterial to make the bouse appear'restful, althougb it may. flot be in its true climatic setting. . The Spanish bouse in the' accompanying pic- ture bas a feeling of warn'ith ab~out it due to tbe iglit featbery f oliage of thé honeylocust and tbe taîl pyramidal, ce- dars.' A low. rambling Enghish cottage type bouse sbould be in barmony'witla the ' sur.rounding landscape,. and ..the foundation: plant ,niaterial sbould 'he selected, so that the bouse will ilot dominate tbe landdscape, but becone a.. part. of it. On the vther band, 'we- miay have a style of architecture thiat sbould dominate tbe landscape, in whî ch case the planting must be limited to the extent of choosing' and placin varieties that will aid in carrying out and emphasizing' the' unes of' the .ar- chitecture. To' obtain paying resuits and genu ine enjoyrnent, ive must consider the plants that wvill ive and thrive well on the north. side of the hou se, or in shady places; also the plants that will thrive' on the south side of the bouse, wbere the sun beats down alil-day. .To get the best results, consult a reliable land- scape gardener, or innrseryman, as to what' varieties would do weIl under shad',. bot, dry, met; smôoky, or poor soul conditions, and then with bis advice make a. selection. It'is a quest ,Ion of personial decisin whether %we viant an all-year-round ef- f ect or flot.. A very satisfactory plant- ing is one that will produce both a shrub-like effect with bloomis and yet be green an 1d attractive during the win.: ter. This can bc broughit about by the conibination-planting of evergreens Ind fiowering deciduous dwarf shrubs.. We miust resort to deciduous plant materials in localities where ài 1 difficult to get evergreen.s to thrive, such -as, in cities where smoky and.windy conditions pre- vail. In homnes ,where the 'Wal malerial of. the.bouse continues to thé grounid, it is advisableto plant. in groups, so. that the walls can bave a, chanceý to blend with the lawn, to niake a pleasing-,ef-. fect. Wbere we bave to conceal a Iigh bare foundation, or to niake a stilted looking house appear lower, a wide.