This is the month to plant peonlies. Don't buy just peonies ; get the namned varieties witli "'blue blood" in their roots, the kinds that -wili give, '%Ou ex- hibition blooms in the spring. Pur- chase standard sizewith three to five eyes and plant them with theseý sprouts, for next year's stalks -onily t-vo inches helow the surface.' Give ýeach root a handful of bone -meal. Include these varieties of- peOnies, Nvith your.. fail order if you haveni't them alré«ady:,Solange, Therese, Fes- tixa Maxima,, Lady, Alexandra Duf. La France, Richard Carvel, .Frances WjlrMons, Jules: Ele, and Sarah B enhardt. It isn't to late. to plant. iris. The roots or rhizomes must flot be set very, deep. 'They like a sunny spot where j the soil is well drained, but.,they, will do nicely in the shade.. Buv named' varieties for select flowers. Be sure to include ihese with. your order.: Souý- J venir de Mme. Gaudichau,, Princess Beatrice, Lord of June, B. Y. Morri.- s>on,: Rhein Nixe, Prospero, 'W bite Knight, Moliere, j:uniata, Sherwin Wright, Dalia, Patisiana, Ambassa- deur, Kochi, Imperator, 'and Lent A.' Williams. ~Nrcissl nmust *e planted Lthis motth in order to give the bulbs sufficient'time to root bfore freezinig weàther. They niaturalize themiselves easily in a. shady place but recluire a well draiiied soil. These varicties- are niost satisfactorv: Pretaz, Sir "XVatkiii, Empress, Von Siorn. Bicolor Victoria, WVhite Lady; Lucifer, King Al red, Empiileror and Olympia. Septeniber. is a .good tinie to begin planting .tudips.' You can have a suc- cession of bloorn f rom April until jne beginnling .\vith the single and. double earlv tulips following with the Dar- wilns, Cottage and Breeders, and end- ing with Rembrandts, Bizarres and B.,y- hloôms. «Good varieties are as, folloWs: Single early-Coleur Cardinal,, Geîi- eral Dé, Wet, Keisc'rskroni, La Reve, Prince od' Austria, White Hawk,. Thomfas Moore, -and- Rose Luisante. Double, early-Couronne D'or>. mur- il!0, Peach 13lossoiii, and Vuuitrhaak.' Darvins -, Af terglo\\, Bartigon. Clara Butt, Fancombe Sanders. Giant, [ King H-arold, Pride of Haarlem, Wil- ~Utueni, son of Mr. Cullen, 1226 Ashlai l'ette, and John Shý and Mrs. James M. avenue. Glencoe, are .. and « nd av< leldon, Ml Iii 9UU the norl --,or i,5 yéar tOIiDs. CODY TRUST COMPANY 105 S"uh La Sale Steet RandoIph 6600 CHICAGO It'sPart" ofYu ervice! Th2. Opportunt ospeak to friends, eais r Chiren in distant. cities is part of your telephone service. The same tele- phone yo'u use to cal* to ali corners of the st your son at college will speed your voice rate.. to ail parts of the countryand., if of i;he ground wliere. they are burned .the hot suri. CARPET PLANTS* Chartning effects. nay bé obtained by growing carpet pflant s at the foot of clinibing roses. The. reddisb hoohôts COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Polie y *One System * Uni veT$al Setice I i