Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Sep 1930, p. 50

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H re willue ln the puipit unday morn- ing, September 14, to' guide our morn- ing *orship service at 11-o'clock There .wllI be a gèneral assembly of the entire Church school at 9 :30 o'clock. ActiVities will be reKlimed ln, ail depart- mentp. The Young Peoples society il hold its first meetinz at 6 o'cock ln the Guild room. A. program Iin charge of those. who attended Camp Gray Assem- bly, Ross Blaylock. Helen Orvis,.Freder- ick Leasofi, Clara Orvis, w*111fMl us with enthusiiam for the. year's. work. The Board of Religious Education and ail teachers of the Church sehool will meet 'this evénlng at 8 o'clock at the churchfor a most Important> meeting. A new system of records will be explftined and a number of new plans annouhced and diseussed. The Mld-week meetings of the church will .be resumed Wednesday evening. September 17. Remeniber-to keep this hour in the midst of a. busy iieek for worship in the Lords$ House. These gatherings always prove of help and, -inspiration to everyone Who attends. *The. Young rT~eoIp' So(,Iety vas rép- resented by ten of its -emibers, at the first meeting of the Chicago Baptist Young Peo ple's Union of lilimanuel church last- Tuesday evenfing. The Wonîan's saciety Invites aIl mein- bers and friends té thie Christimasý party for our missionary, Ms Brodheck, to be' held this- afternoon at 2 o'clock on the parsonage lawn. The program -wlll Include musical nurobers by a wonîan's (luartet and revlews of three books: "Trousers (of Taffeta," 'Lntrnla Her Hand" and "The Christ of Every fload." The choir will rehearse next Thursday at 8 o'clock. Methodist Church The ('hurch sehool, lauinched a new year last Sunday morning with the 1arg- est attendance on record. If' ail those who were etiroled. la-st year hadl been- present, that attendance would have gone. beyo%,nd the tlve hundred mark. It li hopecl. that aIl of these mill be back ini their places next Sunday. There is a (.c.t5ss for verybody. The Church school mleets at 9 :30 eyery Sunday morning.. The WVorship serviee is held at I1l o'ciock. The pa stor will use as his ser- Mon toe)P this Sunday, "Meeting Humant Nt-eds,.', The quartet wlli sing, "Praise the Lord," by Mtarkw%.orýthi; and the choir ,.vi 1* makè its firat appearance this faîl, singlng, -Even Me," by Warren. A meeting ýof the "Pair" comlittee will be held Monday afternoon at, 2 o'clock ln the Junior room. The Book Review club, which was so successfui last year, will hold Its first session the second Monday in October. Those. interested are asked to confer either with Mrs. Leenian or* Mrs. Poronto. Two, hundred Mthodist mihisters mu4t find lodging quartera in Wilmette dur- ingthe session of the Rock River Con- ference. Two rùen may be placed in one. rooni., There wiii be Hospitality Cards in the, pews Sunday mocrning. Presbyteriaýn Churehý Womans Club liev_ Clyde, Randolph Wheeland,. Minister. 815 Greenwood avenue, Phone Wil. 3281. B. D., '"The Gospel, the ONLY Answer*,' ivilI bc the subject of Dr. -Wheeland's sro Suinday morning, September 14, at the Il <,celgek service of worship. There are three answers to, man's hlghest seeking, that of the priesti, that of the prophet and that o! ,the evangelist. ls the ahn'- swer. "Sociology or salvation; economies or evangeliani; reforni orrde ton eulturle -or conversion; progresor 1-ar- don; a newv social order or a new birth; î'évoiution or rege nera tion.; renovation- ôor revival; resu.scitation or resurrec- tion ; a new orkanizatiop or a new cre- ation ; democracy or the iopel; civilisa- tion or Christ. Are tve diplomnats . or Ambassadors for Christ ?" ITn a day ýof keen questionlng onj the part of the earestmenand womien we find the IGoÉpel la the only answer.' Strangers and visitors are. always welcome at th 'e Presbyterian church. Thiose without a local church home are lnivited to unite. with us iia Christian fellowship. A Junior church unde r the leadership otf Miss Dorothy Wehner wîll start the- fli'st Suniday of, October in the snmal auditorium of the -Woinan'-s club. Miss Wehner is a skilled teacher and has a rýip)e experiienice to bring to the develop- mlent o-f the young l)eople's chu'rch. Parents anid teac4lers -are invited to at- tend for both assistance and study of, miethods.- The service will be at thé samt:e ho-uras the chuiréh service enabling the chureh to render service to the enitire fainily'at the sanie hour. The IKinder- garten.for the very siaal.childeai will start at the saine timie. 'rayer meeting wil open September 17- at N 1p. ni. Mfr. ilice is calling a coun- il of ail the teachers of the Sunday se hool for that e-vening. The Subject for devotional study will- be "The Great Tea«cher., Hom, and What He Ta,îrht" Next Sunday- thé regular morning service of worship will be. held in this church at 11 o'clock. Dr. Loper wil occupy the pulpit anld wili preach on "The Meaning of the Cross." The Church school. wil continue its sunimer .achedule next Sunday with the Kindergarten and Primary departments meeting together at 10 ô'ecck. under the direction of Miss Wheelock, and the Juniors under the direction. of Mr. Mead. Definite plans are madle motion Sunday,. September 21. T he East End Circie wili meet next Monday at the home of Mrs. B. F. Bly- myer, 626 Lake avenue. Mrs. D. J. Davis and Mrs. J. W. Fisher, Jr, will be the, assisting hostesses. Luncheon will be, served prornptl:y at 1 o'clock. On Tuesday the Neighborhibod Cirele will hold an ail-day meeting at the homeý of Mrs. J. B. Olwin, -820 Lake avenue, The Junior and Seniorchoirs are be- ing organized, and rehearsals are- sched- uled for 4 p: in. and 7.:30 p. m. on *Thurgs- day. The Junior choir is for girls from. 9 years tn high aschool age, and the- Senior choir for -younig people. of high acehool age and over, Mrs. Toskey will be glad to meet those who are inter- ested in joining either choir at the firkt r-ehearbal. Kenilworth Uniton Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister The first services of the faîl season will be hield at the church on Sunday, September 14, at il a. mi. with Dr. Willett preaching. Ail friends and resi- dents of the village are .most cordially ifivited. atThe regular- Sunday achool ýwill open 4t :45- with classes and departnients for ail. âges and under a group of s;plen)- did teachers arnd leaders. During the summner Dr. and Mr.x. Wil- lett have been conducting a party through Europe and the Near East. Thev returned Wednesday, Septiýmber 2 and left Friday fortheir summner home la Pentwater, -Mlich. They wmili return to Kenilworth September 13. English Lutheran Cor. Greenleaf avenue & Seventh stree-t Carl I.,Empson, pastor The. Tblrteenth Sunday After Trlnlty *Preacher by Journal On his recent trip to England Bishop tEdwin H% Hughes of the Chicago area of "the Metiiodist Episcopal church anid a resident of Wilmette wvasinter-' viewed by Arthur, Page, aý British journalist. The interview appeared in a .London r.eligiouis journal. Bishop Hughes answered' numreroils questions about. the United1 States, affong them. one concerning th# economic situation in 'this country. Regarding this he said, in:part: "have beeni awav, from home for over five weeks and I know there bas.been anothier serious fail in American stocks. But to say that we Americans are having a fit of the blues is to my mmnd an'overstatement of the situation. Unemployment Probleni We are going- through a period, of decline in trade. and there is qtiite a deal of unempl'ovment. thougl ipot to th-e- éxtent yoti have it in England. Coming after t 'hose flfteen years of ,tunparalle1ed prosperity, this decline lias naturally produced a certain de-à pression of soir 'its,- and the. number of unemployed is creating ,a vÇryr considerable prQblem, though we are con-fident .it is only a temporary af-. fair." . B.ishop, Hughes Was also questioned concernjiig the naval treaty and the feeling in the Uni-ted States resPe.ct- ing the relations, with England. An- swers to this -and other questionsai)- pear ini the interview., *At the close of the article the British journalist quotes fromn the British -Weekly, another London newspaper. a-s follows: "Bishop E.,H. Hughes, O1. D., of the Methodist, Episcopaýl Church of America.-who, rade such a profound impression at the Wesleyan Conférence at Leeds, Lias spent much of the, time since bis official duties as fraternal*representa-, tive ceased in visitiýiîg the. strategi -cal centers of British Methndism. On The Girl Scouts wlll resumne tJvities this week. Troop 1 me( dla>, evening, at 7 o'ciock; Thursday afternoon at 3:;45;1 IV', Tuesday afternoon at 3:45 quested that only those girls members last year attend this Ing. On the foilowink week, va - '~un u ,our IeatL .- ýheIr ac- , (r, hJah) ................ Mendelssohn* * John Bengtson, pastor- 3Thurs-- Mr. Hart - Winn. 3379. oop II, Postlude-."Jubilate Dea" ..... ;...11-ver d! Troop 1 . * The Cholr Sunday sehool ............... 9:30 a. t Io re- Mrs. Fredai Woodward, soprano;, Mrs. Y. P. service .................. ý5 p. ho were Olga ýOden. contralto. Edward Otis, Evening service ................. 8 p. st' meet- basa; Clay Hart, teflor; Miss Erma Wednesday, Mldweek service. .8.p. Lncee In Rounds, organist and director. Frlday, Prayer metting ......... 8 Churches of Christ in- America. His itinerary included Baptist, Methodist and Congregational churches in Lon,~ don, Rugby and Nottingham. Dr. A-i son will1 be in his own pulpit, Sunday, Sèptember 14.

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