ge it.its fnatural charm tfor "tl- ~vdigof Miss Carol Genievevt" * -Witîan and Donald, Moore HaseI- tleof Chicago. The day was one cf particular significance, for it wvas the - ,ve edding anniversary of thie bride's parents., Mr. and Mrs. klianc I)âre. Whitinaii,' and - the sixtieth wvedding anniversa ry of Mr s. \Vlii- * man'ss mother. <Oua. little terrace surtounided h% j trees George Dasch, conductoir of the 1ittle Syn7iphony Orchestra of Chi- cago. with a stringed orchestra plaled. thl,' wedding music, the themne of1 xw hich mas the andante iiovenient fron the Scliumanin G Minor sonata. 'l 'lecor psîiti , oiginally rtte for. the piano, always- has been a great favorite ini the Whitman famn il'. ::Mr. -Dasch transposed it fo! si)ged instruments and made i i w-eding gift to the bride. I)ol%"îi the little steps of- this sanie r terrace the .%-eddiing, processioi, 'aedalong an aisle formied by) whi-t tulle ribbon uphieid 1 sieiîder greeîî sticks, each capped with a clus- * ter Of white phlox, an aisie that ledl to ýthe high. stone wval. Iii front, of the wall, softened at one side with. ev;ergreen, trees, at the ther- wi th tlîe: * betndîn'g branches of an 'old thorît- applé.tree, the IRev. E R Ashlev Ger- bard read the wedd.îig service at 5 :30 ,,(clock before a gathering of closei whte satin rîbboiîî Mss.j ovcce'111(j Is Frîe \Vhitînail a s maid of Ilo llo)r a 14 1)rid(e s iilaid( for t1)ei r s isteCr, won, rires seriialike iii l)eiod rcks 1, f fhowered t aff e ta wîithl1)()rse 1a1r 1)ic - turc biats and'sippers iatci nig tlhe (leeýp peacli toile .in ttheir g . Thev carriedi shcatlis oi 'sajIljuoîco orerl gladioli tieil wtli large tulle 1 s M rs. \Vlîitian wore a soft bine moiré gO.Wn witih tou1ches oi. ilver' lace and carrie(l an arm.I bou<îuIet (oi garden lo0wers ini blen(lilg pastel s Il a (Ile,,. Ho%,%ard ,,Haini c)f Clhicago )\va>s flic gr.msbest mn îand, tlî,e: ishers were Gordon Duval itnd lRobert Har- 111u11 O Chicago. and FErie Tavlor of Toronito, the bri<les ouisini. At thé close .( the cerePnonyv the guests strolled along tile, viindiiîi.ý: gardIen pathi with its l)O rder lieds. of beatifui fliwNers, to the.lavawN, here' agalinst a b)ackgýrOiuîd of Homrs, n pool, aild too .1LW reception iwA hleld. The we\iV uppr ýa served at tables groliud 1poîî thu M r. 1-aseh tine, ho is the soil oP MNr. alid Nfrs, Charles F. Haseltine o f Chicago., ai d bis lbridie wilf l nake tler hloile inii the al)artiiflent they . havc Park-, iorierlv ot Wilinette, will all eniter .Lartmnouth, college at Hanover. -N. H. this fail. 1-unter Hicks. wiII be a so1)bnmore. Mr. aild Mrs. *\Vliam XWallace? Kerr, Jr.-, have returlied to Jackson, Mich., after. .spending .a. veck %it h Nl r. and. Mrs. WVilliam Wallace Kerr,. Sr., of 707ý Forest avenue. N1rs. William Wallace Kerr, 707 Forest avenue,' %vill entertâîn tw,,o guests i next \veek, Mrs. Helen Bisbee' ,o ;-',rjijvlle' Mich., and Mrs. Alict. Sînith of Jackson, Mich. E s T Loang 0 618 Grove St Greenlef 50 Read'theý Want Ads i - Loef01Mo On improved residence and business property., Sole Agents Central at Sheridan Road, Highland Park Phonos- Greenleaf 5000, rii Wilmtte 3 100 Center U St utBill Terrace Telephonea Winnetka 3470'-1277 These apartments combine the comiforts and privacy of a bouse witb the conveniences of an apartnent. i i i I