SliP. 12 SEPT. la Special Sale Fia oTusa FIVEFE,, DELIVERIES DAILY. 569 7h ibu, lb. 35e Uw c Or Ibo 0 h J. Fres;h.Dressed Sprifng FLOUK..........5 1/8 bbls. Sack Pillsbury, Gold Medal, Ceresota and Richelieu. Swaasdlown Cake Flouw ,Plcg. 290. CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP .. 6 eans55o CATSUP ......... 190 Richelieu Pint bottie Made from the finest selected toinatoes. ýBROOMS ...... ............. 490 Reliable, live-sewed Extra Standard, suitable for any use. OLIVE I L................$1*49 Antonini purest Italian, quart can..- Mayonnaise Dressing Quart Jar 690, BelUMUmm's Dis.lWbOUPlut Jar 390 Dr. Bass received bis Registered. Pbarmiacist degree f romi the Uni, versity of Illinois in 1925 and the de- zree of Doctor of. Dental Surger, fromi the sanie scbool last June. He is a.meniber of Psi Oniega social den- tist fraternity and Omlicron Kap.«è Upsilon honorary fraiternity. During b'is five years in dental school Dr. Bass wvorked as a pharnia- cist in the Ridge Avenue pbarmacv. principaliv durîng the evening hour-.s Urge Observance. of U.S. Constitution Day Septeher 17, Constitution:Day-, is the birtbdav of the national forni oý' government of the United States, andi the Glencoe chapter of the D. . R.ý suggests that - appropriate reference to the, event hbe made in the scbools and bistory classes. PLANS F001D SALE Winnetka ebapter of the Order o. the Eastern Star will bold a food sale Saturday, Septernler 20, at Eclar.t'z Miss Ruthi Kinneë, daugbter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry C. Kinne,'1324 En- wood avenue, bas retuirned witb lier brotber-in-iaw, anîd sister Mr. and Mrs*. Edwin A. Rohson, f rom a tbref, weeks' trip in nortbern. Wisconsin, and \Michigan. 'p carried on season after season for a nuniher of years. Tbey are uinder the direction of Miss Jessie I. Po- cock of Evanston, wbo bas bad two very successfui seasons bere and jQ- Starting. ber third. Ballet and -tap dancing classes vWiiI meet,' on Monday afternoons.,. In the class for older girls, Miss Pocock intefids to ýfeat ure more tai) danc- ing this'seasonl. The baliroom danc- ing 'classes meet on Friday after- noons. There will be several attrae- tive parties during the season' for these classes. Popular among 1tbe children are tbe Cbristnmas party. a nd the Valenitine party and mâsquerade. wvbere refresbnîents will be served. Dr. Willett Returns to Pulpit in Kenilworth Dr. Herbert L. Willett, n1inister oi the Kenilwortb Union cburcb, will re- sumne bis puipit Sunday, morning. Septemnber 14, following an extendea absence during wbicb he was engageri in conducting a party tbro ugh En- rope and the Near East, Dr. and Mrs. Willett returned to, tbis country September 3 and bave been their summier, borne ini Pentwater, Micb. ONE WAY TO AVOID BEING STALLEID ON THE ROAD Tbe most abused and negiected unit-and stili the most necessar% part of- your car--is the battery: and for some unexplained reason, the manutfacturers of motor cars insist on putting the battery underneatb the. seat or floorboards, wbere àf is ex- posed to the cold, slusb. inud, dirt and the elemnents. Being ini this out- of-tbe-way plac.-, it catches alil the dirt from the road, makinig it rather ne ssy.> Sometimues, you, take up the -floor-: boards Witbh the in tention -of water.- ing tbe battery-but when you see what a messy job, it* is,. you- tbiink., "'Oh weli, lIlI wait and do. it some other time. .I guess if's ail rightý yet."ý Then whien you leas t expect it, your ligbts or starter refu-se to work. This usually hai>pens -when you are a long wnit frnrn hein-or late at nighit affer ... .............. $10 Fancy Cooking AI Extra Fine White mitilayPa, 4 Iba ...25c Celery, buncli...19C Wilmette 1911 The Daug. Store in the Middle of the Bloch on. * 'Preventive Service" ,wili sve hours of delay, and a great deal of' expense. Motors Service, 721 Main'Strect Phonie-Wilmette 2600-01 - -Adv. 1.