Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Sep 1930, p. 60

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Rates-15. cents a Une in one paper. 25 cents ,alUne in any two papers. 3cents a lune In aIl three papers. MIIîMUM CHARGE $1.00. Average of lve words to the line. No black face type used. 10%~ discount on all cash with order advertisements when broaight to our office at 1232 Central Ave.. Wilmette, 561 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetka, or 341 Park Ave., Glencoe. Contract rates may be had upon request. Deadlinedadveforeentewill be for the Wn.irr Liric or aIl three -papers; Thïursday 9 o'clock for the W1mxNTicA TALKc and Friday. 5 'o'clock for the GLENOOE. NEws. Telephonies: Wllmette 4300, Winnetka 2000, Winnetka 500 or, Glencoe 1484, Greenleaf 4300 or Shieldrake 5687. 2 LOB? AND FOUND LOST WIrHIN THE LAST 2 WEEKS. --damond and platlnum brooch about 2 inches long. Liberal reward.,Win- netka.. 2059. 2LTN19-1te FOUND)--BROW.N MALE MONGREL dog.' Kenilworth Police DePt. 2LTPNl9-lite DOG LOST-MALE, WHITE COCKER spaniel, brouria ears and spots., Namnei * "Laddie," child's playnate. Phone wilmette 4862.2TI-t *FOUND-MAN.'S WRIS' WATCHi. Caîl Winnetka, 3534. 2LTNl9-îltp 200 YEAR OLD, ENGISH OAK t. àb 1e. ButternUt secretary. Early netka M90. 5LTN19-ltc FINE,-PINE 'A.ND MAPi vlE A SET1-r0F Georgian cha irs, other period pleces, lflay Nbe found it fthe newly opened Vptown Shiop, 4732 Racine Ave. at Biroadway, Chicago. Large stock J)rints, glass, bric, 1a-brac, novelt ies, ver:, reasonabýly priced. 51,TNI19-1 tl) REMOVAL SALE WIL1L ACCEPT ANY IESNTL offer on any piece of antique furniture iun my collection, This nionth only. YVONNE S8011N 823 Washington~ Ave., Evanston. O.36q2 Always in Perfect Taste THE CHIOICE OF SILVER, ARTIS- tlca ly dlesigned, antique period pst- iei2ns superior by virtue. of Its 'beatuty, Worth anid perforinance. Odd pieces reQ- stored to origlil fini.. PAUL DAVEY JEWELER 115Wiliette Ave. Phi. Wilrnette 6 9 ~BUSINESS SERV(ICE Ail Kinds of Carpeuter* Work Doi, JOHN BOE)SCH WANTED-DRESSMAKING, ALTER- ing, also lining coats. Ph. Wjimette 2248.11 N9-t CREEPING. BENI' GRASS, FOR SALE. Also gardening, day, week, or month. Edward Lass, Winn., Ave. and Wagner rd. Glenview 26-W-2. I-4LT'NI8-4tp 15 INSTRUCTION JANE ,TRIGiGS,,B. A. WELLESLEY, Tutoring ln gramnmar aud High SchQool subJects. ýPh. Wilmette 3588. 15LTN19-1tc PIANIST-EUJROPEAN..TRAINING Pupils, 1 grades, speclal rates. Phone Wilme,.e '705, Berenice Viole. 15LTN1g-î 2tp) E DITH RAY YOUNG PRIVATE INSTRZUCTION HELEN CURTIs PIANO CLASSESý 1133 Central Ave., Apt. 6 Ph. Wllmette 3651.- 5llt il INTERIOR DECORATING Distinctive Lamp Shades IN SILK OR PARCHMENT TO HARMONIZE WITH TOUR COLOR SCHEME, Designed. in our studios Vases wlred and 'rpaired Alan Goodrich Studios 1522 $hermnan at Grove. Evanston Greenleaf 085. 171,TN16-tfc ais PETS FOR SALEP--HIGH, GRADE PEI>I- greed wire lhnfired puppies, îcdJw for quick sale. A-17;d Box 40. 'Wilmette, 111.26LTNII"-1te HEAUTIFUI, LITTER OF BLAC(11 uioCker 'spanliel puppfes from championi * lood lin)er. Elîgible to A. K. C. John PloBIwv, 2"05 Walters Ave., 1lýJorttlilroolz1 5igns ln our atches and nand, costly ow you just wishi to pay. 1165 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette .0 ýPARTNERU WANTED LAYABOUT TO MARKET BRAND new article which'sells for SOc 'costs 8c,,to manufacture. Saves purchaser 20ç every time it le used. To every mari it is a real.necessity. O*ner. ex- uneets to make a fortune., Will seil .% interest for $2.500 to a lady 0f re- sponsibilityand refinemexit; A-19, Box 40, Wilmnette, 11-1. 36LTN19-ltc 41 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE GIRL WORKING WAY THRU COL- lege desi-res .room, board &r.d esmall salary in exehange for services. and care of echildren. 'Phone Wil. 1509. WIIITE (4i.IRL, COOKINn AND SERV- Iiug dininers, or taking care of children, Iafteruoous aud evening.s. Call Win- netka 1338. 41LTN19-ltp SIT. WTD-CO.NPETENT, RELIABLE, good cook or general work. Ref. ,%e have place to keep ,snall car. $20 to $22, no washing. Phi. Seeley 5488 rnornings. 4]LTNl9-1tn EXP. WO-MAN -ALL OR PART TIE by day or week. A-i cook, ref. Ph, University 2580. 41LT19-1t,) G E R M A N AIMERICAN WOMýAN wants day -work, .unde'rstànds ahi ~branches 0of family housework, serv- ing, nmendiug; excellent e ook. Ref. Phione Davis 8142. 41LrNig-ltl, CARE FOR CHILDREN OR DO LIGHAT I Hswk., afternoons. or evenings. For ref.s. Cail Wilmnett 'e 4855. WÉite C. INelson, 1323 Wilmiette Ave., Wilmett,. 41LTN19-ltyn ( IERMAN TR A IN ED INFANT'$ nIurs-,e wants p)l>lerunenit 1)positi ' ùl '$25, week. Best4 ref. Cali. Winnetka .242. 41 LTN91 EXP ÉR; Wl-ITÈ GIRL , WISHES *hosewrkby the dayv. North shor- ref. Cail Winnetka 2022. 41LTN]9-1t1, WVANTED .IAUNDRY WORKZ $3.50 per dav, references. Pli.G~ene mette 2623. 41'-1tp EXP. COLORED. GIRL FOR GE N- Iet-al housework or day b-,f. Ph. Wilmette 2170.* 41LTN191t] GRADUÂTE NURSE WITHý PLEAS- ant home cares for 'Convalescent or elderly people, Ph.> Wllmfette .4299. ' 41LTN15-tfc EXPERIENCED MAID, GENERAL housework, good reference. Ph., Oak- land 6777.. 41LTI9-1tp YOUNGLADY WILL. DO '1YPING, addressing, .etc., 7at: home. Good aiid prompte jyork guaranteed., Ref. *Win- netka 254. .4LLTN19-ltp WI LL CARE FOR CHILDREN. !UR- ing rnother's absence. Daytimes, oc- caeional, evenings. Mrs.. Thomas, YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH geneé-ral- housework or 2nd work. Ref. Phone Glencoe 662. 41LT19-ltp WASHTING.-AND CLEANINO eY THE day for Thur. and Sat. Ph.. Wilrnette 1891. 41LT19-1tp WANTED) POSITION 13Y REIABrLEý person. care of children or Iight hswk. between thie hoûrs of 9 andc 5. NEAT EXP. GIRL WANTS GEN. hswk. o) 2% yrs. last place. Good refs. Wentworth 5788. 41LTN19-ltp EMERGENCY HSKPR. -TO TAKE. charge of house or childrèn while you are awa.y. Week or mo. Phone Wilmiette 2531.. 411LTNI9-ltip PR-'OTESTANý\T (GIRL, WITH TM(- years University and six hio. nurses' tràining desires Position as nursery -)overne-ss. ,~ A-IS, Box 40, Wilmette, il] .. 41LT19-2tp) NEAT. COLORED GTIL FOR MOTH- er's lielper. Ph. WilmettA 217,0. 41LTN19-l tp SIT. WTD.-LAUNDRESS OR DAY work. N. S. ref. Ph. Kenwood 3033'. 411,TNl9-Itp BOOKKEEPER PART TIME SERV- Isfinal statements. Cap:ible. Cali evenings. Wilmiette 3904.'41LTN19-1lti FRFE TO EMPLOYERSI EFFICIENT EM.%5PLO'YMENT SERVICE to employers and applicants, ail refer- ences assured.' Our ruotto: Retined, efficient and conscientious service. ("enter St. Employment .Agency. 522 Irali 1115ni rvaniston. ÇE'YiEw copy must be in byj 5 p., m. -on Tuesday. Telephione Wilmette 4300 or WinneRka 2000- 41LTNX9-ltpj ovident Ave. j 5 T . TN. 1- MAID FOR GENERAL, HOUSEWORK,4L N1-c white, age 35., experlenoed, best ref. EXPER. GARDENER WISHES WORM< $18 per wk. A-16,. Box 40, Wilmette IBest references. Winnetka 2382. II.41LTNIl9-ltpJ 42L19-ltp ýl - 4.'ILTN1.19-1 tp 1-

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