Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Sep 1930, p. 61

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PAINTI.NG, CALSOMINING, GARD- ,ining, or any kind of work, experi- tcdman, Oison. Plh. University 301 7-M.42LTN19-1tp. CARDENING, #ObUSE WORK AND e)41(1jpbs experienced man. Ph. Wqilitte. 2345. 42LTN19-Itc 43 .BIT. WTD.-MALg ê FXMALE ~'<UPE-OUSEMAN, CHAUFFEun t ,trdener ,wife.good cook and'house- keeper., N. S. Ref. Kenwtood'4997. 43LTýNl9-"1tp EX.COUPLE; CHAUFFEUR, SE jnnurse or cook, wiIl take sep araitt piositions, kood refs. Wentwôrth 5 é88. 43LTN19- tp pEIzM" COUPLE> WILLING WORK-] ers,, with'10 yr. o1d girl, want posi- tion. References. Ph. Wilmette 501x. 43LTN19-Itp North Shore, Em1ploynent Agenicy HELEN CHRIMES A personal interest taken in everyone placed. Hîg cissdomestié helip furnished b iouÉr, dayý, or week. flest of referenees. White -or Colored.. 1616q Shermian Ave. 1University 0934, Cireenleaf,.6130, 431TN1(#-lte HIE CO UPLE WU-TH RL 6, desire position; chauffeur, hsernan; generai hswk, cook. Rtefs. *%Would vonsider separate positions. Cali.W 1--. Nlsn Sunnyside 10224 or Ard- more 3148. 43LTNI-)-Itp 44 HELP WANTED-FEMAL E CAPABLE WHITE MAID, COOKING se'rving, and first floor work. .Must Gkt euîdren. Referenées. Winnetka '1144. WANTED WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral Hswk.' family of three. Ph. Wil- mbette 2908 4T1-t they-g~t Uic/Q Q_ Buyer and Seller have found the 'Want-Ads of WILMETTE LIEof nhestimab le value. Many a deal 'involving hundreds of dollars,. has been the result. of ci Classfied ad wbich cosF but a, few cents. -Classifed ads will be accepted every e veni nq until 9. f PHONIE WILM[TT[ .4300. Wednesday before.9 P. M.ý for the. Current lIsue 44 HELP WANTED-FEMALE ,WTD. WOMAN _W110 1,SWILLING l'O assstwit a. edeiygetlemati-n and tight house 'dies, 'go home inigits-. Ph. Wiimette 2-177. 4LNI-l EN M.. EDIATE ENrPLOYME-,NT FOR white heip. i hlousýekeeper, 5eoksandl lst floor wôrk, .2 couples. Moderatel fees. Ail Emuployinent Servie.- 663 Vernon Ave. ,'all morffings, Glencoe 305 44L19-ltpi YOUNG GIRL AýS MOTHEW'S heiper haif 4ays by week,. aftelnoons Wilnletka 392.4411Tl1-l) WHTE :IRLFOR G FNE RA L *housieworl<, ,xpvrienced eook, good salary. 222 Sheridan Rd. Phi.JKen-, ilm-orth 474'2..4LX1- REiLIA!4LE WHITLE (iIRZl FR,; éralIiotiSeWi)rk. Rfre:es h Highland. Park 4:),2. 441LTNiOf-ltp ~VHIE MIDGEN HSW. AULT. XANTED ït)IN( (GIRL l'O CARiJ WHITEMAID GEN HSW. ADUrS. for 4 ye'ar oid. child occasio.nally ini No washi ng $14. Winnetkia 479. tlie eveniflgs nnd: ieek,,ends. Ph. 44LTN19-ltc :Winietka, 2795 Ftiday or SaturIwda evenng.441,TNl 9-li) SECOND MAIfl, WHITE, EXPERI -_____________ enced, good. references, for, family qf iP HT,-\Ap ")l:NAI fou'r:708 Prospect. Wlnnetka 68. Wrs 1TW r iIi), O oKING and 44LTN19-1 tp bahflo OI. nrom ii _______________________bath,___no laundry%. 1Ph.. fl co, ii2:i. WIITE GIRL. OR WOMAN FOR. GEN. hswk. or competent Mother's helper., 1503 Lake Ave. Phi. Wilmette 4835. 44LT19-ltP WANTED. MOTH-ER'S HELPER, Inqrninge, Maple and lSth Sts. Phone, Wllmette 2117.: 44LTN19-ltP 46 HELP wTrD.-MALE AND FEMALE ýALES PERZSONS TO SELL UNUS'UAL ,product, wiil supply ail* leads, gqodý ceommission, whole o rpart tie. Cail *Uiiiversity 7184 between 9 and 5 Mon., *Sept.,-lSth. or Trhur->., Sep>t.,18th. 46LTN19-ltp GARDENER FOR 2 OR 3 DAYS A- week, Giencoe. .ist class, with refer. XVrite A-21, Box 40, Wilmette, Ill., stating exper., age, and wages. Also 2nd maid for temporùry work. 46LTN19-lte 48 FOR SALE-AUTOS FOR SALE-LA SALLE SEDAN 1927. A-i Condition, driven otily -Witers, bargain. Cal] Gencoe 840. 48LTN19-1tW MODEL A BLUE SPORT FORD C ipe),000 miles, very good con- dition, ý$150. Ph. Kenilworth 39g, 48LTN19-Itc jUST, THINK!" A 1927 NASH ADVANCE "6" BROU- hian with built-in trunk in rear, nw 6 ply Generai tires. and. excellent fin- ish. A ridlculously 10w price for a car Ilike this. 5 Cooklflg, General ................f4 17 Cookin'Getieral.......... *'..$18 ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO BU 19 Cooklng, General ............... $15, men.. Twin beds; excellent1 3 Cookç and second together. priva te famiiiy; conv. to. N. Ail above must b le under 40 years oid N. W. service. Wilmettq 385 and-have A-i ref. We specialize ln white heip only. PAULINFYS EMP. AGENCY VERY ATTRACTIVE Roo' 748 Elm St. Winnetka 26621 floor, near lake ;and transp. 4411TN19-ltc Plh. Wlnnetka 1543. rbiLI 51LTN19-Itc 1 OR 2 PLEASANT RMS. FUItN. OR unfûrn. Running water. Opens onto large porch. Conv. business sectionl and ail transp. References. Ph. wilimtte 204. ý51LT19-Itpl DOtJ]3LE ROOM WITH 3. WINDOWS and fireplace, also single room at.910 Elm: St.. Tel. Winnetka 2336., LARGE PLEASANT ROOM, 1507, Washington Ave., Ph. Wilmette 4254., 51LTN19-ltp '2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT house keeping, also garage. 1023 Main St. Wilmette 3007. 51L,19-lte L AR GE LIGIIT COMFORTABLE room suitable foIr i or 2. Ph. Wilinette NICE1 SUNNY ROOMS - DOUBLE. single, and 2 connected. Sultable foi ladies employed. Also car spac e Winnetka 3595. 5iLTN19-lto. se, FORRNTAAT NT Wh y Waste Your Tim*e? LOOK AT LIND1EN MANOR WIRST 1099 MerrilI Street HUBBARD WOODS, ILL. Three-Four-Five Rooms Frigidaire-laundries on main floor. Col- ored tile bath rooins, (Tubs with show- ers). Finest gardeni court on north shore. Filled wlth flowers, window. boxes, hanglng baskets, etc. Very home- like-prices reasonable. W. H. CLARI13 Rentai office ln bldg. open ' days a week. 56LTN19-itc FOR RENT--FURN. OR UNFURN. apt. $40 per mo. also garage epace. 730 Central Ave. Ph. 'Wilniette 299. UNFURNISHtD OR.P.ARTIALLY furn. .3-room:garage aàpt. ,with or iyithout ga'rajge. Near H. Wds. Vil- lagge. 794 Walden rd., Wininetka 1976. 'à :56LIýN19-ltc 2--ROOM APT. UNFWRNISHED,: 468. Iiige ave., WInnetka. .Cali Winnetka 1460. . 6L.TN19-ltc 2. 100M KITCHENETTE APART- ment, stearn heat, jaflitor service, near transportation.' Ph. Wilmette 1800. 56L15-tfe NoI a ýwesLerII anud 1414 for pt mý 1

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