Autumn Suggests Savings iYour,.Ho me Bank Proviýdesthe Convenience hen ýNature turns th'ri ' h*fty it is natur-al .for. men and women likewi-se to give serious at- teritïo.n to saving,. Af ter «al, there is nothingr so conducive to a snug feeigo security than a substantial savings account. ,And nowhere can this impulse to sa Ve be served better than he*re at your ver-y door by your own neighbors. A, friendly Bank imbucd with- the community spirit -fuli, modern f acilities - husadapted to your advantage- we shahl be iglad toý welcome your savings account Today. TRUST RF-AL ESTATE 8 a. m. unt-il 12:30~ 7 uritil 9 p m. PI, rn.