Bishop William F. McDowell of the Washington D. C. area of the Metho- (iSt church will preside at the sesý- sions. Methodisnîi,- according to Dr. Hor- ace G. Snmith, pastor of the Wiimette church -which will h lie ost -to the conference. operates through« the miedium' of. a series of conference coiniprising the quarterly conferenref, oft e local chutrches. district sessions cornprising cornparatively sniall area.s, annual confierences of larger areaF (Rock River Conference, for exampIei' and Quadrenniial conferences affecting, the. entire denonîjuiation. The prirnary buÙsiness'of the an- nutalconferences, such as will be helci in W1.iliîette.* is, thé stationing of ninisters'. The -Methodist ch urch 'in- sistg that everv church nust have a mninister and every minister nîust have a church. Tie, denloinnation. Dr. Snmith ex- plains, is through with the policy of frequent c hanges in .l)asorates ijr. * vogur for so nany year 1s. A iniister tio%% reinains w i a côngregrati a long as his pastorate is rnutuali' agreeal)le. It is of record that i -i at least' onie instance a pastor iii the'Rock River Conference bas held the sanie ýpost for t wenty-ýsix years. Severâ,al pastors have frmained %vith the sanie charge for twenty years, and a large nuinîber hold records of fron; .,ten ýto fifteen years' Service in thlt sanie church. 4New Trier Boys Leave For Alabama University Eluier G. Berol Jr., 414 Gregory avenue, Wilnette, left last Fridav te enter the University of .Alabania, Three other. NeNv Trier High school graduates of. last Julie, also ýare en- téring Alabama. They are Claytom Paulson, WVilliam Conner and Thornas Wolfer of Winnetka. Ail four-of'the boys were letter muen at New Trier. Mr. and Mrs. Lester M. Branchi and their sinall son, Parker, have re- * urned from a two weeks' visit WIth Rollin Simonds, 834-l6th street,. has beens declared Wilmette's chamt- Piont horseshocs' tosser. Mr. Si- mnonds took the title: receû1y lit the matches contdicted ilnder aus- Pices. of the Wilmette Playgrôutnd and'Recreatîin board.* He supplast Robert 0lasdeIl, .1929 chamrpion, who wcas runnrer-up this seasost. Curtiss Airport EnrolIs- .Another Foreign Student. Miguel Tagalicud, who hails froni the Philippine Islands, is taking ai flying course at Curtiss-Revnols air- port. Two votlng wonien also en- rolled for fling courses there re- cently. Mary E. Oshorn, who spends has couîpleted the miechanics course at the Curtiss school down town, is nlow taking the flying course at the' airport. Urs. William M. Raiguel, her daughter, Marjorie,' and son,. William, Jr., returned 'to ,their home in Phila- deiphia after spending* a fortnight with Mrs. Raiguel's mother, Mr's. M. R. Barker, 730 Central avenue. -o- 1 107 Here is an, opportunity for everyone in wilmnette and vicinity to bave their rugs'and caiptscleaned at. a fraction of the regular cosi: of 6 per square yard for. Orientais and 4c' per square yard for domnestics. HEFRE'cS OUIROFER For a Iimxited timne, as> part of our expans ion pro- .g9ram, we will édean your entire collection ýof -rugs and carpets at adiscount from >the reguflar'cieaning prices of 31/3%ý Ay9x12 Domntie Rug $2.50 For more than 20 years we have been serving tliis communnty with a modern rug and carpet cleaning service,. owning tmd operating 'our own plant and our satisfied customers are numbered by the hundreds. Tis is y.ur assurance that your 'rugs and carpets wilI ha beautifullW cleaned, colors brightened, osp fIuff ed and *véry particle of grime and dirt removed. We urge you to aot si. once as our offer is for a Iimited time oitly. mum w ms. Cal Wilniete 1200 Greenleaf Ave. NO BRANCHÉS I Mbrîghts IBeauty Shop 1167 WILMETTE AVE. P'HONE WIL. 4517