* SAVI1NGIS FOR ALL Everyy low p ice. .epssbeb outcônomlcul *metho0 Qdé F bcd d1is- triution better enable you t u te table luxurie-Ond savingslimode at *Ur nearest dtore give, youm more money »0 .upend In your communlfy and add to your suvlngs eccount. Campbeil's Tomato Soup 3 cana 22c Go)IdMedal Flour ~20Oc R4V4b.80tc QuakerOat É2'Mi,21c Aunut Jernhwa PL4ICR 21'e 21 c crisco Fe*n 1 SIiced, Peaches PIeh .-LýOw e3 25c HOUSEHOLD SAVINGS Feis Naptha. Soap 10 barS 49c, a T/ils view. of Mrs. Ar thur J. ýLindsley's residence, 260 Oxford road, was taken during the receni Kenilw-orth1 Home and Gardeis club flower. show, uwhes the interior of t/he garage at t/te right tvas transformedÀnto a grass carpeted roomt in wvhicji ere arranged 1e' vari-colored flo es for' the exhibit.. Only club inembers cornpeted inilte shoiv; an-d the judges 2vere Mrs. C. D). Ezver of Wilrnett e, Mrs. Dou~glas Flood of Ke»iilwvorth, and M,'s. HarryPelers of Glencoe. Mathew Franicis Pho)tiý Mrs. Claude E~. Fitch aidhe :daughter, -Miss Rebecca, 1033 Eliii- wood avenue, Ieft Monday- for Cali- fornia, where they m-iIl spend the nonth, of October visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomnas Fitchi and their infant] daughter, Betty Loui. En route they %viIl stop "off to visit Miss Elisabeth Fitch, who is stationed at Fort Rilêy..- Kas.,, and then go on for a short stay at-the Grand Canyon. Miss Genie S. Paddock, daughter of Bert Paddock ýof' 1514 Highland avenue, bas entered Ilinois WVornan's college at Jacksonville. SoapFlakes ecn2 la37c 1 . mch53c Burnishine 1'2' .1 8c Co ..SIt S SOR im l 1ta0 08 golf." 25c -Flash Hand Soap cow 8c CHOICE FRESH MEATS FIRST CHURCH 0OF CHRIS*T, SCIEÈNTIST WILMETTE, ILLINOIS Chlckene. Frelh Dtgsed 'BDille-1 .2 l ANNOUNCES A 32c'b.* FREE LECTURE on CHRISTIAN BY SCIENCE Miss LUCIA C. COULSON, C. S. 'TUE 15 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND. -IV. Hams S rCur*d HFoe pSWhlI 27c lb. THE