WILMMBM lNca! 627. 11TH ST., BOULEVARD BLDG., Phone 3612 Teachers ini Charge ANNA CHiINLUNIU I.AURA COU PLAND ýKATHERINE HEIx;uN ;3th. Scason Now Open IMain,'Schol-509 S., WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO, PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS run for a perïod ofJ[ five weeks, Mrs. Kathe Miss Mildred, Van '1-or Clara Schur will be the e Vei and Wenifred Townsend Crese Coimccted icith the Ilîsi*c Staff .of NeivTrier ,Wll hold 'ensemnble classes in addition, to ber private ieaebing 3lo»day-4 ti'. 6 P. M. at New Trier High Scliool Sàturday-11. to lé' A. M. <t 027-lth n., 'Wllmette * Sturday-à to 8O'P.M. 819 Lyon &.Healy BIdg., Chicago For Ifottto PYtoie Wfnnetka 846 CIICK HED L@W PlUCES SUbIOE CALLINO THE CLEANER Purehasing your cleaning on a price basisalone, is ,apt tobe false economy, however, when you find the happy combination of price plus delightful workmanship, it's time forr action. 0Owning and operating our 'own plant, equipped with the newest labor savers and serving a large wholesa,.eclientèleenables us. to offer the retail customierth benefit of lôw prices, based on quantity production, w i t h o u t sacrificing workmaraship. Early in June the Chicagoans took. the local athietes into camp in an eléven-inning struggle, the score be- ing 10-7.- It was a thrilling battie, both team s fighting for every runî.. A return engagement Nvas played on julv 4. Wilmette avenged the carlier, trimrning by clouting the globule for an easy 14-6 wvin. At least three. more tussies- will bc scheduled for, the . wa'ing season.> Strong-g efforts are being made to in- duce the Chicago Union Gi'ants, a-. powerf.ul colored outfit.,to corne to the Village Green. Start BundIe Campaign to Aid Chicago Poor The annual bundie canpaign ef the Ciao Christian ,.industriai' league, 845 W. Monroe, street, Is un- der way according toô George A. Kil- bey, general manager of the leaguie. which is sponsoring this campaign iii pr.eparationfl *or the winter. The main purpose of the leaguec is to bef'riend the. homeless. poor and needy of the.city. Neither creed nor condition bears- aüy Neight whien thé, league. is called upon to aid' Chicago p)oor,-it.is explainé.d. Whiatý the' league cani do to re- lieve t he. suffering, which is botind to come with the cold of -winiter, depends upon the response of the people. in this campaign. "Ail we ask is that the 'people send us what they cannot use .anv .longer," said Mr. Kilbey,' "there is nothing that cannot .be put to sonie use'1 in our workshops. Furniture i, rejnade, clothing repaired, paper and rags bailed, watches and clocks arc made. like new, shoes are repaired;I and resoled. Magazines, books, rugs. carpets, dishes... pianos, bric-a.-brac tools,. aIl are acceptable,; though m-orni and broken the, article can . le.re- :conditioned by me ' and wvomen in an astonishing wav and be. made fit- for a~ part in this great- redemrptioil of men and hiappiness of f amulies.. Trhe articles not usedin h relief, are çnd t lw rie.thepincorne sgoing ices IDresses .... . VU Ladies' Plaited and Fancy, Vle Dresses ..... 15and $1.50 Telephone Wihne'tte '781 Evanston Phone-Greenleaf 7441 the Greenwich academv and lier sont, Henry, is at the Choate schiool for boys at Wallingford. Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert -Stoddard and, their famnily, of 534 Laké avenue have returned'f rom their summer1 home at Thousand Islandsin the' St. Lawrence river. ns, ý tor ý., tile ý 1