on the. North Shore, tian any othov niake HBumer! CLEANLINESS ABC is absolutely dlean in its eperation because of its principle of' mechanical atomiza-, tien. The oul is broken into a fine mist, and thoroughlyî mixed with oxygen. The'ý flarne does not contact with boiler but burns entirely suspended in mid-air. This results in com- plete combustion and the entire absence of smoke, soot or carbon. Excerpt. frem U. S. Governinent, Depart- ment of Agriculture; Bulletin Number 405: * The mechanical atomizing type of burner ,is less exacting as te type of fuel required, an& is less given te smoking and sooting: beçause of better combustion."ý Q ABC is more economical in its operation because' of itsmechanical atoization principi. this. principle:allows.us te burn. the lôwer priced fuiel ails which. contain greater. heat. values, and are lower in price than distillates and furnace ojîs. The ABC'flame is applied' at the grate level. wbere yonr hearing plant was designed to receive it. Absence of blowers and fans aise contribute to economy in opera- tion as well as the elimination of noise. Thousands of ABC users report savings, i operation over ceai. We will be glad te for- ward you a list of several hundred owners showing number of rooms, cost of heating with ceai and the cost of beating with their ABC Oil Burner. This is the real proof of ABC Economy., ABC bas been known for, the past teni years. ast a high priced quality Oul Burner.. Due te increased production and, direct factory distri- bution, it is now possible te offer a complete installation_ witb alI automatic centrols, 120 NO. Phone Winnetkaý 3440-3441 BUILT IN CHICAGO-SOLD., Haymarket 0081 INSTALLÉD AND SERVICED. B Phone Highland Park' 3093 Y FACTORY OWNED BRANCH