IFqurt(eilth $suitay after Triîlty tl:0 . ni.-sundity school and Bible Il :4. a. 1u.-- F'is rvie andsmn Sei-iiioii-"Thet, jjtrchiîîg Orders of tlie tlze." MEETINGS Miiîay iat 7 :45-(.hoeiehasl T'lslay at .7 :4-ýExeuttive cuîîmflitttC, of 5t'li<il'5 anid juIil5r. 'The services îîext i îidaty 11101-111,1g will be in the niature of preparatory s er vices foi' the' ainunal sonSmiiday *û tebe held SutndaI.tlnîorning aîîd eveuînIg, * Seitenber 98. A uuieriof.1)aiiilitt are befing sent outtfo allj'vlîlltl ca nt nîemlîîs (if the chnrt'h acq uaiîîting, themi with the pre sen t status of mission- ai r. iik itiîîsxsari, itl V tl <<il'chli nrch. Wé hli iptha t tiiesu ivill bu i ead l'yail coficetiîed andi that Misa-sioni S. uIl (a' 1'y will Iinid eveî'youie ieady foi, a wholelihearted response. Thle qpeaîkers foi the Misa nSnnday pei'vicùs are titi I te'.. Edward Schmtidt of:Sli boyg o' nierly connected ;,%it tte umission amtong *the.' negî'oes, and thie 1ev. A.,17D. Van- gerixi (f, Tabor I.utlieran cîjurci, (Chi-- <'ago. cIîtirian. of the Board of D)istrict Msoisand nf the ('hurcieh ,xténsion) Ftlnd of Novthern litiqins. The s(ýrvk(es will bt, lieid at 5J:30 ini the Sunday s,iinol. at 9 :45 and att 11 a. m., and alse at 7 :45 T)'it Jun ior youing peolce's aiociety andî Wal be lagut' lias iecidî'd te try out a, new .scliedu le.of nceiig the flrt to lit-' 1held onilt- 'firs Fi'id.:ty f emnttfg i théie îonth at 7 :15, and tht' second <oi the third Suniday of. the niontli at a cotwiî h a Illiht sîî' iltth éli rcIt, anid tht fleetIiligtg)h, 1io The senio)rs aindl jm-iovýrs a vo iiîtly arraltig a dinineî' andc programn at the ouhurchi- for soine cvuning ini the nuar future, to whieit ail tht- coîîtiî'iîtc4l ung people <if, tht-church aî'e to bulie ivitcd.L Thtis wili afford the young people an cpportimitîy of îîr(.eti1ig .a vury mpî tant inattel' hi' shlild le of îtrs to ail the. y-onng lpeople, -Iachl'foi. ,11( y 1 ice. Mf.. I'îs leta -Ati (iaîlu ditî of lt*.e hoir and oi'ganist ait St.,.lohns, is planninig .an1organ çcoîcertfor .11111- da veninig, Otobér I19, at St.! Johii's- 'Plie hoýir will ass is t iii, Iîresetlitiig a a- cred mnuiisie prograîni. ('lasses ;,foi' the 4Christian .ed .lcat iontif uhIildren wlvll begin at St.'Johni's on Wed- uîesay fte'noîtOétobei' 1, at -1 o'clîck, and will lie held every Weclnesday after- iboon ait 4, and, Saturday îtol'nings at 9 theveafter. Any chlî six -yeaîrs of.~ or above mnay enter these classes., vhichl 'PIe .Gir'l Sc4pti'it %viIl t1114 ttitis t aS f<iloîws :Tut'-sdaîty ait 3:45-l"îî4; lhit î sd:iy ait 315 Ti-uî<p 2'l'h urscdaiy a t <lai 3 týe îig ai J:.7 Mis;- àia1îiic'- 1l ill vi h , v an-il'gaîlt revit ai 1 suîtîuiay, ýset'î l-îIlîî-î' 2 N, t -I b'elou'k. T,1'e )îîgt'a ni wllle aîîîtti'î The 11tukkR1iver C o ife 'eîi' e.w'il hiid its irst fltilSession %W'edniesdalzy 'not'f- iîtg, (ît,îîl.i îfîîîlî'-î ii sei'-'iée %vili Uc hleld Tnesad&ty <ýv-iiitg. . ,-ie>i'30. A ti l i I uvitaiti \iI lic î-xt itdcci to the vu lire cotiîîîi aittendic aîîy ci al (,f thi'sîsscît<f it,- um'oference. Tt vîia csi i i j;I "ie 1-at'vist Hilîwfestivaîl. wî'ill lie htiîlail thi' La kv BTîîfclititi!-S'i teiîbei' 26. ,Lunîlieiiîîait 12 :0.AU fied ar tîi aî tski'îl-to attend- KenilworthUnion, Ki~iaw'ortl A-venue andî ariikJ~ i Dr.* WIlw-btt' L. Wiled ut, i'Ù4cîu-i I)t-i, 21, wtilIl he, "mîe C( litgintg Wîi . Titesevic tiII be at il o'clock. sîîîtday li i-loîîîts ai t 9 :45 a.;. 1 AU i t wtleît.e'tii tfie vajilis tla-ses whvîhalene' the o~îe'si f w'4- t t'a ic eat't" antd Iadet's. l)'.1,iiet- etrtedafteî' the sîvces oif l.;st S nay 'tii Pentwateî', Mlvii., wh'leî-t lie î'emtaîj,>ed iiutil Thtîî'sday of tItis wtvek, Wlîvî liantiMrs, iit î'îli- l)a'tii 1<Tilwvuîîth. I)tî'iing* tite suinuier 7.1-tley Werî'e in t%\elvýe Coîîtt'It's jail is'ands. . aînd thî'cuglioltt tUe tl' :tnd eNceilent opportuitities for obaseva- l ion aind stn-dy of cotîditions in the-,\va- î'itus locatities vlsited. ny- c 1ht'Iali of the atk oie f tlie î:mh eiwill lie eli uînder way.'Pi Ladies' gîîiid villi nîcet te begin flicir falli %-tii-k tIhe firt Mondayin li (ktober. Presbyte-rian Church Wîmatn 's (lui T"entlt aindlGi eicatf Itev. C ' y1dil lR. iaKi, .1), mnlster %1I C reen.wîîA (1 'i-n ie, ', initte 3281 "Reltaiil lîligits nltiai'iite -(î't of 1)î'. Wh-lîdsseritîn Sp tfi euîhu't 21attftle iIl'. a. tu, seî't'icof- wourshîiii. A cong'ega t ioîîa 1 meeting is valhed' foi' Oetober at S81p. ni. to ratify the building prog rani rec(iintelded by thie FRaiIy -Day in the Suilday siolis Suniday, September 28, at ct til-e t-lie proinotionai exercises for- those whci liaýu miet the requirernents ,vill be lhcld. 1 will ineet TuesýLy,»SpcYle 30, lu- stead of E ptember 2.1,at dte homeif Mrs;.E.,(G. Berol, 414 (regory aveiline. Sîtoke No. 6 wvill uteet TIuesclay. sel)- ttýit-br 23, at 1 :30 1).n. with i Mrs. (. X. Kellar, 820 i'rëenWooid venue. Spoke, -Nt. 7 will mieet Tuesday<, September 23, ivitli Mrs. A. P. Sunldiofl', i533', ie-i wood .avenue. Spoke 'NI). *l11 ill nl.-î' Tlues dàa, Septenîbur 2:1,, ait i11 a. ni. Nwitlî Mrs. J. P. 1towvey, 1128 Greenwoo'i a ve- M usic' for SuniaSîtît iuer 2 1 (01). 94e No. 2).............. Sî'Iiutl- TI,'e".................. Selnt-eker 'it).................aul 1Siilci-( )iLord Muost Rîl'.......... ............\t MiIss ( 'une Pit itt0-'iai'i ( A idat) ....VÉ rd i 'l'îi'eh îli-M aisIsoîl I le, Fo- <t'ai-o Ml,'. (Olga()tienî,i-ont railt4,'li Hýart, tellor.: Edw'ardths, as Jlaltist Charch 1t Gotorge P. Nlison, paîstuîî \Wîlîîtettc <i îîd First Av(enlies "A Clîuich lhaît t'a t'e.s" 'li. Sunda y ioî' ing ohi sel'vic"' îs att il *o'look, with tht' liastor, Iteî'. GUt-urge- 1D.:Allisoün, preaî'hing. '1herî- wiil als'o biga ltîllldi'eîî's story, aîfter w'hiclt - tulîtt le, ones w~ilIl e é dfor. lu the kindeî'garten rooi. .\ corciil Iî vitaîtion is exteîîded to 'stiangers i(] neuvconîi'rs in tlue villajge. TUe churc-.i, scllool, Fr;auk O.-Ste- lanîd. superintendent, Civnsait :i. TIhero are classes for aHýI ages antI n iiuî>)il.s wiliI be. eîrolled ipii peparation; for the iww quar'ter begilnning Oetober 1. Stîînday, 'Septenîhber 28, is Rally Day, fuI' the church. ald Scîtool. 'l' he youing people inee-(t ,t io'>ot' pî'nîtlyeuh -Sundaiy.t'vening. T'u- liruig'aLnti Sx jtndaýy 1)'i ( hin char'ge of, the Stewardslîip cofilnissioti', CYntIl fia luichairds, dirtecton'.Cotue i'epaî'ed .to lyuy your ticket. for thet'iluîhanluet,,ti( "Fali l Kik-off" pfflInied-fout'Friday, Sep- tei'mbcr 2(;ia ut f :3 0. 17flie nild-week srvic on Vüdnt'sdaîv -evening, Septeltiber 24, *11ll Uc at 8 o'CiOck, a1i hour of splentlid Christian feliowvshli. 'l'iie inîstor will speak on the thenlie, "41illî>ses of Bjitlsh jCatîte.- iraI1s." The Boy Scouts tiiei' fnll pré,gl'am of Septenber-. g i ast Wcek Thle Fi rs t C'ongi'egaîlioîal clini-cl of Wilmelte co.rdIi:llv invites its nienîbers- an(j fri ends to ittndI a farewell recep- tion for Dr.ij)gln Mrs. Loper, to lie heldl at the honme of Mi'. and Mrs'. Edwa'd -H. Bt-îîge. 924 Foîrest.,av~enuîe,. oh . Fidaîv evening, Speîii 26, fr9îîî 8 to. iV) o'clock. ,Kenilworth__,Episcopal. leiii vuitlî Av~enueîtanîd <tVarw'vic-k Ii Keniiwortli i ~e. Llaîd H I)nfortlî, rectot' -Septettîeri 21, thé3 foul'teý-th tli nday after "Yîinit y, alsîtSt. -M1atthew's I>aiy, wiltlibe eeiebrated with. the uslaîl Ilo]y (citiitluio.n -ait S o'ciîick lit the uiuiiuiig. 'Ple chui'ci iholqea.soii, ivliel <îpéried iast Sîînda.y, will b1egin ait 9 :30 c uc',foîlowîed ity study clisses. 'Plie ('linreli Nt,'tni'e seî'ies of. gt'ade-c courses ai'e ýusî'd anid ail .nrew chiJldîen eîîtériîîg the sucool ivililibe plaeed ini the wchool aecvorcling tô their Iwîý)1iî'sciti <iii nk. -Services 0of morîtiîg iu'a 1 eî'wiiili e read ait il o'coct itlýthotUe îe'tor tof t c-itih h peàlIlng _the serimon. Thle W onîan's guildill noI tît lod its -weekly nmeetingS untîl Oc'tolbeî'. B. thait. tirne notices tvilil be selit out to the ment- bers. Choir practie f5 is nw beiîtg lield *ait 7 o'clock- 611nTliurs,,d.iyevettifîgs i h choit' rooin. .Jiihn G. Bayils is lu -chat-ge. Newv)boys a're wveli<'ome tii join the choit' aî:d th us taîke tad*,-aîtiige -tif the unusual ol)ut>tuntty for miusi'atl tr'aining wvliuli is thus given. Evangelical Church 886 Elim.Str'eet, innetkac - Roy A. Thonipion, îaisttil 7!94 Elm Street, W~innetka- 2304 SUndaily, Septeltîber 21 9 :30 a. iii.-Sund(aysclioç9l. 11:00 a. ni.- -Morning worship. Spuoiail *singing by yoîîng ladies' quartet. 5 :00 p). n.-Y o) u n g people's meetinig. Subjeet:'<Is- it casier or har'der to lit a Christiafi todaiy than in thîe days of, itèe àarly chuirchý",- Spelaket',Edar 7:4j5 p. m: ôsjpel ser-vice. Rev;'. Fril J3eek of Mckeesport, Pai., wviil preacli. ThIIgIilîrdîY.Seît.enlilîr 2~ 8:00 p.-.Micl-wekser'vice. 1e.Pet- et' Devneél'a,, eviangeia-Çt frçotît itssiai. '"Blesse( ar'e Uth eaceke'. ir they. shah l e eiidthe (childi-eri -If' Mrs. E. F. Anglebeck of 1630 Wal- liit avenue and lier datusliter, Elaine, Thle Wc->n)tain't4 Aid tsocjtV wN01-boul it., Mrs. D. P. -Moreton ý,re the ireprLsemLita- next Sunday. The prlmary, juninor, and - r and Mrs. A. B. Siebold. anal flrs Illee-tin)g- of thti-yeaàr Titt-sdacy, S iv'estIo receive your. (ues. -*.- iterîntediate depttrtineitts wili n-eet 'if -Mr. ttîiilber 25. EF'ery woîtaîn iît tIleltî-l ---9 :30 o'eloek. Due to the rémodeliin their famiuly of 522 Forest a-venue f-or 'tsid(ered a nîernber ari $>,'ordi;i11y Butîdle Dai1î' of thte Christ ian Indus- tlhe chut-eh basementl- the primpry -îe j ave returned' after spending the Inyted tii attenid. The- ïj",iiolit ue 'îisrt.ilIague aire froîn Spene 22 -,,) partment wili ineet in the intermiediaite - season at their summner home at GuLi1 will lie heidat 10 o'clock, which is hi.Otolîc'7$. -AiU kindts of niaterials :ire -rooni. The basement roomns, itho"gh- lake ih -hour it whitch the boîard mieets.-Lunc h- solicltt'd. Kindly get in toucli with Ifls. not entirelv finisl-ed, can be -usel for the keMi. c-on wil l e served Ltf 12 o'clock Ubiý - RH Mrq ()d r -Miss 1lelen Frid- older pupils, and the juniors will ineet ""O0- - - Flrst division. At 1 :30 the Generffl -Xul 1 'Mn ~hnyout have any kind of miate- in their re.gulay room.and the Interjîte-- Miss Helen Braun has returnied to) mee-ting wiii lie hel. - inis for tUe work of the Industrial diates in the rooni. formnerly uelb U e oea 69Pareaeu fe egu.-prinjary departmient. The* kindergarten. e'riemavenuewith'her A goodly nîu-ber <if couples jttëje(j cior beginner.s department wili n-eet In the spenulng several ots. ihle the FI&Ui Frolue of the Yqunig Matrîed The Sunday scbooi shows the expect- chùrch Parl(,r at 10:5 h ih c-oibohrin 'TaaaseF. j