work done. during the past summer. M rs. Inez Bliss,' the C. T. 1. nurse for this district, reports that tub)ercu- losis is on the increase in Wilinette, and begs each anid every one of us to' cooperate with her to the fullest in the splendid work being done by the .C. T.. I. and our. oWn private I)hysicians, in* thecir *efforts to make Wilmette one- hundred percent safe- for our growing children and* with cooperation it can lie' clone, The Infant Xelfare* clipic 'conduc- ted at the, HoËvard school everv We.-- niesdav from 2 to 4 reopened, Sep- tember 10. The clini s maintain*ed for the sole*purpose 'of checking UP on thé weighit of the baby and to- iiistruct mothers in, thé proper -care and, feedingof, their children. The dental clinic was reopened Septeniher 16. Clinies are- held Tues- day mornings f rom '9 to 11.L * Besides. the general health progranm carried out by the Grosse Point *Health Center the nurse also super- vises,, thé 'health work carried., on 1 i four of the 'village schools, St. Fran- Cis, St. Josèeph's, Avoca. and the Point school. * Due to the lack of facilities for Htlie care of crippled children throughi- out theé county it. has been alimost impossible to arrange 'for the care * of otir "Sunshine Baby," littie Henry. After manv weeks o.f constant. but app)aeentlv fruitless effort Mrs. Blis-, %s sccessful in having Tlenry.takesi ino heMartha Washington Moine '.for Dependent Crippled Childrcni. Here. 'under the splendid care main- * tained iii this home, b li as spent 'a happy and profitable summner. How-* ever, this home is,'not self -sqpporting id has Many calls uponi and for that- reason the Health' Cen- tex- is planning a card party, the pro- 'cee(ls of which ill11 go toward . the needs of other crippled chldren, per- h.:aps that of a Wilmnette child. Watchi the I-ealth Center News. season wil wear en.urely new out- fits' Athletic directors of the scliools that are mieinbers of the league plan- îied to mieet Thursday of this week to dr'aw up the schedule for this sea- son. The league gamies are expectedt to. ,start nekt week. Robert .Z ecli, son o f Mr.. and Mi! s. -N. P. Zecli of 918 Forest avenue, has let for his second year at Williamîs college' in Massachusetts. INSTALLED COMPLETE As Iow as $395.o With 27l5 gal. tank Evanston Show' Room 162o SHEtRMAN AVE. Greenleaf 482.1-0W700> Northwestern is the ,best,ý because it is quietér, cleaner. and more economical tban, other. burners. Hubbard Woods> Show Roons 900 -LINDEN AVE. Wilinetka 65,o ýUniversity, Mrs. George Woodland omi Miami,, FI a., who lias be! n passing the sumn- mier with her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Woodland of Le.i- cester road, Kenilworth, expects to her home in Florida the latter part, of temoîitb. EVANSTON, ILL., For Informaition Cali Greenleaf 0007 .FOOTBDALL Oct. 4-Tulane .................. at $3.00 Oct.: 11-Ohio State .............. at $3.00 Oct' .18-Illinois, at Urbiana....... at $3.00 'Oct. 25-Centre $2ý.OO Nov. I-Minnesota at Minneapolis. . at $2.50 Nov. 8--Indiana at 1Bloomington. ... at $3.00. Nov. 1-Wisoonsin (Ifomocoming). .at$3.00 Nov. 22-Notre Dame............ at $3.00