fSeptember 25th and 2th 8:00 A. M. to 5:30 P. Mv. By the Crescent Circle of the Firat CongregatioÉmal Churcli of ' Wîlmette, at the I1147 Greenleaf Ave-, -Wimette dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E~. Nail of Mansfield, Ohioc are expécted nexu*, XVednlesday to spenld t wo. weeks ,yit l Mrs. :Nail's parents. Mr. and Mrs. JA. MâcIean of 924 Greeliwood, av- Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Berg and thcir son, Engene,lhave retuirnedafter two and a haif nionths' travel ini uroPe. EVANSTON FIEROWAHOS I Electdic Place, Wilmette 1839-49 East Railroad Avenue, Evanston Long Distance Haulin g-Chairs and Tables for Rent Phone Wilmette. 914. phone University M09 Turu Lust'Season's Clothes loto A Nfew War&robe! sesi(dalong those clothes that were o biait> talied l iat uililer 10 h lesiied and pressedi. Pries n~ere m.<ier ioiwer thniiol. MiEN'S Srt'lS and OVER((>AT! $1.00 ('Ieanedl ati Pressed. . 1,,%DIES' I)RESSI S and COA Ts $1.00 ('leayied and Il P:e .ed . .nd WEWi lti. CALL Fo R A-1) iI)plVR SPECIAL 9x12 Rugs Cleaned for PERFECTO 821 EMERSON STREE' Highest Gra&d UPHOLSTERING Cabinet Work PDrqper y, and Upholsvtet'g Fabt-icai ANTIQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture MASQNIC TEMPLE; WILMETTE REGISTRATION MAIN LOUNGE, WEDNESDAYS 2 to 5 P. M. Or. cail Evanston Studio' Jeanette Adland Sehoolmof Dancing 845 ChicagoAve., Evanston, 111. Greenleaf 3 744 isut avenue; 'WVllniette, arc shÔuFn here' putting books in their 'pro per places.a tire children's ibrarv on tic third floor of the National £'ollege of Edu(cation flu 1-vanston. Pris lib,:ary, according to Miss Clara Belle Baker, head of filic. chli- dren's sch6ol, is to bc one of tihe îost comsplete libraries for children ever asseciî.bled in Amnerica. Mrs. Robert Kenyon of Lake For- KenilWorth Beach Closâed est, fornerly of Wilmette, entertain- edl a group of her Wilmette friends for Season Last Sunday at luncheona week ago Wed.nesday., 'The Kenilworth beach closed for the I. ____1930 season last Sunday night. The 'For mation address 1434 Thorndale Ave., Chicago Tel. Smiiysde 5905 until Sept. 30 2737 Woodbine Avenue Tel. Greenleaf.0267 after Sept. 30 - 1~ Have Your Draperies Bedcing