Kilcer Cou» ttry club, îwith a lremmesi nUcnrisoe ncoutr- ages inembers, children to becorne proficiet golf crs. Under the tutielage :of .George Arnold, the clib's prof ess'ioiial, instruction 'Is gliven .eac.h Saticrday .1,noring. Folloiving thesé lessons, which arc, the children arc taken out oit mie of the Jwo. ipiterest>ng courses at Kildeer apid. accompatiied by somne of the . ncmbers, are permitted to pla 'y a feu?' hales. This. is followed by Ehe 'wckly, get-togcther luncheon which is the oitt.griozth of this ju-venile interest at KÏldeer. The famiI3y spirit prevails at' Kildeer apid for those 7who pre fer tennis there are -four excellent courts zvith taîl, shadyV trees. and the rarnbling, El'çlish-ti-pe clu:.bhotuse,foring a ,backgrounid of great charin and beautty. *Howard E. Preston of 1031 Green- While there he niacfe,.one of the. prize W ood avenue, returned last wek-end catches. of the season in a thirty-six froi Rainy- River, Ontario, Canada. and a tbirty-two pound musk-ellunge. AND TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THSEBARCAIN PRICES * Fur coets' of. the, ighesf qua iiiae 0 be priced for one more week ônl~Le tIeprices given: which are, f arer heprice, levels . .. even ,wth co .*s longer -and* wider. n '-id xtemy inférestiog- price advantages of -S4p- tember, are igreeter then In many yeers. And no ýone cen foreteil how high, Fali and Winter prices wil be on fur'coats. M ONLY ONE MORE WEEK ofths Exceedingly Low Prices as low as ............ Northern Seat Northern Muskrat Russian Pony and. .:Caraculs, ail as low as. Raccoon and Hudson Seat as low as. $69 $89 .$195 Natural Siberian Squirrel as low as....... Canadian Beaver à$ low as...... 'j Here in WInnetka is a tea, roomn whiehý las affainéd mueh . distinctio)n. and in a very short period of time. Is yours one of the many north shore families. "a A. smaUl dep osit. will hold coat until tvanted 33% Discount on. Ail Repail Woik During Septeniber who avail themselves ofheb service andi environnient of the Ind lan Trail? Phon nk. 0tK4qu ..1,atlhit,1 .À11111b1,11. iIIIIIIfI bi, ÀuIl Manuf act «ring Fut riens 548-5,0J LinWeIn Ave. Phone Winniétka 2752 I of