AT THE NORTH SHORE TALKING MACHINE CO. IT HERE TIEltRCA at an amazinnq Iow Price, TIbi. nest RCA Radiola cmr buit-the latest achwevement Of the .iworls foremost staff of radio experts-Corne in co. day-heur id the afternoon. Students o.f Vie Mallinckrodt have beeii ver 'v active ini the transcrihing of .books for the blind. Special classes ini Braille were organized last year for. students -wisiig to give their spare, tinie'after schiool lî.ours to tipis praise -worthy work. They- were so fascinated m-itl i*t tîrat they continued, months. New classes of Braille mill be opèned, again ýthis yçar at Thle ',alinkot at Harvard, but Helliitit bas de- cided to attend KnoNx college this ytar and to enter Harvard. as a soffho- m~ore. The Misses Gretchen Wtt, Ma\fry anîd jean Forrest, Rosalie Roach, ail of Wininetka, and Bethi Brower ot \Vilnïettc, left Sunday for,,Deuison university, Granville, Ohio. They will. ail lie freshunien except Miss Ma.ry For rest. classe~s dL lu DJ OCKV Ve(IISýa v the wvomen mêmlers of the club. Mr. Bolm b las been-director of thie Ballet of the Chicago Civic Opera tonîpany for the past two years alid ehc 'Metropolitan Ballet for several years. . Miss Ludmîilla Speraniize%%,a anld Miss-,Driunilla, Schroeder vil1 as-, nit u ii teachînig flieseparatc boyiýs' and 'girls' classes. The chul- (ireil fromn five vears of, age and upl wîl st(lVaesthietic,tai), andilalro claing. Viss qSpcranizeia. wil1teach th( 1 wonen's class iiticler the direction À)f Mr. flolmi., t. xviii 1iea class Mni rhviýtihnîjc hodv culture.. 'l'lie irst ses_ sion mnet last \Vednlesdla\,. Boys -Must Find Work, ,Or. Else Lose Schoolinig 0. A. Oaks &iirector ot studnei 1)loYf'lienit lat '1ew~ Trier H iglaI schioo)l, lias muade an -appeal 4o resîdlent..,'of ,the tonh to lielp N) Trier blwiV, x<ho are in need iOf wo ,.severai boYs xvill be unable b Continue in school unlecss thev can tbnd îiart-tilQ work, lMr. Oakeès states. 'wo o f ili, boys wvoiiît like to veilier ýiii tht( ano,)riiing> or the atternioo n îd: spend( the o(-thcr hali, of the tlay i.n scliil.- Anyvone laving a job> or Ne cw* i net Oaks at \\Ilicntka 2400'. New Trier Is Organizing Its Cheer Leading Staff Candidates for positioiiw as chieur leaders at Nevv Trier Hig.h school huld their first meiT usa-oftlis, wveek iii the Tfri-Shiip clul> rooani al the sli'obl. Onlv thirce clielcrledr reiain froni last vear's staff. Te .,are joe, WhIiite, Ldar Haighit andl Don Hugfhes. AIl of these l)o's arc juiors. 'liec cheer leading staff usual- lyý coii*$sts of about twelve l>ovs *working under the directioni of the Txri-Ship club. New'imembers of Ihe staff will be apnouunced folloing the conipletion of tryouts. 380 Central Ave. Highlan Park 2620 Highland Park 742 Elm St. Wiinnetka*3174 winnetka Phione Univ. 2238 Dne L. STUDIO Ev. nston 1606 Chicago Ave. -. PortRAYts fliat pleas. AUCTION AUCTION. By order of thé Board of Directors of THEUEESTILE CO* We 'will on Thursday and, Fnday, September 25th ani 26th at 11:00 a. m. each day at 3832-34 Broadway seil at pu~blic auction this $25,M,0 stock oft OBJECTS D'ARTS consisting of an unusual stock of art olijects, lampa, etc., îniicluding: li.tial wriiiwh t I nii, lia aîîxîîcýre-d brns, birmize, , miýi m(ld i rlle lié se Illoor, ftaule n;ii boudoir lumps. I'nr*aaîa antijf iiloIms gof bhras emnl pi-Mer. Illit lios4wood an mnaîmriw eqtop r~nem-i 4mmnodis. .a î IIIiiEsq iitrJr.iî . 4~. Ijine 11 nmu.%eara iug table t. rt- (lîimî's. liot-Iouri l'uses. jtit mental tree, auite (of prec-iýios I(ne. Jl zt i lmià4d iiiami.tiri-s mi Crqbniî. (-4rc .1ea nnd leýIIioIin< SOS. of, uidcigarette boxes, aiiiirt)its, iiit.tu(, canille. ticks, eanalitIn bru. lin i en ~edChiesesoi»~t3iefiiur~tts >îîî diis l ronze. Ihalian waîll 1).annctrs, îîmi tampstri4es; mi li plnlng, nue s. Meicinyx car- iatit- ioivrs. )i»rijle muid <)im stIiIe1) >is4- t s. vdoe)c k si at t rays, aiîîiizr l ie uî'ur se-ts,. ciipw ' docks, diailer Ielis. anti mrioiis otlite! itistoat nhaneroits ta o, iin Stock on exhibition We nesday, September 24th, Michael Tauber & Coniany, Aucioneers 411-423'S. MARKET ST. 00.