Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Sep 1930, p. 35

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suiccessive .Satur(lay atternootis, bc- ginniiigng ctober 4, in the Jamies' Simpson theater of the niuseumi. Al ývill. begin at 3 oý'cl-ck. Botlî pic- hures and stereopticon Si(ICS wîill ime ilsed hIo illustrate. ther. This is thie fifhvr-foth lisucb Course ho lhe given un(lier tIue aislces of the iUseu.i. Mien eninent in thue fields' of ex- ploration and research are schceduled ho appear ini the serics. Thé sljc of the first lecture. ho. l'e giveni Saï- llr(Ilv, Ochol>er 4, is "Pictuiresqtîc Jaj;- pan." -mol hie-speaker,-%%ill i)e Horace E. Colemianl.-a ChicagoaliN\-ho \vasa resi(lenh of jatiai for niore than twei-, tv vears. On Ochober 1l the lecture 'ë mll be on ".Primitive 'rribes of Alizola,(Por,- ttîguese Wcrst Afr-icaW'. Wilfrid DU IInll.assistant -curator of Afric11 ethniolo)gv ah the nîutseumi. and, leallc of the récent Fr.ederick H. Rawsoui- Field Nltîseuini tlooiia pe1 tion to \'Vest Africa, will, he the ece- hurer. :Uppîer Atuazon" iýs tlue stibject of t112.- lecture for October 18. 1.1lewelvn. Williamns. of the msu' oaia staff, who led the Marshll Field fltaiclExpeditioif tb Pemu whVlich rehurnied a short limle ago. -,vill1 relate, his experienceS. Tl ie Ochober 25 lecture will le - ,n 4iMadIagascar and Hem Pon."D-;. Lîtn rPtessor 'of anthrôpçoiogy a the t'i -e rs itv ,-of,\Visconsîni, w-ho "-sleader of the -Marslball ih v ascar., is. to l)e thîe sekr~ Novembei)r 1ithue suhiect 1IS ho 4e "Ou I> IIo.seackto the Glacial Age." and WValter L. Pavie (of tieDeaheu * of Public Instruction, \\'ashingto!1. D. ,(C. w-ill appear. Dr. Svlvanuis CG.: Morlev of t1le Car 1negie -Inistitution Iiof aint. D.- C., w-i leztuire Noy'enber 8.o the stlbjecf. "ArcIae>olog-icaI Exp)lorn - tions -in the Maya Field and a Des- cription of the Aztec and M-\a>Na Hier- "WTViII Insects- Displace Main ?" 4s *thle tilleofthie: Noveniber 15.1eçt.ure., This subject wllbe ciscussed !)y B')raNtoli Eddy of Providence, R. I. * On Novem-ber 22 H.. C. Ostrander of Yonkers, N. Y., will giVe a. lecture -on- "Siain and Ind(o-Clhîna. "it Pinchot in the Sott Seas" is - hie Sepýtembnler 22, 1862, Abrahami Lini- colin issuied biis proclamation declar- ing freedoni to ail slaves on Ameni- can soit. Orle of the irredeemnable losse, of thie Chicago' Historical so- ciety sustaîned at the tinTe of the Great Fire.of 1871 w'as the burning of thc o()riginial draft of the' Emancipa-_ tion Pr(icilli-ation-. Ini respoiisc 10 a request froin the xoen ini charge of thle Northivest- cri SanitarY Fair, L.incoln sent theé original draft to be auctioned off for the b)lcc (f tfhie. Soldiers' Holme ini Chicago. Il-is'letter, enclosing the draft, iii part rea(l .1 i ad soxue de-. sire to retain th *is. paper, but if it, shahl contribuite 10 the relief or coin- fort oi the soldi ers,, that vil-l lebe ht- The (raft 'of the proclamiation wvas sold at pul)lic auction and Nvas pur- chased )v Thoînas B. Brvan, for $3,000. Facsiniles of the draft weëre made b ' Mr. Prv.allaid sold for two djollars each,. the proCee<ls of the sale. also tof go to) the Soldiers' Homne and the oril-iinal doetment -,vas thei (leposited i*i tthe -Chicago IHistoi ca societv for safe keepîng. It was frarn'ed anj(l placed oni Ii ýwall. At the linie of the fire the assistant, sec- retarv of the societv, îhouightfl o this vatllal)le doumnt0edavor-d to wrench it. froni flic wall and carr ' it to ,a -lae of Safetv but lw Nvasý Iîînsuiccess-fl and harelv escapcd withl bIis owinl Iue. The societv feels fo- tunlate in having onle of the facsiih2s-. of tis in asterfuil document as iiiost of thlese -xent tlie saine time as. the original. HONOR.ED BYI' UNGARY Dr...ichiard lT. Eh'. directorjiffthe = istitute for research in land econloml- ics and1 public utilities Of Nrhet cmi uîiiiversitv. this xeek 1eceive(l a lettr nîifvu 1 ini of is 'lectio as, an ioinorarx,, nieibcr of Ille H-11- garian Statistical societv ah .thie. cigh.Itii annuiial nîceti' il-, Budapest., becausý'e of blis ý'liuerliatio,îaIl ac- .n vedged incrits Iu the 1 -IcId of sha- tishi cs.ý" f Mi-ssMarv Beanil, daiglter of M r. and Mrs. W, 1. Hean of 411 Sheri- dan road, left Tuesday to 'enther thej frst vecar of twý,o-Near college No one type of cleaning is suitatile for ail Oriental rugs-that is whyour expert, Mr. S. K. Jorjorian, È arefully inspects every rug > that cornes in for cleaning and decides what' pr.ocess shall be used, This promiss must first thorougbly - clean the rug - .it must raise the Cru Shed nap-and restore the'original - beauty and lustre. Ibis work scien- tifically- done will 'add- years to the life of the rug. Lord's Rug' Cleaning Methods, assure coplete satisfaction.! The charges areè no, bigher thani you pay for ordinary ýwork! Your receipt is your In-: 'surance policy for their safe return! * Pone Todoy-WVilmet'te,3700 Lord's Oriental Rugs-Second Floor I'S OUNTAIN, L OR D.SQUR w ORD'S Fait" Fountain Square Footwe*arý 1/s) -;TSImmdo '<Pàivacy you'l enjy" SUT-BUILDING HOURS-9:OO-6:30 FRAN KUN »Mi 55E. WAUeHINGTroN STr. CHICAGO moderate prices. Lord's Fashion Footwear-First FIloor

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