Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Sep 1930, p. 38

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lication must reach the editor bY Wednesaay noon to Insure appearance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obitu- aries, notices of entertainmnents or other affairs .where an admittance charge is publiied, wiil be charged. at. regular advertising rates. Grade Separation wiII save lfte Let's have immediate action!. Al formier' presideîit of a 1..t1 shore Chaniber of Commiîerce iii speakiii- at a mleeting of his as ociation. divided ils vorkI lito't %%-0activîties, cîvie Cii ad :111proinlotioiial BUv c i vi C activitv li nimaiît t lie Pro otinal"betternient of the village as a m ihloJle <efi iphaSýiztd th1e veryn l)ortaii at itcî'cactivitv imianis first of -al co-opieration with .v'illage oficiais.. 13N" )roiilutotial actîvitN, he îucait pri- iliarilvftite boo-tmlg of bsnesand 1) 1- fessional activities in. the comn 1 tîtv, dt improvenit of Commercial andi profes- sional service, and thcefflectiv\e adyer1tisiîig of thi iîuprve(l srvice. ',isacivîty was also 10 inclU(le the fosberiîig and îccsn lcgitiniately of C ivic pr-ide. a fecling w~itli- out nhc f o (ilniutinlt\-,.cafl lb sceemis 1 us thatevv uissîan 011 the inorth shore )Iuil Con)iSi(1C1 ai- *flully die ~od ftliis speaker. -.irst .()f ail lie shoili(1 Jwni is own local chami)er .ot coiliiCe, or its anvl nad t1ii see to it thlat amiong bisatviisIee *tx\vo, .cîvic and pr-oînotionial. 1 i>Ytl.. foremlost places: Afbter bbc prdi >l on h lad s h*tbi i- * eîance ini notonis living y1wë(lecided to. retunril. t() iis fatiier and get dç>wn 10 work agam So e paked l) Retutrn of wîIa t uttle Il'(, ad lef t the Prodigals a1mi haded .for honwi. A\s Iluck. vo li ave il, thie quatcly welcOmle(l wiil take UP thleir. va- nous occupations With renewred vigor and( enthusiasmi and stop; talking about what good limies thcy lad upl there -\hIere there xvas plenty. of imie to slcep, and cat ail ( plenlty . of wonderfuil air, _-vater, andIilî If a hmkee lives in a village \whcre there isý garl)aàge iicinratôr, service. shé caii co-olirate iii a, wav ituaIwill be real Wht sCO-operatioil. Why do WhlatIs .\Vcespecify "garbage CGo-o peration? iicincerator".? For the * simple r e a s o nl that mlos t so-calle*d co-operabion is of sucëh a, vaýguie.genieralch, aracter as ho 1b)e coilletC- ly ineffectivre. Iî's like the âverage prayer- meeting tpe of religioni, f ei glon that costs-nôthing and g ets 1no.wliere, a nre enuotionial -ili(luilgenice.'e vanh t o c.111 attention t0 a kind of co-operahion that is 100 per cent effeefivé 'tnd withili the reach of ail except infants ili armns. Here it is! After accunmlating garbage, dlo thiese three thiings,, and vot ill be co-,ý- 01erating wrth youri village officiais: (1). lDrain th.e refuse 'of ail surplus water. (2) Wrap il weilin p Ilenîy oýf paper. (3) Place il iii covcred containers where il niay be picked tup by village trucks. Do thiese thirce thîJng-sand(lvoti -will 1w co-operatitig. i)eigwrof the Ra'hai Temple, at the ~1Cof 74, Louis louirgeois bias not iived 19 sec the consuinimation of bis great visionl. l'le Great Builder of the Louis temple inot made vt Bourgeois liand(s <li(lnot scee fit to grat ho the architect. .' cii a gcl1mTi)se of that remlankable strue- tur1c whiclî w ill doubltless le1)e"built. upon the founldationii ow standinglopposite the> Bour11geois home. Whîat a vision thatîit mst hiave been! Whiat *ail appeal to hlmii the grieat conicc-')- grava ted. A littie expérience of last Sabbatli day nmay serve as a gentie warniing to those who enioy "iinig". by _means of nmotor propulsion. Our party laiunched forthi upoin an expédition that was to have its ultilate destination at Glen Elýlyn, a beautiful village of verdure clatI his' and' dales somle thirty, miles west of the Ioiop. H iabit directed our tru5ty conveyanlce dcown McCorinick drive, thence west on Touhy ave- nue to- Mannheim rôad and tlience--well that'i. wvhere the sad:,story begins. -Detour, folloNwed detour until we 'found our- selves approaching Glenl Ellyn froin a point on the Joliet road -sortie six miles South of Ou~r desti- nation, adding soine twenty muiles to Ouir course. Homieward bounid, w'c were assured. that, the b road expanse of Northi avenue. (as beautiful a higiw'ay as one finds, initîhe Chicago reio) WVOUl(l lead us, without-detour, directly nto Maiiin- hieini road, and bo, %Vhat happened-?. Elmhurst. *peiaceful Suburb of the -%vest is literally crammed Mith motor traffic convergîng UI)of a single hiigliway, from :four. or 'five*traffie arteries. Thirty mniutes Of alniost comlété stanldstill. Eventually Mý,annimeili road and uiÎiterruipted"travel back lioilc 't the dear old north siiore. Mèbbe you'Il thank us for Ïle-gratis reminder tlat the xý-est suburban area is, just inow% a vast network, of detours-somne good, others not so Ihot-and A l uite-circulitouis., \Vitin a fkw eeks, perliaps, thie way wi11 bc. cleare(.l ant ail li1 e w~ell mith bhec motorists' wvorld once agailn. M.%eanwhvllilc the, goir1g î'sn't, so bad if you have lots of'tme and ,doni't object to traffic jains.. *You're Welcoiieý! The Shceriff, w!hoý is olne of the more favorcdf of the present Repuiblican (mnnstaioslirc- ings, spenit some tune hast weck obscrvuig actual eniforceinent of the l8th adniendnit as il -1s ,condutced at thie Canadian bordler. hardihy Detroit. It is an interestiiig storv, if you care to squneeze' *tuie facts from Shêniff Joc at the imodest fec of $5 asccee aSt eekwè cominented. upon Sehooliiaster Harper of Wilmcttc and ]bis prowcss, at golf!. lie is, i f you.r. c al. a fariner by avocation. Now, coines the fasci nating intelligence that .M r.- Harper's o.nly boss1 (outsidc the homne').one Hcnry Cutier, president. of the. \inIwette Board of Education, is also a tiller of the *soil w%'htn not absorhed wvithm bis law practice and educational duties. Mr. Clut- 1er, we arc informied, conicentrates ulpon hbring- ng up prize HIosteins to Nwell-roundi(ed ml-aturity. Recenit meetings of the school board, we learn., 1inr ino siiried iscusios cncebte on in- lakes. . What ve ry little cash they lbad saved during the preceding moths went int the pockets of hotel keepers, greater and.lesser. And how cordiaIly ýthey .were received We have good reason ho believe that practically ail the property owners on the suggested short cut route f rom McCormick road to Sheridan will be gratified to learn of the county board's willingn.ess to aban- don the idea., leasb miot il season shia have passed mbnt almr mermiory., Besides,. the boys will tel You, we niay bave a new manager at Addison andI Sheffield next year. .-MIQUE.

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