A washability expert will be in this storefrom September 22 to 2 7. IT'S "YOUNGýPEOPLE' ati the Eva nstonristore r q SWEE K" Sucli a number of attractive values i n boys' and -girls' apparel that we decided to " make a week ofit" ...look over these values, and' VOu'll find many more, to... in coats, suiits,, dresses and accessories! Sketched above, gi rls' feit with cushion briii... alcolors and headsizes, $8.75 Also, a. patent dre.ss,,shoe for the younge,1r girl, sizes 2Y2 to 6., at $7.50 e >11/ SEPTEMBER SALES clothcoat. Red, tani,blue, orchid, greenl, brown, sizes 5 and 6, priced $1495 8 to 14,~ -dat $7,