Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Sep 1930, p. 42

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Largest Number of Merit Badges Awarded in 1929. Avards of 511,195 Menit Badges ini scientifl.c vocational and general sui)- jects, the greatest number issued in one year, since the founding of the Boy Scouts of America, were made to Boy Scouts during 1929, accordjng to a report recently made 'public bY Dr. James E. West, cliief Scout executive. To win a Menit Badge in any giveil subject a, Scout muâ-t lroveAlis ef- ficiency by pass ing Ianlexamnination arranged by the. conîmittêe on, badges, awards and Scout requiremÈetïts, of the- Boy Scouts of America. He.niusýt also have a working knowledge of each *of the subjects stîîdîed. Tlhe purpose of the Mierit Badge programn isto give everv, Boy Sco'ut ail opportunit'v, t o ol!)taîin a. working knov.ledge of -flie different trades.vocations aid pro- tlhat lie niiav have ail op- portiuiitv 1(1 choose as lus life work, that wvicli particnilarly appeals to hlmi. Otlîér ,til)jucts for wihMenit ,ages are gîi'en provideanppr tunity foir ,a.,boy to (dévelop iniiself physicallv .and, mintally. a Boy Scout. mliglit cariu a 'Merit Badge duriing 1929. Effective jantnar 'N 1, 1931, two m'ore Menit Badges, iin Wood Turning aiid ZoologN, will be availal)le. Iii addition to tlue vocationial a'spects of the' Menit Badge pro- gram i f is so designed thiat it guyes a Scout genieral eduication in inîanv subjects whièh woid iot be totichetI in the regular schooling. It is interesting to niote tlîat tlhis. year again the Craftsmiaiu'sbiip Menit Badges, whichi boys obtain for work- ulg ini Basketry, Bookbindi'ng, CenwýI Work. Leathercraft, Metal Work, Pottery, Wood WVork and Woodcarv-. ing. appealed.nîost to the boys. col- * lectively. In these sulbjects, 72,593 badges wMere iss 11ed, ail in crease of 6,674 lu thîe saine group over thé * previouis vear. The study of filrenîansîip annealed'S North Shore Scouts Attain Eagle Ranking Camping offers one of the finest op- portunities for individual develop- nienit and scout advancement. This year. at. Camup Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan four Scouts tompleted their -reguiremenits for "ýEagle" the highest rank In Scout- ing. One other North Shore: Scout finiished bis Eagle at, a Minnesota, Scout, ,camp. .George'Bersch, Troop 4, Wilmette; Wilbert Kunz, Troop 8. Wi'imtte; Charles Dostal, TÉroop .23. Glnco;john Fischer, Troop22 Glencoe; Robert Seller, Troop. 22, Glencoe, are the Scouts.wbioreceived- thisý outstanding award at camp,. It is noticeable« that the 'Scouts' who !nakeé the mnost outstanding prog- ress ini are those Nvho bave theý most camping. experiènce. Op- portunity 'for (le-elop)ing -and demon- stratinig leadership abýilitv aànd oppor- tuniity for the real,,practice of living lie, Scout, Oatb, and Law~ are very great' at camp. Tbese two tbings- are reqtiire'd f or ýEagle and the new Eagles certainly have denioîstrate'1 in a capable miarer their leadership a.nd Scout-like living. The North Shore Area Council congratulate each of them. Photos of Scout Camp Win Praise fo .H. Moulton lnoaa e R. H. Moulton lnoaia, etrphotographer, deservesa great daofcredit and praise for 'the-fine stof more than seventy-five '8x10' photos,' he took of the' activities,' scenery and group pictures at Camp Ma-Ka-Jà-Wan this summer. Ail of these photos are on display at. Scout Headquatters ini 'Highland Park and are available if desired. A numbèr of the pictures have ben, enlargcd to wonderful l5x20 sepia prints- por- traying sorte of the beauty of Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan.. Members of both the Regional and National Boy Scout Council are very i'much impressed with the fine pictures. Scout S Gieorge Il'. Brsch., assistant .S(olltnuîistcr. of Troop 4, Wilmette, was rccently m>ade an Eagle Scout,. tfl ic hcst awvard in thé gif t of the national Scout ilovemcnt. I-He .has beciu acti-Pc "lit Scout workfo ' Round Table Seminar !Ield for Region Seven* The annual Region Seven Round Table Seminar ývas held at the Edge-- water Beach hotel in Chicago- iast, Tue$sday and. Wednesday, ýSeptember 9th and lOtlî. Executives. from, al the Councils 'in Region Seven mere ini attençlance. Dr. George j.* Fisher, Deputy Chief Scout Executive of the Highest Rankiin Scouting Awarded to George Bersch The National Council, Boy Scouts of Amierica, has awarded theý higheést rank in S'cout ing to one of the Most outstandinig scouts in the No-rth Shore, ýrea 'Council,. George XV. Bersclh, now Assistant Scoutmnastcr of.Troop 4, St. Augustine'$ Episcoi)a; church, MXilneitte. Thjs award Nvas mnadeý this sunier at the closinig campflre of Camp Mia-Ka-ja-Wýan. Eagle Scout Bersch lias> an out- standing record ofaciem tad service ini scouting. He joinied Troop 4 under Scoutimaster D. C. Leach in April 1924. Mr. Leach. is stili the ScQutinaster. Geé'tting bis, second ýclass> in Noveniber 1924 and bis first class in FehruarY 192.5, Scout Berschi con- tinued to advaace' receiving rank in Mav ' 1927 'and, li fe inu Match 1928. WVhile cou 1tinuing to advance hùnself, Scout Bersch b-asgiven a vast ainlotnt *of service and leader- ship towvard buiflg bis troop, lielp- ing the. couincil.' belping bIis coin- niuniity, in scoutiing, and alwavs freelv giving of bis abillities to the service of-others. E'agle. Scou't.,Piersclibas been presi- dent of -the Ordler of',tbe Arrow, tbe H4onor Camp 'Brotblerlîiood, for the past year and bas just been ýre-elected to the office. He lias been an excep- týional leader in bis troop, in' couincil activities, and at camp. He bias beenl a Senior Officer at Camp Ma-Ka-.Ja- Wan for the past two years with a fine record there. Through bhis. leader- ship many iNorth Shore boys and men have learned to know and likeý him and ail enter in hearty con- gratulations to 1dim for thiis'achieve- Ment. Sea ScousWilstar in Big Fete Regatta The Chicago Fleet an ,nual Regatta wiIl be celebrat-cd iu Grant Park on the afternoon of Suniday, September 28th. This is exnecIed, to bé the biLo'. 6.Uncle Dani" as dutt-iin.tia'ted. Or- boy. the veteran sco der of the Arrow v Members of 'the thi ssdeveloped pr'op( North Shore will be glad to knioNv hood it will enlarge t' that -Uncle Dan" 'is nowý one of the ture of' the boy so brotherliood, and will, want to joiin becomes a mian i w the Council in congratulating him. rather ýthan smaller., ,iI Aiy in ev'&yn, vitie flLin minaU, ior is year adiU said. and if this is but the first, They will meet [y durng boy- soon to inake final plans, for ir- Sspirîtual na- rangement andatednetowa Eat when he. is sure to be; the flnest Camp Re- grow larger. union ever.held on the North Shore.- Watch for, the date! STANNARD RECOVERING Mr. Harry Stannard, chairnian of the Glencoe District Boy Scout coi-- mittee, who lias been laid up by a fractured foot, is' now be up and around for the first limue in 5sev- eral weeks.

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