BOOKS Angel 'Pav*ment J. B. Pr4iesfley' Harper& Bros........ $3.00 A Note. n Musc Rosamond 'Lehmann Henry Hoit &Co....$2,50 Caie Gay John' Buchan Houghto.n, Mifflin Co.. $2.50ý Goodby. to Western Culture Norman Douglas, H ,per. Bros..... $3.O0 Journal of Thngs. Ne* and Oid Arnold Bennett, *'Doubleday Doran...$2.00 24 Hours 11Louis Bromfield Stokes, ..... . .. . .$2.50 The Fire Witbin -eorge, Gibbs Appleto)n'& Co.. ..25 Mahatmna Gandhi's Idea C. F. Andrews The Macmillan Co.-.$3.00 William Howard Taft Herbert S. Dufff' M i rn n B a lc h & rC - <F A_ Lord's Frt Floot Juat Inside the West Devis Street Door pohitics and marriage are degracting, for it records successes ini each 'of these berated institutions. Tbe story of Anne Conrad"i, bonli Anne Chamberlain, froin lier ratfier sordid, girihood,-to .ber %wifebood in the -*Wite ilouse, is no Cinderefla- like renoval fromn povertv to, riches.ý Anne's prince cornes ini the guise of a, young lawyer,. Neal Conrad, just starting bis Practice. The -gentle yet niasterful way in -whicb b: e wîns Anne,. Iovely amonig unlovely sur- roundinigs, arousies the keenest ad- miration for him at the outset. Anie on ber.part, recognizes the prince îin spite of the, disguise. and two very happ)y peoplesI)eiid their honeyinoon in Washington, a sort of.glamnorous city of dreanîs to thein thenl. Bâck ini Hinsb)oro, the smail city where Nýal bas bis practic.e, th.ey set about the bxusiness- ofborne- a:id career-makinig 'inireal earnest. There ar e naturally sonie few. bitches and balks in the perfection of their biappi)- ness, althciugh Nfeal goes steadily ahead ini law and politics. Here onc trembles lest the; other mnan or wornan appIear and the story assumû triangular propyortions. But Anne and Neal tiever falter 'in their genu mne love for eacb other and their loyalt ' niakes one ashanied for' sundry other, current novels. Anne is as wonderful a niother aýs Eysthat have * denly, Neal is Senator Conradi to' the United States senate and tbe Conrads are transported to Washington. Froni liere on the story is brilliant ; it scin- tiliates .witb sumptwous dinners, -lit- tçring bails, and ail the political and s)cial intrigue of Wasbington.. Anne's, early struggles are, funny, but gbe soon becomes-the loveliest lady of tbem .all. Her honesty and utter-lack of intrigue are ass.ets indeed in that% atmnosphere. Thus she becomes. the first lady in the land, ýand. on the. day, Neal is' inaugurated, slie receives the great- est ovation ever given a w onian ;11, the chamber. Lt is a triumiph equally earne d and. shared by husband andý Vi f e. "Queen, Anne's Lacle"' is a real1 nove!.î Were it a imovie, we would give it four stars. NEW TOMLINSON PREFACE H-. M. Tomilinson has written a spe- cial preface for the new edition tiof "The Sea alnd- the Jun.-le" to be pu¾il- lishied bv 1Harper & Brothers~ this fall. He bias also. incorporated num-erous textual chianges which make the book t,f special importance to. collectors. The edition wvilllbe illustrated with wood blocks by Clare1 Leightopn Thiere is also a signed edition, liniited to 325 copies of wvhich 299 are for sale. SHEILA KAYE-SMITH IN SUSSEX Harpers have just learned that Sheila Kave-Smiith wbose new nove«). "Shiepherds ini Sac kcloth," bas just appeared, lias giveni up bier London residence and t'akeii a charnîing oNl cottage at Northiamn, Sussex, she and ber busband expect to spend' thle greater part of the year. GODD COMPANIONS. DRAMATIZED J.B. Priestley bias just 'coniplete(.i the dramatization' of " ýThe ýGood Comnpanions." H4arpers report thaL, biis new novel, "Angel Pavement.," aroused sucb preliminary entbùsiasr 1 botb in England and America that1 wvorl< is includca are suchnonuix Ainerican scboiars as F. W. Taussig, Roscoe Pound, H. L,. McBaii,, J. A.. Fairlie, R. M. McIver, C. H. McIl- wain and S. B. Fay; and such foreigi, scholars as L,. T. Hobbouse, Grahant Wallas, josef Schumpeter, H. N. Brailsford. S. de Madariaga, an-Ï Charles Gide. AMERICA SINCE 1914 The engaging opportunlity of seeing ourselvles as the data of history is offered in, the'bûoyanlt narrative of Preston . WT. Sl osson-"The. Grea-. Crusade and After: A Historyr of Amnerica Sitîce 1914." Here is history up. to the minute. From:Amier.ica in. war timei the ex- periment, of prohibition, and thc winning. of equality by woxnen, Mr* Siosson goes on to the saga of the miotor car, the South i black and' White, Amnerica at school, the busi- nessof sport, the.cuit of nationalisru, a lively accounit..of Our. journalisni and advertising, our application of science in mnany fields-Ïpublic hieàltli. aviation, radio, motion pictures, etc. - and .a stinulating chapter on The *Mind of the Nation, ini architecture, rInusic, draina, literature, rtligion. A NEW, WËEKLY The Macmillan Company bas be- gun the publication of a newspaper., The. first issue of thisý paper.-"The. News Review," a weeklv for readers cf junior and seiQr. highi school age -wvas ptiblishied on Tuesday, Septem- ber 2. Lt is an eight-page paper, illustrated in rotogravure. Tt flot only states but explains. the important néews -of the week, giving 'the back- ground-ýhistorical, scientiflc,* geog- raphical and -literary-that inakes it understandable and interesting. Tt shouiçi appeal to aduits readers: as* well as young people. The New York Times, without. pa rticipating in. the. ownership or promotion of the paper, iakes available its news, pictorial, and mianufacturing facilities. Ln an éditorial in this. first issue Dr. John H. !Finley says: "You can understand with what interest I shaH1 follow vour eniterprise in taking to LA. YES treatise on "1intnropology, oby rran7 Boas, which bas been eagerly await.- ed; extended treatients of "Art,1 Aviation and Banking," eacb tb' 1 composite resuit of tbe contributions1 of . a -group of writers; article s on known in bridge circles as be is among yachting enthusiasts. He basý just revised' and added to bis well known book "The New Contract Bridge." This Iast word on contract, bridge 'will,,be ýpublîshed by the Scribners this faIt. UN 'I