way through the north shore vil- lages mnovcd a step nearer comple- tion this week when announicemient was made that the Kenilworth Board of Local Inmprovenîents will receive up to 12, 'clock: noon on Septnber 29, bitis for th.e construction and ini- stallation of a, connected system of *draining, grading, payiug, and ýcurb- ing. in West Railroad avenue in Kenw- *ilworth. This announcement camne just -as the City -of Evanston is-,completing the. *widening of West Railroad avenue (or McCornîiick boulevard extended) ini Evanston from the Sanitarv Dis- trict .canal to the niorth liiniits. of Ev- anston, where the, hi.ghway ineets Mainstreet in Wilmette. Adda Important Link 'When Kenilworth's portion of th e McCormick highway is comipleted it wiil extenid continuou sly from Clhi- cago to tche iElm street business sec- tion i iiXinnetka, as -plans are under -way .to conilect Center street in Wiin- netka to the -widenied West Railroad avenue ini Kenilworth. Ultiniately, ac- cording to the plans, the highway -will extend through Winnetlca and, Glencoe to Green Bay roa.d. Bids for the West ,Raiîroati avenue paving Project ini Kenilworth must be in the hantis of Ralph R. HawxIihurst, *Kenilworth Village president, or Wendell H. Clark,' secretary of the: Kenilworth Board of Local Iniprove- nments, bv nôon on Monday, Septemi- ber 29. Thie bitis will be opened that evening in the Kenilworth Assemibly hall, Kenilwvorth avenue and Cumnor rôad. 1.Improve Other Strt,-s On the sanie evening the Kenil- worth board of local improvements will open bids for the construction and installation of a connected sys- tein of draining, grading, paving and curbing on several other streets in Kenil ,orth, including Linden ave- nue and Sterling road opened and ex- tended, Pleasant. avenue, part of Roger avenlue andi Temple court. Plans Are Completed for New Sehool Hg (1on, at 4 o'clock Su.nday aftrniooii, September 28, at the Shawnee Couti- trv club, Mrs. Albert H. Ullrich, ioresidenit of the club), lias annouinced. Miss Grace Nelson, operatic pianISt; wi.11 be accompanist for Ifr. Clausi. Mr. Landoni, w-ho, ini his capacity as lecturer, raconteur, and writer, lias been before thye l)ullic nmanvl,>'ear.,i apears 1) request before the Civic Opera club of Wilmette at, the open- iniz of its, second1 season. As. an. out- s.tanding authoritv on -the hist.ory. '-'f costuin, g anti nîake-up, lie will de- i-ict. for- club members "Speakîig Likeness-es of Operatic Characters. '['is vear, Mr. Landloni,> -rih oapî)eared hefore the club last _ seasein, is pre- senting an entirely (lifferent lrograni, a programf which lias been buiît -on au a(de(l ktiowledge and stuclv of ju;t, wvhat vill af)real most to opera clu!) ni etuibers.. ii 'his talk Mr.. Landon opens tip astorehouse of:,knioxvedge on the art of make-up and costuming ni a wv which entertain.s while it en- ligliteîis. He gives pain stakiiig at- tention to details and this season lie lias gonie to unuitsual lengthis to) secuire .thfe 'set-up" which will carrv 11t most effec'civeélj-theinanxv ii- teresting featu.res of Ijis .talk. The Civic Opera club of Wilrnete. ivhichi is perinitted a menihershi.p of two-hundred-. inclu(les five progranms in its schiedule, programs that are infor-mative as ivell as unuitsual and interesting, pertaining as they do to the music, to the stage andi the be- hinri-tîje-stage functioning of the Chicago 'Civic Opera company. Their. murpose is tofamiliarize the layman wiîth, ai of tche diversified activity attendant upon operatié productionl on a gigantjc scale. Thiese programw are arranged to l)ring grand opera close'r. Wilmette Firemen Get Two C ails in One Day The -XVilmnette*Fire departnîent 1an- swvered cw'o calîs on Tuesdav of th,*s week. The first came at 3 :10 o'clock in the afternoon wlîèn an -acetylen:e. School Board Buys New Residence For Kiindergarten. Room Aniiouncernent was made. this Week .thiat the Wilmeètte board of. educa- tion has acquired the Williamn Sander-. ;on residence..a .t 914 Central, avenue, to the east of thle Central, school grotinds, to be used for: classrooin-and qifice purposes. Ani alley separates the Sanderson property from the present school grouiids. The lower floor of the. large. resi- dience isbengreîdeled and will bc used for kindergarten work, wvhile the upper >floor will hbouse the offices of the , Vilmette Playground and. R*rato board and ,tlose, of th12 Central-Laurel Pareniit-Tea-cher.as- sociation. There %vill l>e three kindergartell rooins, two getieral playroomns and a story, room withi a fireplace. Thç kitchen w111 be equipped with a loiw sink for the use of the smàall kim- Iergarten pupils, wvho will also have their own vard andi garden outside the house. Withi the acquisit ion of the new kiidergarten quarters, there. will be a reorganization of the mnanual train- ing and sewixîg quarters also. The nature of the changes ini these de- partnients bas flot l)een decided upon definitely. Sewers to be Subject of Hearing October 7 Tuesday, October 7, lhas been set as the date of a public hearing on the installation of sewer connectionus 'in the, Moore-Hughes-Brown area, for- merly known as the Big. Tree fariu, west of Hibbard road .between Lake avenue and Glenview road. The hear- ing will be held in the counicil roomi of the Wilmette Village hall at,7:30 o'clock in the evening. Trio Stunday atternoon, Uctober 12, at 4 o'clock. As usual the concert %N.ill be given in the Kenilworth As- sembly hall. 1The Muenzer trio is alreadv wel known to nQrth shore' audiences,, having presenteti at least two pro- grams for the Chamber. Music asso- ciation each season for the past five vears. The fine interprétation. and beautifullv balanced ensemble .,of these artists have been important factors i n the 'growing popularity W. chamber music on. the north shore. They come to us -a s old, frientis. Lenr uaretCoaning The second recital will beéive hy'the Lener. String Quartet -of Buda- oest on. November 2; the third by thé_ Muenzer Trio 'on January. 25; and the fotrth by, the famfous London String Quartet on March' 15. The- Lenèr Strinig'Quartet of Buda- pest made its Amferican premiere last' winter. Thev are world famous, hav- ing brciught 'co us superlative criti- cisms from France, Austria, Switzer- !and, and Italy. It was the first quartet to appear in London at tche Royal Albert Hall where it pljjved to a capacity audience of 9,000. Their appearance on the North Shore will afford a rare opportuni'cy of heariiig chamber music at its best. Book Loudoxuers The program given by the London String Quartet of London as the final, concert of the North Shore Music association, Series of 1929-1930, wvas an outstanding musical event of the Chicago season. Our niembèrs have asked their reéngagenient andi because of their enthusiastic recer'- tion, the niembers of the quartet are desirous to plav again before this organization. "One of the greatet chamber music ensembles in the world, if not the greatest." '11I The,suhscription rate',for the- sea- son is $5 ; for music students, $3.. Season t ickets mav be procuredfrom the secretary of the associa-tion, Mrs. A,.. B. Spach., 228 Leicester road, Ken- ilworth,~ or from any of the other officers. the state-cnamnpïonship for i..lass Bn A-à WIM & lLrj .... corps at the antiual convention of* Home and Garden..50. the Anierican Legion at Aurora on Junior Life. .... ....... August 8. Under the leadership of Music Page ............ Herbert A. Goulti, jr., as acting druni major, the Wilmette 'buglers miarched Recreation Page ........ to victory -against the best corps in -Society Page. .... testate. wimette 4300, FO0R S A L E iREASABLE- Dresses sultable for school or work. Sizes 16 to 18. Cail WWin-, netka 1537. __jI day night. Th1e pavement is to Portland *cernent ,concrete, inches: 'chick, .with asphaltic expà joints. Reschke"s bid was .$3, the lowest one.,submitteld. q*7