the irst iw Camp Owa I his. seni< ienlt, By J. R. Foôte Outdoor Living Room'at HoMe -of H-uo Dalmar, Evanston N ORTH SHORE residents iead the Â~Outdoor Living Rooni vogue, wbich is now sweeping the coun- try. Swain Neison î4 Sons Co. have coiiaborated witb the owners in - creating soîne of the most adiired formai and informai. outdoor liv- ing rooms on the north shore. We. wil gladly con fer w4'/à y#u and 1 . advise wit ho ut charge or obligation. rfiJcapeÇaridenerir.ÇenviewJJ(/l ~ PHONEROGERS PARK 6620 OR GLENVIEW 87 OR 88 I I GARDENING A. B. C.'&. As Nve look back over t he funlda-' mientais of gardening, we arc ofteni reminded that we iiiight have oh- served -a littie better the' primary rules which we know-butii rs of the newer -adventures, W'e'have somewhiat neglected. Wée ne ed t sece if our: souls are the, hest that wve might have, if our flower * 1or(lers are: properiy draitied, if ini viwof our experienlce it!î our oln inld.ivl dual. gardelns, the proper hieights and1 colors, continuitv, of biloom and other 'gardei1 principies are given proper consideration. 'We need often to review t he. eom- mon rules and practices of spray ing, tri nming, fertilizing, plantingy and designmng. We nieed always ýto remlemiber that garden probleffs are only partially subject to set rule-s an~d that eaeh problemi needs to be considered to- gether wit.h its own peculiar condi-a tions. Rules help and prinicipes arer excellent guides but we must. not ofilv consider the individual problffm c as sucli, but. we mnust recognize the value of experimient and miust know 0 that after we hiave de.cided, that, a certain course is the wisest ch'oice, 1t *we miay stili find by experienceý that eý modifications inay he necessary. i hi Phey hiavýe drainiage. Often dcay wi!I ahsluelyPrevent the seepagie of ivateruand the tree hole ývil! hold- uvhatever water it receives almiost as permaîîently as. if it vere lined withr c ernent. SOIL STRUCTURE North shore soilg are nîostly heavv lav Io'am ore just- cIav-, elloiv, white, Miue or just clay,. but alNa%s heavv anîd iclined to lbe gunmtiv. whcn iwet. .11 prep aring foýr fl0'w e r, slirtî beds or plaîîting trees, tlis. can be reniedied by vorigin sand ,or- ashes, but wvith a.sliglit exceptioniili the case of %vood asiies. tlîis ment cuts down.' the ,fèrtilitv of. the ToiL. Wlere it is desirable to have rich soi!, the heavv soi! sho.uld he mîxed *%vith somne hun' oii i fits karied formus. Humnus is rotted vegetable inatter and vve have it in the formi of peat, rotted wood, sult, leaf iuold, the light Skokie soi!, barnyard manuireo« the-- commiercial guano and sheep maànur.e, he latter two-,being too strong. for ordiiiary use in this -way. ,XVith such reatment followed 1,y good cultiva- tion for a year and yot rnay have an excellent soul for plants and trees. Linme worked into the soi! -wiII hielp to, reak up the closély compacted par- îces, but if enough 'is used to do a ood job, we believe it renders the ;oi too sweet. and in the case of twnseh ecouagestheweéd ta I 111n okdaiae. Sorletines for"ch trees, the subsoil is permeate *t Sand can be used tog-ether %vith. Sfissures by. dynainiting. Shrub beds thle higly conlcentrated commercial and perennlial border areasý may be friies t Igtntesou .and, yet -given a subdrainage witîî a î .ower retain a fertile loarn., r level strata of soine coarse mnaterial, gravei, broken rock or coarse cinders. IGARDENS WITHIHSTORY. Often lunes of .cheap farnm tue:are Hoe vchaebencuid the sanie famnily, gener ation a ft er Where large trees are' being generation, have gardens *of rare, planted, it is absolutely essential that worth. There is history connected EENS çk vi J<oster's Bluie, Office and Num~eries in Our Telephones:, SLandscape Service qeld 36 or Highland Park 36 A AI Deerfield, Ilinois