f0 b lokedat roniafa, ad ~ interest to tne garcien, aid in carry- sequelltly does flot fil the lneed for ng osa ut f one s, arderforme a lvable garden. As a resuit,, the esarfucisasgrnhoe, laindscape gardeners ini this country walks, steps, walls, gates, etc, It ist hae raull dveoeda .e freque ntly the.seý naterials which,s formiai garden, in which one miay bc hnue ih aseadjdnet secluded from the outside %vorld, akfosucsofteiloI work:with bis flowers, enjoy the sun- The- use of water' adds greatlv to shine and sbadows,, and in short, the feeling of repose,.an deligbts which being apparent at the first (Ylance, niay require almiost a lifetime to appreciate füllv-Edwa rd H. Qini stead. inake the place an outdoor living room. The Iayout of the area along straight lines and regular angles is expressive of the normal mmnd for orderliness.. Seclusion is .absoJutely essential for one's garden, and should be, for .one's own enjoymient and. *peace of mi.d.ý Border plantings of tregs, shrubs, and evergreens may do this, or it niay be found that a stone wall, or other masonrv construction will best fit in with bis particular Figures in cast metal. stone, and terra-cotta- mav I)e ecnxployed to ex- Painting and Decorating Fine $SAVE $ Work TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F TRE TIMES-GET OURB ESTIMATE Mutual DecoratintGCo. GLENCOE 280 K RAFT STUDIO, Interiors. PuFrnïture Draperies 5240 Sheridan Roacd Chicago, 111. Ch icago so Smarte.çt Near-Loop tI1partmendi Hid. Cou.i.. th e Lo opye i à.s u t L bouelle section, te .Park Dtusr ofimo m out.i i~rentaioppotumty for *a >OW»m 6k.eJ home. Lets than tes mà* inuts 1..t6L LA.jé Ly Surface. BUs or yotw owm Sr. Tl... U«6L souti of Liimcoin Park amà .very àiL pWo convenience moshe. the Park Desrhom m kW.. vister Lhome. 1~ 3% ui r....m *;gives cornplete satisfaction. MI iMPortenhauseri *Pointer and Pecratot 8. IWO30GroemJ.f Phono 2764 ~mm~mm mm mm n m -mum m MI PhoneIWhahll 60 Tefephone Superior 1078