PATRONIZE. OUR ADV Are YouS til Iolder amnusemenits. A-party-for forty guests will be given there next Tuesdav iiight by Wilmette hosts. Lt"at Home? MO8qultoes and rtam and makeshif t living'condition; aire a part of the fun of camping out. But at home you expect comforts and conveniences. You don't much care for ants with the sugar and beds without springs. urai rustory. There will be ten Prograxus in ail, and each will be given twjce, at -10 and Il o'clock, on the dates ai.- nouniced, in the. James Simpson thic- at er of the museum. Children jiav corne alonle, in groupsfom sh<l or other centers, or with their pa'- ents, teachers or other aduits. Stephi- en C. Simmns, director of the museumi, invites, children. from ail parts of Chi- cago and suburbs. Nô tickets are niecessary for admission. Following are. the dates, and the titie's *of the ôaius films ho'be shoNin on each: October 4-"'Friend Sniait, "Drift-. ini Dulies," "TI'le Silver Swimmier:' -Undersea I.ife," and "N-\estitïg of the Sea Tuirtie." October I l-"C-olumbu)ts" (spcCi-4 I for Columbus Day), and "l.ionis o;i Otbr 18-"TIhe Storv of Pet ro,- leuni,"anid "M usquýash the- usr'. OctoI>er 25-"Iljungariain Farine t.-,- Our Dailv Breadl," and "The Cooii Novemnber - dIli Mexicoi.","Eniaîn - elwre.," "The Last of the Semniiles.' and "A Foiir-footed Columbus.". November .8-1Treesî ho ,Tribunées;," "..Totem Tales," and -"Sacred- Ba- boonis."1 Novemiber 15-"How, a Volcano- 11 ork," "Active Volcano in . Hawaii"', "Aloha Land," "The Cobra and the M\,ongoose," and "StrneAia Habits."trne nil Novemiber 22-"The Beauhiful Côr- sica," "A Persian Wedding." "Egy~pt, Old and New," and "The Taj Mahal." November .29-"'Tle Puritanis," and "Peter Stuyvesanî".' (special for Thaniksgiving Day). December' 6-"011 the 1'raîl of thCe Dik Dik,"' "The Storký." ".Castles of Paper," and "WVinter Pop."' The historical films on the Octohecr Il and November 2 programs vere presented to the« museu, 1) y the late Chaunicev Keep. North Shore Girls Go to Schools, Conleegr JOSEPH W. KEI 1141 Central Ave., Wilmette ~Manager Phone Wilmette 2899l Mr. and Mrs. George Richards and son, George, Jr., have moved to the Kenilworth Inn from the Orrington hotel where t.bey spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Richards sold their home at 530 Essex road, Kenilworth last May to, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boozer of: Wilmette.