SaleSEPT. 19 SEPT. 25 Spocial Sle FrIday Tusa FIVE FREE DELIVERIES !DAILY RIR ROA&ST OF BEEF. The Piunt Money Cau. Buy 1,2,3, 4th Rbs, lb. 420 5-6,711 Rbs, l b. 5 polK Fresh. Whole ,or frenched. lb. 650 POT ROAST From select premium beef. Ib. 330. PRUNES ..... ........ bse 350, Large, 20,/30, sweet Santa Claras. These are extra fine quality at an unusually lowprice. BUTTER, iln quarters lba 48e Spring, Valley. This is the finest quality' of pure, sweet crea-mery butter. SUGAR ...............10 Ibm. 590 Fine standard, pure cane granulated sugar ini white cloth, saèks. KNOX GELATINE ............... 19e Knox offers ,unlimited recipe possibilities for at-ý tractive salads and desserts., TOMATO JUICE... Dos. 1.aiO Richelieu. A cold pack; clear juice. None of the health fui food values have been 'cooked away. ty too,) in the weltare of Wvi- miette's school children also have developed strong tendencies. along the lines of the "back to the soil' doctrine. Superintendent J. Robb Harper. for, instance, has been an. agricul- turist- for, I, these many years, hav-' ing several prosperous acres on the east shore of Lake Michigan, ,mhenice,,he journ eys- each. year *-at the Close of the school1 terni. The other gentleman ini question is Henry E. ýCutier, president'1 of the school *Ioard, and an, attorney. by profession', whio, it, develops. is likewise no, mean sort of a, farmer. :Mr. Cutier. specializes ini the rear- ing of prize HoIst.ein cattie. Proof that he rates. as an expert at blis, chosen avocation nmay be fousid ini the fact that eleven of his twvelve entries atý the. Lake Counity (in- diana) Faircarried*,awav Mue rnb- bons. The CutIer Farnîs are at Preston., hîd. Miss Betty 'Pearson and Miss Helen Randali;, both of, Wilmnette, left Ttiesday.,for Godfre,,v,,11.1., W'here. they will be roonîniates at Mo;îticello seiinary this coing year.1 Miss Pearson xiii returi> Septemiber .26, for a week-end visit during which slie will play the orgail for the EllIison- Boal wedding Septemiber 27. Individuality .Iture "This grade separation m2uter lias been. discussed by your committee wvith the Village board as a committee of the. whole at a recent meeting. "A conference was had with M Von Reinsperg, ciiairman of the Pub- lic Service committee, and such data as.héhad ibaud was made availaffle "The chairman, of your committee and the village mainager held Confer- ence with Mr. Hyatt. of the Nortih Shorerailroad ou September 5,, get- ting f rom. Mr. Hyatt the. thought. and attitude of, their coin- pany toward this project., * 'Confer-euce bas also been. had be- tween. the village manager and te secretary *of the Chamnberý of Com- merce, and alsowith Mr. HloytKig chairnian of the civie committee of the Chamber of0Commere on proj'ect. *',A meeting is to be field ýwith tlîe, Village plan c ommission on Wednes- day eveniug, September 17, to, dis-' cuss this project witb theplan con- mission.. "A conference is being arrange :1 with Mr. Pole, track elevation engi- neer of the Chicago and North West- ern: railroad. - This 'confei-en ce is tçb be held at an eartly date. "The geperal opiions-ga.inedfroi the seve'ral conferences, lead us té conclude that the h7earing before theý. State commerce* commission -will be along drawn out' hearing .and will Wilmette time to determîne sorne of the vital questions iuvolvced before we will be called upon to pre- sent our case to the commerce comi- "Your committee is actively N wor'- ing on this- project and ý-e f ei that we, will have some definite recom.- mendations toi make to'the Village:- Board, at. an. early date." Mn.. and Mn.s. Max Hayford- of Ev- anstonl have mà-,ed to. Wilmette and. are residing at 109 Fif thstreet. LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT Several days ago we were called to, the assistance of 'a motorist who xvas stranded about three miles out of gcb....................... .......... ...... u 'DRY ONIONS, White or Yeilow, 4 lbs. 15c JMBERS, Long, Crsp and Slender......Se .Entraivce Winberg's Drug Store 417 LINDEN AVENUE Thge Drag Store ine the viààle of the Block torium for a check-up. . Had the owner of the car just mentioned, done so, he would have saved hii-. self expensive tow and repair buis. Motors Service,~ 721 Main Street. Phone ,Wilmette 2600-01.-dv I N