Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Sep 1930, p. 58

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Mrs. Jay R. Brown, 127 l7th street, the only remaining charter member of the group, bas tendered hier res- ignation to the board. At was ac- cel)tedi by the board ai' the regular mionthlv mteeinig of the group héld at the Village hall last Thursdav eve- ning. Mrs. Brown was appointed by President Earl E. Orner as repre- * Sentative-at-large to the board t o represent the Wonian's- club, %%-len comnlunity recreation for the village had just been found advisable hy a special recreation comnîittee ap)- piointed,,to itvestigate the possibilitiesî of. inaugurating such a programn iii, M'ilniette. The committee stipulated that among the 'five- members one member should represent a womanýs * organization and Mrs. Bro>wni wat; chosejitfront the Minmette Womn. 's club.. She, served' on the originail board which -employed the dj 'rector *of recreation 'and initiated the be~ ginning recreation programý I * She will be succee.ded 1wv Mrs. Her-7 bert J. Leach, -630 Washingzton ave- 1 nue, also of theWoman's club, -whoàe1 appointnent, 1w President Orner was made officiaI last Tuesdav evenfing at he Village Board meeting. In accepting" Mrs. BroNw'. sresig- nation the members of the Recrea-I tion board expressed commenidatio:i for the sernice shie lias g iven to the group and for lier co -operation. in, ca jvng out a program of commun- itv recreation. Mrs. Leach will take up hier duties P * at the Octol)er mneeting of the board Pl whicli will he 'held October 16. Site has for tlhree vears heen a mnember of. the Special Occasions. cominittec J( appoitted" 1w the board to assist in 21 Special Tecreationi prograltis and has, S assisted .iiiother îcommuîiitv activý- Pl ties siioiisorë(l hv the re.creationi îl * 'oard. Archers Prefpar for A utumn A ctivities Tuesday, September 23-1-lward SB "s. Stolp lB, Wasblngton Pk.; Stolp 1C vs. St. Joseph 8, Washington Pic.; Stolp 2D vs. St. Joseph 7, Washington Pic.; Howard 7B vs. Stolp 2A, Washington Pk.; Howard SA vs. St. Francis..8, Vil- lage>Green,: Howard 7A vs.,St. Francis 7, Village Green. Thursday, Septeniber 2s---stolp IC vs. Stolp 113,'Washington Pk.; ,St. Francis. Sv.Howvard 8B, Washington Pic.; St. ,Francis 7 -vs. Howard 7B, Washington Pk.;: Stqlp .2D) vs. S.tolp 2À, WmÉshing- ton Pic.; ,-Howard SA v's. St. Joseph 81 VilageGren;Howard "ÉA vS St. Joseph 7., Village Green. Tuesday. Septemiber . 30-Stolp lB VS st.Joeh8 Washington Pic.; Stolp IC Vs. St., Franeis 8, Wast,ýhingtoni Pk.,; Stoli) 2A vsý. St. Joseph 7*,. Washington 'Pk.; ; to) 21) vs. St. Francis 7, Wash- inerton PkI. ; Howard àA v4. Hnw;ard 8B, Village Green; Hloward 7A vs. Howard 713, Village:('reeri. Thursday, October 2+-St. Joseph 8 vQ. St. Francis S, Washington Pk. ; Howard RF3 '.'ý. Stolp 1C, Washington Pc.; St. .Joseph 7 v.s. St. Francis 7, Washington Pk. _-Howard.7.13 vs. Stolp 21D, Washing- ton* Pk.; -Howard SA vs. Stoîl) 1B, Vil- lage Gen Howard 7A4vs Stolp 2.A, V'illage Green.> -Tuesdaý-, - 0tc>ber7 2TFlowârd SA ýs. Stulp 10, Wasýhington flk. : '-t. Francis S *- Stoli> 113, Washington Pk:; Howard 7A vs. Stiî>) 2D. Washington Pk.; St. Prancis 7 vý, Stolî' 2A, Washington Pk.; HowNard S13 es. st. Joseph 8,* Village Green; H-oward, 7B,3vs.St. Joseph Î, Village Green., Thursday, Ocetober !9-Howa-:rd 813 v. .toli 1M., Washi.ngton Pic.; Stoil) 1<'.v. St. Joseph S , Washington Pic.; Stoli> 2Dvs St. Josvph 7, Washington Pk.; flowvard 7B3 vs. ,ýtoll) 2A, Was1ttagton Pic.; Howard SA.ý St.- Franei.s 8, Vit- a-ge Green: HflowaCrd 7A vs. St. Francis î, Vtillage Greeni. Tuesday, October 14 - Stolp IC y:,. Stollp 1B, Washington Pk. ; St. Francis Nvs. Howard SB3, WasbhingtOn Pc. ; !St.j Francis 7 vs, H<>ward 7B3. Uashinp'tont Pk. ; Stolip 2D vs. Stolp 2A, :,W'ashfngton -, 'k.-; Howard-SA -vSs. t. Joseph 8, Village5 (reen; Howard 7A vs. St. Joseph 7,ý \'illage Green. 8 Thursday, Octoeber 16)-Stolp113 Bv.s. St. v Josephi S, Washington PM. ; Stolp le vs, v qt. Francis 8, Wasýhington. F'k. ; stolp ) Ai vs. St. Josep>h 7, Wasýhinigtoin Pk. . tolp 21)%vs. St. Frads 7, Vashigton Il Plk. ; Howardt SA %-'. - omvard 8.B, Vil- ,ge Green.: 1-1oward T v. Tcowva-d,71. .4 Village Green. neda, nd riav i:,, aîSIxb'nie e Inust have six lila3yers presént by 3 :45 ,'CIo(ek or forfeit. SFrida-y, September 1-StoI» 6B3 vs. St. Franvis .6, Washington Pic ý tolt 6A Fr1i ay, October 3-Howard 5A vs. eStolp 5C, Washington Pic. ; Stolp 6C vs. Howard 6C, Washinlgton Pk.; HIoward GB vs. St. Francis 6, Washington PIc.; Stolp 5A vs. St. Francis 5, Washington Pic.; Stolp 6C vs. St. Joseph 6,' Village Green; Howard 5B vs. St. Joseph 5, Village 1reen. Monday, October 6ý-Howard 6C vs. Stolp GA, Washlngton.Pic.; Stoip «B vs. Howard GB, Washington Pk..; Stolp 5A vs. Stolp 5B, , Washington Pic.; St., Fran-j cis 5 vm. Howard 5A, Washington Pk.; HowaYd 6À vs. St.. Joseph G6, Village Green. Wednesday,, ,Ûct >ober 8-tolp 6B vs. St. Francis 6, Washington Pk.; Sto!p CA. vs. St. Joseph 6j Washington Pk.;. Howard CA vs. Stolp 6C, Washington Pk.; Stolp 5 vsStolp 5B3, Washington Pic.; Howard GB vs. Howard GC, Vil- lage Green; Stolp 5A vs. Howard 5B, Village Green, Fay, -toe (-Howard CA v.s. Stoilp 613._ Washington, Pi.; Stolp 6A %-, Stoil) 6C. Washington, Pic.;Howard 6V 'v St. Francis -6, Washington Pk.; Hioward 5A vs. Stolp 5e, Washington Pk.; Howard, 6B vs. St. Joseph 6, Vil- lage Green ; stoip'5C vs St. Joseph S, Village Gïreen, .Monday, October 13-Howard CA vs. ~Stolp,6GA,. Wasi~hngton Pkc.; St. Francis f' vs. St. Joseph 6, Washington Pk.; Howard 6C vs, Stolp 6B, Washingtoni Pk.; Stollp 5B vs. St. Franeîs .5, Wash- ington Pk.; Stollp 5A vs. St; Joseph 15, Village Green; Howard SA vs. H-oward 5B3, Village Green. Wednesday, 01- tober 15-St. Francis G vs. Stolp 6', lWashington Pk.; Stolp GB vs. St. Joseph 6, Washington Pk.; How- ard GB vs. Stolp S6A, Washington Pk.; Stolp 5A vs. Stolp. 5C, Washington Pic.;. Howard 6A vs. Howard 6C, Village Green; Howard S vs. St. JToseph S, Vil- lage Green. t Friday, Oe(tobetr 17-St. Francis G vs. Stolp S6A, Washington Pic.; Stolp 6B vs. Stolp 6C, Washington Pic.; Howard 5B3 vs. Stolip 5B, Washington Pic.; St, i Josep~h 5 vs. St. Franc is 5, Waý,hing- ton Pk.; Howard SA v-. Howard GB,t Village Green St. Francis, 5, vs.Hqwardt 5B,,Villatge Green. Moùnday, October 2O-ý--Howard GB vs. C StioII S6, %Vashington Pk.; Howard 5Ae v'sý. Stollp 5A, WVashington Pk.; Stoli) 6A ve. .Stoiîî GB, Washington Pic.; St. Fran-c ils 5 vs. Stolp 5C, Washington Pk. ; St. t' Joseph 6 vs. Howvard AC, Village Grq n St. Joseph 5 vs., Stolp. 5B., Village Green. ,Wednesday,, October 22-Stolp 6C vs.) St. Joseph G, VillageGreen; H-owa*rd SA vs. St. Francîis 6, Washington Pk. Many Children Learn< to Swim This Sum mer' A' total of 8,135 cbildren urofitej. doublcu tnîs season, Director of Kec- reation Daniel M. Davis, announceis. Instead of the three games each ai- ternoon after school at Washingtont park and the Village GrSeen, sîx games are being played at each park this vear, wbich makes a total' of 30 games, per weekat each place., New Trier. High school boys have v;olunteered to assist Dudley C. Stonle and Glen W. Gathercoal,. recreation. assistants, and coaches of bOys' ath- l.etics à t Stoîni and Howard schoo!s,' in conductiig-the games. Two foot- ball diamonds have been laid out at more than cigbty boys mav be found on the two fields. prac- ticing or, playink, football each after- noon. The organization of -footb)alltcamis bas heen parti'cularly successful iin the Wilmeittepublic grammar schools and accidents,,even mi nor ones,,have been . at ia minimum.- This is 'attrî- but «edby- Director Davis to the fart. that boys of tbe same grade are onlv allowed to play and crnmpete ag-ain.,t boyIs ii the same grade but of duf- ferent rooms. .In this wav the smnal- ler liovs are at no disadvantage in flaving witb older and more mature bioys. The organizaltion of the teams arc eft up to the individutal roomns with anlv advice aînd little coacbing front bhe reçreation assistants. A mile is made that no bov may serve as cap- tanof bis *team in more than one sport and in this wav cvery boy bas a chan'lce to develop -execut'ive ahilît'- in managiL, bis tcami and conductin. practice. The captain is c'lectcd 1w the boys and is responsible to the bovsý of blis, teamn for his management or mismanagernent of the tcam. How\-- ever. cacb captain mnav come to fiisý oach for advice at anv, .timne an4l [he .coaches ,1<,eti close supervisioni in the manner of, sprtsm-ansbipai arti'alitv tio indivirlual tcam menm- cers as to positionis e tc., is harred. Evéry boy front the fiftb tbrough Pie cighth gradle is eligil)le to-com- )etc on bis room team and is qiverî t* chance -to improve throulgh con-' hant practice. In a'dditioit the All-Wilinette tfani ami n-caLjion board. 6B The club will have special' prac - ar tices on Saturdav and Sundav after- ton * oons at 3 o'clock and- conipetitive Villa tournaments for the- members, varv 5B,- wt in' accordin%ý to the experience in stolv .rchery, are being arranged.V. "j' o V 6C, singI L1 K; tîp Aproximatelv' 530 chiacîren were The total attendance *frtesm Stop C, asinton ?k. ; How- reacled diytruheihr-temr Pl avgrouncî activities included vs. Sto1p 5B, Washington Pic r eplt S vs. St.* Francis 5, Washing: sw'ý'nming lessons or the Point .35.960, wbcreng. the attendance last .;Hwrd 6A vs. Howard GB. syrsteml, inclusive Of swimnming vear was 33.814. Adults availitg Gre;St. Francis 5 vs. H-oward, tests and. diving, practice. aind tl-ems;elves of the apparatus and SU",- .aees cern' {wadG Junior L i f e Saving classes, ' 0f nliccs on tlie summer playgroun<ls C, Watshlngton P. ; Howard 5I this nuimber 380 werc comipeting in number. 6,066. ain .ncrease of 1,593 lP S5A, Wasltlngton Pic.; Stolp the poinit system, coîtducted. by the oertha tofatyer

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