Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Sep 1930, p. 64

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Enjoyed in Europe On the sixteentb of May we left Wil- mette on -the Capitol liniited for Washt- Ington D. C. When we got to Washing- tnwe got'off the train and cbecked our luggage ýand then gat a bus to take us around the city. W~e visited the Lincoln monument. Tt was'getting toward lunch tiniesa wée ate at the Washington botel.- Then we went to our train at midnigbt. The next day we got on the boat and left at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. After ten days we reached, Cherbourg, France. Then we gt 'In. the train to Paris. We gat ta Paris ln the. after- noon. We left Paris ut The next 'day at 4, o'clork we reacbed Lausanne. We stayed 'àt a bat.ei called Victoria.,, Then wg went to bed on the softest bed I bave ever'seen., The next morning We took a long walk on the cobble stone street and looked in the toy shops and then ventUred back just in time for breakfast. The breakfast was very, light. Then we went to, the sta-, tion and took a train to Interlaken. The first slgbt we saw wvas the> Jun-, ~frow,. My dad said tbat we could elirnb It so the next day we gat tickets to go up the Junfrow s0 we walked to the station, then we took the train which was Ieaving first. They were ail open cars. Finally we camne to a five mile tunnel. Tben we camne to big open space wbere a telescape *stood. 1 lookod, Into it and saw a crevasse wbich the, guide said was Byve foot wide and one hundred feet deep. Then ve went on up the tunnel. At Iast -we reached an- other open space which was larger 'than the other one. There we stapped to get, sonie bot chocolate. Then niy. birother and 1 tried to get my dad to buy us some sun glasses.' At last rny daL.baught tbe sün glasses. Then .we went ta Interlaken. Then we _,went b y train to Lueerne.' First we took a carriagê round the clty and saw an oahi dungeon in which prisone'rs were kept. * -J3obby Hess, M.Iss Fox's roorn Pleasant Lake Yields Large Crop of Turties This îstary totk place In Pleasant, Lake, Wisconsin. We had' justome up thiere the day before and.I1 vas interested ta see if saine turtIles were lun the lake. I1 went over to a swamp and caught. a littie baby but 1i was not satisfied with It so, we went the next morning and caught four more. We were not satisfled wth tuve so we went Has a Persian St rai» A year ago I got a baby kitten whose mother was a beautiful Persian cat.- Wer took care .of bier tilI she was a big cat. One day she surprlsed us with six, I.ttie kittens. One. of thèse. ldttens bas always been myfavorite and as, she bas quite a lot. of brown on. ber 1 called bier, Brown le. She seémed to like to have ine play witli bier.> On day I thougbt it would, be fun to see If she would drink nilk out of a doll's nursing bottie 50 1 tried lt.- She liked to do1 it- so well that Iwben she got older it wam bard to get ber to drink out of a saucer. She liked'to have mie dress bier Up ilu my doîl clothes and take bier ri1ding in my doit, carirage. Now Brôwnie bas grown bigger and bas four kittens of lber own. -Jean Louise Matson, Howard .6A Best Compositions. Chosen by, Eighth Grade at Howard Mrs. Stalling, aur class teacher oi ,SB, read sanie of the 8B's comiposition, to tbe class Friday afternoon Septeni- ber iZth. Shë read 17 of tbemn. The'r were ail very lnteresting. Wben shoe was ail tbrough reading themn she sala thât - w-e-Should choose tbe thiree that we thougbt wereü best. Tbe wininers and the tapies tbley ga C, were as foliows: G.eorge G'réen was first with "The Guide. wbo was seired." George. Collils, second Li in iithé- .Nountainsý,' and Alice Dernehi, third, ý'HeIeped O>ut of Dflut. Mrs. Stalling also read one of the 8A's compositions that she thoughtwa cleverly Written. Tho topic was -Fif- teen Minutes with. the Baby." Alice Dernehl is taking the names of the wviiiersi in composition readlng ry wok.-Erestne aspar, Hwr SB. Sehool Life Prevails As Vacation Days End Monday, tlie eiglith, bas been ringing ,In everybody's ears for tfie lat few days of vacation.- It seemed> quite 'gaod to get. back ta schol but the rooms and teacherS were ail jÙmbledý up and couid not ge.t sett.led until the' first. day bad -passed. WNe finally. are getting ùsed to it and are settling down for the time bejng. iEverything seenis ta be s0 mèssed Up !and different fram laqI. year, that we thin:k we have gane a little off aur lbeads or the scbool is Spends uay of Wondzer At National Air Races "Look at Williams fing upside down.;" "Look at the men in the bombera waving to the spectators."' .Those were our flrst Vords. as we entered Curties field for the national air races., After we were settled In the stands we bad al we could .do, to watch everythlng. The International stuni'tçtam surely put the people un pins and. needles. Tbey bhad somrnenw, types of aircraft exhibited such as the reversîble propeller, the autogyro, thil, Fernie, "Crusaire- Which was.-crashed, and the adjustable wing. We sa % Lindy and bis. wife and plane whichi is a Lockheed Vega Iow-wing monoplane. Tbe Jumping balloon also, ivent up., The parachute junips were very nice. 'I'le fIag lowering ended our wonderfui (l a:y -V.trFiegen, St. Joseph, Sth Grade. Changes at Howard Sehool Are Described When we .stated school this 'vear we fouind mnost 0of the teachers changed. Mrs. Alason is In Mrs.' Jones' roli and rs.. Jones is inu Miss Stevens' romn. Wblen Miss Ste-vens conis Mrs. Jones goes goniewhere else. Mrs. Stal- ling is in Mrs. Mason's rooni and Miss- Theman la lu M'rs. Groves,' room. -Mrs. <Iroves is lu Mrs. Stalling'*s r0oni>e Miss Larson Is in MisMad.sen'sw room. Miss 'Madsen went ta Mrs. Clarksron si) when Mrs. Clarkcoines -Miss -.\iidsen goes to sorne other rmont.'\'t-alo haýe, three sixth grades nom, and enough eighth graders to make thre&ý of thein. -Rtuth Chatard, SI> Hnward Boys, Return to Places On Clampionship Team Monday moriiing, Septembur SOI, folund the clîaupionship footbalteam oi? 1Hom- ard 7B, 192(), ail together ia&ti ii Htoward 8B. Our lineup is as fifflows: Eý,nds,: Char les M'%oreau,. Ludwig ýýkog: <uarterbaek, (leorge (ireen ; TackIes: Bob) Phannonville, ftay Peterson: right ha-If back, Bill Schara; Guards: (eox'gd Collias, Fred Ludigevr Lef t haîf hauck, (7aptain, Fred Herr î'*.nters: Fred Kas- par. Ernest ScIhaper; EuIIb.ick, H-owvard Bal.-Georgü, rreen. 8B Howard Eilene Weakly Is Eleeted Captain of Kickball Team Last Wednesday ire voted for: ont IrickhaII cutain. Eilene Weakly is o North Woodls Have Surprise in Store for Young Hikers 'rliis summner while up In the North Wpoods, my girl friend, Marie, My cousin, jocelyn, anid I decided'to go for a walk. We got- ail ready to go, our food -for two meals and a few kitchen utenqils. We walked about three or fourmiles and then sat down to eat and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Then one of us. suggested t4iat. we hike, some more and* we wvalkd a couple of ýmiles more After a walk of two more miles,. Jocelyn .said, "VirgInia, whrei'th compass? Wee cant go home without that." "lil get it," i said. 1 feit ail over for it a'nd.tnaldis- cov7ered I1 left it in the bouse on my -bed waiting fo'r Ile to put it fl, my pockiet. IBotli of thé girls couid havekilled me b ut we ate again and, I tbought 'the girls forgot about it but no, they w~erv stili angry about it. Wce hitched biked back to thle Cross road wliich was only a halfblock beind soie trees, where, we had just eàten. The driver asked us where we had just cone froim. Wë e Th itn- xe lad just walked about ten miles and. hed pictked us up at tlie end of our ten mile trip. We aiso told hlm where we lived. Hle laughed liard and said we'd wvalked around in a cirele and our house wva. a 1 ittle way f rom where he'd.picked usN up. We rode borne -in silence after tiiat.-4Virginia Iluettel, 8B3 Howard Howard School Solving P:roblem of Enroilment, Tihere are niany mnore pupils lu Htoî- ard .schooI this year and this q-)f cours' mneans mare room, s0 we wure forei d ta use thé Art, 'Music, and Scienverom for bhome rooins and aiso the SIw'lai Tenebers' roam. There are about :t liundred more pupiil iin HoNward school, For exaniffle there woi'e :.)puiils lii the se enthi grade last year an(] now there are 42. With so inany mnore.pu- nils w~'iill bave ta béecareful but 1 t)iikiihl gt talong all riglit., -Margaret ýLively, 711 Howard Bicycle Vanishes Whileý Boys Take Grid WOrko-ut Thursday after school, '8B, had foot- bail pratice. Howard BaIl took his. bicycle to go home and change 4iis clothes. Hie soon returned and began ta practice. Hie laid bis bicycle on the bank. We bad a good work out in ne r(-±e i as air way ituros the creek when I. saw a snake. yelled at mny frienti. He saiti get& rock. I got a rock and bit the snake but It did flot kili the snake sa It starte( for hMe. My friend, pieked up a log an( hit the snake. -That killed hlm. -ýTed RlIey, Mis oxroorn gIn t'.5I startsusLL on01me sang a few sangs andi andi we went ta our ne: was a qtudy perlod.- H-owaMRdÉS Ludciger, I t4e x uuulul 1. tet. tuLieep ne 45uaay ni UIRT URID SEASON eo a I was so tbrilled aitthUej ;athercoal came lnto our room that scboal was going ta start and i nced that the football season we would bave lockers ta keep n next Tuesday. We were books ln and go around ta diffei andi everybody lnt aur rooun roorna for different studies. 1IlI ta, win thé shielti. We are my summer vacation but I Ilke sel every day and hope ta win better.. I hIke al of my studies me.-L. ]Rooner, St. Joseph'sa ah of my teachier.--Rose Marile M liowerd 6A.

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