† ieinnt n... or V sat v i'i*144 against. losses by O fre, and providing ft the levy and collection of. a direct ai fluai tax to pay the interest and ti principal of said bonds,, and fixing t] other details of the. issue. W'HEREAS, the preserit. source .water supply for. thée"Village >of Wi Mette is lnadequate for domàstic uw and for the. protectioil fi'om lire' of ti inhabitants. therefand. it i, deeme ne cessary and foi- tihe best interests c this Village that an adequate wate .,suppi),- and the nesayeq-uip)nient fe furnishing water for domsinex. u:eC the. inhabîtants and for fire, protectio be 'nrovided for, and 1INiREAS, the. Presîdent and B Ioar, of TIrustees have caused to be niade ai est inate. of -the cost of sucli impro 1ve nients, and found the cîst thierteof ti be not jess than ïSeven Huindrei Thousand Dollars ($700,000.0Y, and tha It -will be.neceessary. tu or(4rowVthâ *amounit and issue bonds oIf the Villagi ini evidence thereof; TI-EREFORE B3E LT OI1DAINEI- BY THE PRESII)ENT AND) BOAR1 OP TRUTSTÉ~ES 014' THE VLLGEOF SECION1. Thait fo)rtht. îurîose oi provid'ing. the neeessary iunds. where- wth to ereet and. construct a watè] -Works systemj, ineluding a îwater IYuri- f ication plant, , stand pp~ storage tanks, reservohiÉs, basins, intftkes, -weIXs, maiins, hydrants, inuters, valves, pui>) ing equiprnent, housing, including the flecessary land and ail appurtenances nesrytherefor,- for suipplying mwateî for public use and for domeéstic Use of the inhabItants of the. Village: of Wil- inette, and for.tht. betteî' protection of the Inhabitants 'f s.aid Village a-iinsl losses b)y fire, there shall bt* borrowed tin the credit of the. Village, the suni of seven lHundred. Thousand Dollars. 1$700,000.00, and to) evidence suüh b0an: there bul1w and there is hiereby rird"ered and directed to be issuod theý *negroftible c-oupon bonds of sald village of Wlet to said anînunt. Said bonds shaîl bé se*%en hundrecl (700) in numbe'r, numbered fromn one (1) to SeVen hurt- dred (700) incusive, and of the. denom- inatlop of Hle Thousand Dollars (p1,000.00) each. Said bonds shall bear *date of Nove-nîber .1, A: D. 1930, and, shaîl bluonef due and pybl.as fo1- lows: Bonds numbcered 1 to 30. both hn"- clusi ve; aggregat ing $30.000.00 In, aino<unt, on Nov\ember 1, 1934,.: .- ýBondsq nunibered M. to 60, bothIn clusive. .aggregating , ,00iO0.00 i îniount, on Novt'mher 1. 1935. Bonds nurnibered ý61 to 90. both inl4vaggreg.iting $30,000..00 _in arnounit, on Novenilîce 1, 193C).. 'oh Bonds- numibered 191 to 120, bt inclIusiv-e, agg'regating 530,000.00 In anlount, on November 1, 1937. Bonds nuhîberéd 121 to M)0, both inclusi1ve, aggregatlng $30,000.00 ln' aninunt, on: November 1, 19,38.- 1 ,nr WATER WORKS . BOND li No.-$100.0 lie KNOW ALL 'E BY THESE P-RESENTS: of That. thie Village of Wilmnette, ln tht SCounty of Cook and State, of Illinois seacknowledge$ itself to owe and, foi hevalue, received,, hereby -promises to pay 'd to bearer, the. suni of One. Thousaru of ($1,000.00) on the first day 0of- Novemi er, ber, A. D. 1- togethet' with interest o on said sum fromn the date hereof until of. pald at thie rate of fou? .' and one-half Mn (41'A%), per. a.num, payable semi- annually, on the first.day of May aEnd d Novenîber of eaeh year, a s evidenced nby and upon presentation and surrender e-of tlq(- inter*e.st coupons hiereto. attached t as tlîey severally beconie due; botli d principal and interest pay3able at the t office of the Treasurer of said, Village it. of.wilmette in sýaid Village, anld for the <,prompt lia3meût of.this bond, with in- .4truest, as aforésaid, at mfaturity,1 the full faith, credit and resources of sald L) Village are herehy irrevorably pledged. 1) This, bond is issued by said Village for F, 'the. purpose of l)roviding the necessaryr funds to erect. and construct a water fé worksq system, inclAudhng a water.-Puri- -fication plant,, stand' pipes, storage r: tanks, 'reservoirs, -basins, intakes, welle, -:mains,, hydrants, meters, valves, pump- ing equlpffent, fiouising,, inciuding. the neessary land antd n1l apurtetîances necessary therefor, for supplying water efor public use" and for domestlc use of the inhabitants of the Village of * Willmette, and for the better protection fof. the. inhalbita.nts of- said Village *against losss byfire, and i accord- fance with the. provisions of an ord- Sinaý,nce duly:paýssedl by the President 1and Board of Trustees. of the, said* fVillage on t e- a of-. A. D. 1930, and submnitted to and approved by the -ot(,rs o f said 'Village nt an eleetion duly called and held for that purpose, and purp.uant to and in conipliance with tht. proN-isiong of an Act of the. General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled "Ail Act to provide for the incorporation of elties and villages," approved April 10th, 1872, and aIl *ac'ts arnendatory thereof. and supplernent al thereto. And it fis he'reby certlfied and recited that aIll things, acts and conditions - rqulred by the iaws~ and constiïttion of the State of Illinols, to happen and 1)(- done and performied precedent to ad. in the. isRtuance of this bond have,,hap- îîenéd. and been proiîerly dont. and, tperformeêd l n regular and due fo rn as -eqiuired by l1w; and that the. total indebtednesq of said Village, lncluding. this bond does not exceed any - Ocnti- tutional, or statutory.- limitations and that. provi sion has been. made for the ('olletion of. a direct annual tax in aiddition to al other taxe., on ail of tht. taxable property' in said village stiff- cient in amiount to pay the, interest liereon as thé sane fallsi due and to disýehai*ge *.theprnrtchial hereof at m neeting tht. interest. which wlll accrut E, on sald bonds subsequent to Novembéi ls.,, 19322 and to pay the principal oi esaid bonds at their maturity, there shah be and there ile hereby levied on ail oi Stht. taxable property ln sald Village, ir, yaddition te. all other taxes4, tht. fË.llowv dr!W ect annualtax, to-wit:- For each of tht. years 1930, 1931 and ;1932' a tax sufficient to produce thE il sum of $31,'500.00 for lnterest.ý f For tht. year 1933 a, tax sufficient tc -produce tht. sum of $61,500.00,. being >1531,500.00 for linterest. and $30,oÔ0.0O foi 1 ..rincipal.' r For tht. year 1934 a tax -sufficient to 1 îroduce thie suni of $60,150.00, being $30,150.00 for interest 'and $30;000.00. foi *principal.' Fo'r tht. year 1935 a tax sufflicient.tIo liroduce *tht. Puniof $58.800. 00, -being $28,800.OÔ for interest. aWnd $30,000.00 for *principal. For tht. year 19.6. a tax sufficient ta produce tht. cm o f :$57,4,50.00, being $27.450.00 for. Interest and $30,000.00 for p)rincipal. For tht. year 1937 a tax sufficient te produce the. sum of $56,100.00, being $26,100.»00 for lnterest .and $30,000.00 for pîrincipal. *Fo? ,tht. year 1938> a tax, suficient,'te produce the. sum of $64,750.00, being, 5$24,750.00 for interet and $40,M0¶0 for, princ ipal1. For the. year 1931) a tax sufficieîrt to produce the suin oif 56,950.00, .being $22,950.00 for interest and $40?000.00 for principal. Foi' the. year 1940 a tax suffIcient to îwoduce, the. suin of $61,150. 00, 1 being $2l,150.00 for intt.rest and $40,000.00 for For tht. year.1941 a tax sufficient te produce the. suma of $59,350.00, being $19,35000 for interest and $40,000.00 for pri ncipla. For tht. year 1942 à axa uff!eieIIt to hroduce tht. suai* of 5:57,55j0.00. belag' $17,550.00 for intt.rest and$0000 o principal. 14 d50000 o For te'erl43a tax sufficienit to prodilce* tht. sunm of $65,7î50.00, bt.lng $15,750.00 for interest and $50.000,00 fol' principal. For the year 1944 a t tax sufficient to produce the. sumn of1 $63.500,00f, being. $13.500,00 foi' intere.st and $50.00000' for For lie-vear 1945 a taxý suffle 1ient te produce. tht. S.uaiof "$61.250,0,1being $1111510.60 for 1interest and $50.1000,0 or principal.fo For tht. year 1946 a tax sufficlent to pî'oduce. the. sum of $59.000,00, being 19,000.00 ýfor intert.st and, $50i000,00 for principa:l. *For tht. yeàr 1947 a tax sufflicient to produce the. sm* of $ 56,750.00, being $6,750.00 for intereat and $50.000,00 for principal. For the year 1948 a fax sufficient to produce ~the sm f .. tr,, ,,.(%à LEA J. ORR )f ~Village Clerk( ýe APPROVED by the President of the ýr Village of Wilmnette, this l6thi day of >f Septemiber, A. D. 1930. EARL E. ORNER fPresident of, the vil- IL TTST lage of Wilniet.te. LEA J. ORR dVillageCek eýPubllshed. in Wilnette Life on Sep- teinber.l9th, A D. 1930. 0 LiEA J.ORR Village (ie'rk r L20-1te cORDINANCE NO. 1669 AN ORDINAIN E ramnending section 26 of chapter 35 of an ordinance entitled: "An. ordinance irevising, amending. and eonsolidating the General Ordînances of the' Village r of' Wilmrette, adopted 1)y the. President and Board of Trustees ofthe Village of Wilmnette on the 2th day of a'l, A. D. 1917, apid approyed by the. Presi- *dent of said, Village, on March 2th, 3,E T ORDAINED 13V THE PRESI- DENT AND BOARD OF' TRUSTEEiS, 0F' THE OILG F WTLMETTE: SECTION AJ: Tha t section 26, of chap- ter 35, of an; ordinance entltled "An ordina nec revising, amending and con- sZolidattfg.thv' general ordinances of thei Village of Wilmette, adopted by the President and Board of Truc:tees of the Village of Wilinette on the 20th day of March, A.* -D. 1917,ý and approved by the. President of said Village* on M %,arch 2th,, A. D_. 1917" be amended so that the same s;hah iread as follôws: *Electric latrps, etc.,(de.facing-or lnjuring same). Sec., 26, Any per-ý son who shaîl carél"s-4y or malic- iously break, deface-,'interfere with, carry, away or in any way injure or destroy «tny Ianip post,-electrie light'lamp, globe or any part (-) or- appurtennce to any lamp 'or light of any kind used in, upon or about any street, alleNr or public place in the Village of Wilmette, or,.wbo shall carelessly or. raliciously break, in- jure, destroy or In any way dlsturb or interfere with any electric light, telephotie or telegraph wire, or any appurtenance thereto, at anv place within the. lirn'its of the. Village *of Wilinette, ,hall be deemed guilty of* aà midemeano'r *and shal be fined not less than five dollars, nor.nmort. than .two hundred dollars, for each, offense. SECTION2: This ordinance shal be in force from and after its passage. PASSED by the President. ard Board of Trusteesý of the Villag .e of Wilmette, on the 16th day of Septemiber A. D. 192,0, and deposited and filed in thie office of the.. Village Clerk- of said, Vil- Jaewe this I6th day of Septemnber.A. D... 1910. LEU J. ORR liaitil n signe uy . Bod' umet4-651 to ' 700, both atteQted by the Village Clei Inclusive, aggrtgating $50,000).00o ln * Village and lmpressed witht amount, on Noveiiber 1, 1950. att. seal of sal-d Village ; an SaId bonds shal, bear interest from the intert.st coupons shal b and after date at tht. rate of four and by tht. lithograph facslmile one-half per centumn (4~%) per annum, ' of tht. said; President and Vil payablo emlanulon tht. first day and said offlcers are hert.by etMay and November. Ineach., year. * and, dlrected tb 90 exect e aidnu ws trie sme maiur such sealt.d bid's or proposals shalibe o'r- SECTION 5: That when properhy in the hands of tht. Presîdent of sald of executed as aforesald, sald bonds shall Board of Local Improvernents, Mr. td be delivered by the. Treasurer of sald Ralph R. Hawxhurst, Kenllworth, Ilii- 'ès Village to the purchasers of tht. sanie nois, or the Secrt.tary of said Board of rk, frorn tht. President of tht ..fBoa'rd of Local Improvemnents, M~r.. Wehdeil H. :d Trusteeh of sald Village at not hesse han' Clark Kt.nllworth, Illinois, before 11 idpa and tht. proceede derlvedl therefr.om o'cîocf A M. Central Standard Time on i.