Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Sep 1930, p. 68

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Rates-" cents a line ln one paper. 25 cents a lins ln anvy two papers. 3cents a lune ln ail three papers. MINIMUM iCHARGE L1. Average oft ive words to the lins. No .black face type used. 10q, discount on ail cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave.. Wilmette, 561 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetka, or 341 Park Ave., Giencoe. Contract, rates anay be had upon request. Dealin fo Inertons Classifled a dvertisements will be Deadine or hseriions accepted up to Wednesday 9 o'clock for the WuioevrTz Lipz' or al three papers;, Thursday 9. o'clock for. the. WiWNeTKA TALK and Friday 5 o'ciock for the GLENOON Nss.> Telephones: Willmette 4300,, Winnetka 2000, Winnetka 500 «Or Glencos 1484, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 5687. 5 ANTÉIOUEU RËfMO VAL SALE * WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE offer on any piece ofantique furniture in aiîy collection. -This month oniy. * YVONNE SOHN 823 Washington Ave., Evanston. Gr. 6592 5LTN.19-tfe CARVED WALNUT TABLE, 23x3l, niar e top-420. 14 esacola A, Chicago. Lake View 6372. 5LTN2-ltp RARE -ANTIQUE SIDEBOARD, CO- lonial Empire, Date, 1820. Excellent conition. Da'ep-leaf tablie, cabinet made chairs, rush seats. J. Hart, 5550 Kenm-ore Ave., Chicago. Tel. Long- beach 9160. 5LT20-ltp Always in -Perfect Taste THE CHOICE 0F SILVER, ARTIS- tically designed, antique perlod pat- * terns, superior by virtue of its beauty, worth and performance. Odd pieces re- stored to original finish. PAUL DAVEY JEWELER 1165 Wiimette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6 5LTN19-tfc B-UTTERNUT SECRETARY, OAK tavern table, chairs,. book sheif, etc. Plione Winnetka 1910. 5LTN20-1tt CLIEARANCE SALE EarI2y American antiques, speciai prices on beds, chests, glassware anîd ()d prýints-. Duelitig pistois, Statuettes.- Mary Ann JDicel, 808 Washington St.. Evanston. 1 bik. s-outh of Main. l1'/' biks. e(ast of Ridge. 5LTN20-ltc, S BUSiNESS SEftVICE Ail Rinds of Carpenter Work Done, JOHIN BOESCH Phi. Wilimette 216S 9LTN1-tfe' PAINTING, PAPER HANGINO AND ARTISTIC DECORATING This Office wiII- accepi in, THE E VANSTON.] families in Evanston. 5'p. m. on Tuesday. 15 INSTRUCTION EJIITH RAY YOUNG PRIVATE J-NSTRUICTIOlN HELEFN CURTIS PIANO CLASSES $5 A TrERMý NEW CLASSES -NOW FORMING 1133 Centrai Ave., Apt. 6 Ph. Wilniette 3651 15L20-Itij PIANIST-ËUROPEAN-TRAINING Pufpils, ail grades, special-rates. Phone Wiimette 1705, Berenice Viole., 15LTN18-l2tp 17 iNTrEàRR EcoRATIlrNO Distinctive Lamp' Shades IN $ILK OR PARCHMENT TO HARMONIZE WITH YOUR COLOR SCHEME. Designed in our studios Vases wired and repaired Alan Goodrich Studios 1522 Sherman at Grove. Evanston Greenleaf 081rb 17LTNi6-tfc 24 PAINTING AND DECORATING- PAINTING INTERIOR AND EXTER- lor, by day- or cofitract. *Good work, rem'onab1e ra.Jtes. Excellent refer- eî'ees. Oliver Syren, Ilightand Park 27 X7. 24LiTN2-tp 26 PETS 1 l011SALE, BEAUTIFUL .SHETLAND pony with compiete outfitt; also colie l)uppies;, Albert Payson Terhune stock. Beelmapor, on Landwehir Road just xquth of Techiny Rload. Phone Nortii- i)I~oQk116-R.26LT20-t FOR SALE-PEDIGREED COCKER .-paniel puppies. :Phone Gletenoe,1487 26LTN20-Itp WTD-.-SOME ONE WHO WILL GIVE gond home to watch dog. brindie Air., ised to children. We are ieaving the 23 inst. 1406 Gregory Ave. Wiine icOpy nmust JEWI 1105 Wilmeëtte Ave. of watches and your demand, costly acan show yoUi just rice you wlsh to pay. DAVEY 1LER Ph. Wllmette 6 141 SITUATIrON. WANTCD--FEMALE PAULINE'S EMIP..AGENCY 746 ELM. ST. PH., WINNE'ËJKA 2662 Froe to employer. We -specialize In white domestlc help. A&pplicants regis- tered at, this office have referenceas to character and abillty to, performa such duties as appiied for., May we asslst in securing that partfcular kind of. help for you. 41LTN!5-tfc E XPETI. -WHITE LAUNDRESS, COOK- ing and cieaning. North shore ref. Cati, after 5 p. m. :Greenleaf 24441 4_ILT2O-1 tp EXP. COL. CHILDS NURSE WISHES position.. Good ref. Ph. University 3014 evenings. 4ILTN2-ltp GRADUATE NURSE WITH- PLE AS- ant homne cares for convalescentor elderiy people. Ph~. Wilrntte 429. 41LTN15-tfe ColORIED GIRL WAANTS GETNERAL Hltwk., stay niights, references. Ph., Unti\versity .3258. 41L20-111) EXPER. ENGLISH WOM,%AN, LAUN- dry or daywork.' 10 years' exper. on north shore. Ref. Winnetka 3435. 41L,20-ltip COLOhIF' WOMAN WANTS GÊNER- ai ho1usework. Best of ref. Piiolle Winnêtka 69.5. . 411LT]N20-1tip YO-UN('.BUTSINESS WONIAN WILL givýe service evenings in exchaîige for board ;md rooni. A-27, Box 40. Wi- mette. 111. 411,20-tp EXPERIIENCEl) WOMAN WANTS PO- sition. general hswk. Loeal re f Cal! Kearney' l inet 01 411LT]N2Q-1i t CLEANING BY DAY. COOKMNO Iserving. or generai work (on i-nid's I ayou. raý7c. tahIorthbronk 23. 41 LTN2-lte C.E1 t MA N GI1R L WANTS DYAY WOR:.k MoF'ýndàvs. Tuesdgysan Satiirda'y. Call Winnetka 3218. 41LT20-Il), 111(1-1SCIHOOL GIRL AS TH S helper after se;hool tnd Saturclays. Phi. Wilmette 2430. *1LT20-ltn PR:'OTESýTANT GIRL WITI 'rWO to be run. r 17,000 be 'in by -Tel-ephont Wilmette 4300 or Winnectka 2000- -DAY WORK MONDAY.S esdays, permanent., ref. Ph. 137; î~N2-t .,ptpne inne.a vaut.vvne.... ,jVs trle~d ail the rest, try the best.". EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS daY Worké, laundry or cleaning. rief. Add. A-31, Box 40, Wilimette, 111. 11 41LTN2-ltp RESPONSIBLE WOMAN SPECIALIZ- ing in. th 'e care and training. of chiu-. dren runder achool age. wil workc by the hour. Ref. Mrs. H-utchimisan. Rog- ers Park 9392. 4ILTN20-tp WANTED-WASHING AND IRONINO to take home. Nvill cail and deliver. ,Ph. Wilmette,, 3246. 41 LT.N21O-lt,* 42 SITUATrION WANTE£D--MALE HOUSSEMAN PRIVA7E' FAMILY single, 40, A-i rets. Hernian Hoistrom, 3300 Sheffieid Ave.-. Ph.., eBittersweet 5228. 42LTN20-ltp EXP.. HOUSEMAN, GARDENER, AND: chauffeur wishes work 2 days a week. First ciass N. S. ref. Glencoë 1532. 42LTN20-t ALL . ,%AROÎ-TND b HOUSEMAN ANI) chauffeur, 6 years' exp.on north shore:. Best of ref. Normal 3324, call Sunday, 42L.T20-1lp EXPERIENCED MAN, GARDEN work, wash windows, etc. Ph. Winn EXP. ýCHAITFFEtÎR. 1-WILLINC. TO DO)- house and yard work. North short. ref. Greenleaf 3963. 42LTN20-2tl) CHAUFFEUR HOUSEMAN IN PET- va te family. White. A-i refer. 6 years last place. Giencoe 139.. DOWNS,POUTS.AND'STORM lSEWElt-. and other repairs. 377 Provident 'ove. Ph. Winnetka 1288 after 5 p. in. 4?2LTN15;-tf,' 42 IT. WTD.-MALE 8& PEMALE EXPERIENCE D COLORE D COU'I>LE. best North Shor),ie references. Ph1. Winnetka 491. 431,TN20-1 te F R EE TO irMPLOYEP,-S-EVERY- ithing enn high --rade help, Maie- or fe- mnlce, white or col. Ref. pos. invest Asi< your neiglibors. Lee Empioynft. Agey, 1631 Benson Ave. Ph. Davis 8116. 43rTN20t-ltpl. North Shore, 1F'iirnciviipn1-Agecrpe WHITE GIRL ORt WOMAN. GENER- ai hswk., previous experience un- necessary. Ph., Wilmnette, 1798. 44LTN20-lte 1

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