ICnlworth 594. . 44L20-lte NEAT WHITE GIRL FOR LIC-H1T hauseworlç. Ph. Wilmette 142ki. : 44LTN20)-ltc C.FN. MAID. GERMAN PREF. PRO- testant. Good . cook. Exceýllent local references requlred., Good wages Nurqe kept. TPel. Winnetka .24". 44LrNo-ti WHITE. 'GEN. MýAIDS. CRIOICE11 openings. Wages $18-$25. Center St. Agency. 522 Center St.. Wlnnetka 604 44LTN20-Itu, COMPETENT, WHITE MAID F1 general hou.eworki no laundry. Ph. W"iimette 2573. 44LT. I&- WHITE GIRLi FOR GENERAL HSWK., 4 in family. 701 'Linden Ave., Ph. Wilmette 4069. 44LTN20-1te WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HISWK., 91 to 1 daily, $10 per, week. -:l'ef. Cali Winnetka 250. 44LTN20-ltc 48 FOR SALE-AUTOS INCOLN TOWN CARi SPECIAL BODY, EXCELLENT CON- dition, sacrifice to close estate. :e gardener at 319, Sheridan rd., Win- netka. 4R8LTN20-lte> *FOR SALE- FORD ROADSTER, mo(del A. excele nt condition.' 355 Lin- den Str eet, Winnetk'a. 48LTN'20-1t(- 1928 Pontiac sedan. 1927 Auburn sport sedan. 1927 Nash br-oughp.n. 1927 Hupmnoblle sedan. Ail the above cars are In excellent con-- dition jucluding odtrspanec EVANSTON NASH CO. D. K. VOGED'tINGw. PRES. 173ý5 Benson Ave., Cor. Clark St. Used Car Dept.. 1033 Davis St. .31 FOR RENT-WOOMS *LARGE. L1GHT POOM INEAR NOR1'H Shore Une., suitable for. 1 or 2i Rea- sonable. ..Wiimette- 3206. 51 LTN2O0-ltp 1 OR 2 NICELY FURNISHED BOS airy and light. N(-ar transp. Ph. Wil- nmette 3007. 51L20-1tc J'URNISHIED 'CORNER BEDROOM reasonable. phone Wlnnetka 2359. 51LTN20-1t 1 i FOR RENT-ROOM. NEWLY )CIITDS ING tE f0*lO . sôuütheaust. exposuirei, 3 windows, hot- water bezat. Tel. Winnetka 1920. 5-11LTN 20-ttc 1OOM, 1-OR 2 1BEDSPRIVATE bath. niear 'tr.tnsloortaition. Tul. W'il- netka 570. 468 idge Avenue. .51LTN20-ItQ DELIGH-TFt'L FI'R1NýIHED ROC)M ,with private. bath and porchi. Exclu- -;ive neighlborhnnd.ý( near transporta- tion. Phonie Wiinntka 2144. 511,TNl20-ltc PLEASANT FRONT flOOMA NEXT TO bath, for .2 ladies or~ 2 getit1unmen. 419 Chestnut St. Winnetka 22299. 51LTN20-1ti FOR RENT-FLUNISIIEI) ROO-MS, wveii lheated. 1 bIk. frptm N. W. ami N. S. sta. 629 Park Ave. Ph. Wil- mette 2345. 51IL20-11tc 2 FURNISiIED ROOMS; 1 DOUBLE $4 and I .Single Ioom . $e. Space lu garage $5 ùýei month. Gar., Is on paved alley. Phi. imet 623. 51L20r-tli 1,,C IIBElROOMT, 1 OR 2 G ENTLE- îne'i pref., private~ home. Close to.- transp. 420 Park Ave., Cali before il A. M. and after 6 P. -M, wlmette 2 nW! at 19. 4978., e Ave., Ph. SOLZ ~NT ette 56 FOR fiI41'-ApATM8NT. A STUDIO APARTMENT -LARGE living room, kitchenette, bath and sleeping alcove. Pleasant location, Winnetka 364. 56LTNý2-tc FOR RENT-2NDJ FLOOR APAUT- ment: 3 roonis, kitchenette, bath. glazed porch. Il W. heati garage op- tional. Ph. Kenilworth 3219. 56LTN20-1ie FOIR RENT-4 ROOM FLAT AND GA- rae Cali Wifimette 3246. 56LTN20-Itc 3 RM. IIEATED APT.; OAS AND light, near transp. 521 Park Ave. Ph.> Wilniette' 252. SSLTN20-ltu 5 RMS. 1ST FLOOR. WTH' OR WITH- out gairage. Rent reasonable to righit party. 'Call about 7 p. mi., Winnet!ça 525-M. . 56LTN20-ltp 2 BZOOM KITCHENETTE APART- nment, steam he at, janitor service, near transportation. Ph. Wilniette 1800. 56L15-tfc MODERN 5 ROOM APT. IN .11UB- bard Woods. Ph. Winnetka 1055., 56LTN48-tfc -2 AND_ 31 APTS. FURN. OR 'UN- l Bldg. 503 Chestnut. Ph. 8. 56LTN16-tfe T-FURNIUIIED APT$. UINE. 7 RM. BRICK, GL. es. Large grounds,1 Reau. 1077 Cherry ESt! -_-rsiIILT? MOR RENT - WILME1 home. N. E. sec.: 2 blk lot, 13 rms.; 5 bedrins.; sunpar. *. servants' .qua, rai.; 3 batha; 2 lav.; hl oil heat. 'Wil rent fui Ph. Wllmette 1M8. soLTI QUICK 8uyer and. Seller have found, the Want-Ads of' WILMETTE LIFE of inestimable value. Many a -deal involving hundreds of dollars, has been thbe resuit of a Classified ad which cost- but a few cents. Classified, ads wiliIbé acceptedevery evening uni-il9. PH~EWILMLTTE 43001 Wednesday before 9 P.- M. for the Current Issu. New 6 roomn brick, bouse ; sereen Porch; extra lav. lst floor; H. W. heat; 1-car garage .............. . $110.00 .6 rooni stucco h ouse; living. rooni 24 ft. long;~ ex. lav. lst floor; H W. heat, oil burner ; 1-car garage .. .. $125.00 New 7 rooni brick, col.; tile bath; ex. 13yv. on lst fIour; 2 car garage. $135.00 8 rooni brick col., nearly new; 5 bed- roonis; 3 baths; 14k blocks to lake;, H. W. heat, oh hbumer; 1-car garage .. ...................$00 New brick 8 room bouse: living rooni 27x18 ; 4 miaster; bedrooms and 2 tule baths-; raid's rooni and. bath inw add. to above; ý x. Ilav. on I.st floor; 2 e.reen .porches; H. W. heat; 2-car att. garage............. .... $225.00 AIl of these bouses aire ln excellent con- dition and are wlthln two to- seve'n blocks' of North, Western transporta- tion itud schools. We recoinménà only bouses. we k now to be satisfactory. Harkness & Byrn 8 N. SHERIDAN ROAD HIGHLAND PARK -H. P. ý1709 Ô OTN20-1tc FOR, SALE OR RENT- COL. 1-ISE., 4 BEDRMS., 3 BATHS, slpg.-peh.. Igé. 8uIWflL, 011 bheat; hI. gar.; nr. school. transp. Winnetka 1921. . 60L20-jtp EAST WINNETKA. 8 RMS., 3 BATHS. slng. och. $200 niO. East Wlnnetka. 7 irms.. sipg. -Pch.. den, oH b t. $135 mo. IHubbard Woods. 7 rms.. sig. pcb..Isuün parlor. $120 mo. Glencoe, 7 rmns.. 3 baths. large lot. 4 blks. to trans. $175 mo. Winnetka. 5 rms... large lot, $65 mo. CornDlete list rentaIs $60 and. up B. .11.1 BARNETT 526 Center St.. 16 Room 4 6OLTN20-lte UNFURNJSI-ED HOUSE * RAVINIA 1%EW BRICK AND STUCCO. .9 RMS.: 2 baths, 5 bedroorns., conv. to transp. and achlool. 1 car att. heated gar. Owner moving away. will include car- etrent aIt $200 per mo. or wlthout caVpets $175 per inu. Rare opportun-. ity. MRS.* FULLER-HOMES 1618 Chicago- Ave. 'Greenleaf 7220. GLTN20ltc Open for Inspection Sunday xmný q BED-MS.. 3 BATHS.