Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Sep 1930, p. 71

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With the approach of winter, the board of county commissioners is compelled to consider, it 'was reported this week, expenditures for the re- lief of the poor under the supervi- sion of the overseersof the poor in the respective communàities. Uneml- ployinent during the last few sionthis of this year ii expécted to :increase the outlay for the indigent. Indicative of tlie respective, needs' of ýthe communities, or township)s n Cook couintv for the relief of their poor is 'the latest, report of the coin- nssoners. Bloomi, Cicero, Prvisn Berwyn, city of Evanston, New~ Trier, Thornton and Worth townsbips re- ceived the largest anoiouts ofnionev. Barrington,., Elk. Grove, Hanover, Leyden. M aine, Sites, North field. Nor- wood Park Orland, Palatine, River- side. River Forest. Scbaumberg, Stjckney and Wbeeling-, Nere given the lowest amounts.- wThe rural districts in the. county required tule smallest sums. River Forest is pçopflecl largejy by the weIl- to-cdo. Sois Oak Park.but the latter %vas given a sum of rnonev which placed it in thbe major, classification.. *Riverside's population also is niainlv rich: therefore it required little, aid for its1poor.* Tbere follows here a list of tlhe stims of mnoney appropriated recentl 'v fo the variôus townships for the re- lief of their pont: Barring:on $650., Berwyn $2.500, Bloom $10,000. Bre- mnen $2,250, Calumet '$2,000, Ciceco $1 1.000, citv of Evanston $2.700, Ek Grove $50ý, Hanover $250. 'Lvons $2.400, Leniorît $1,500, Levden $500. Maine $400. New Trier $2,000, Nules $400, Northfield $300. Norwood Pari: $500, Oak Park $1.200, Orland $59). Palatine' $50. PaIn.s.$75 Provisz) $4,506, Rich $250, Riverside $50.. Riv- er Forest $75, Schaumberg $50., Stick- nev $50, Thornton $9,,300.,\Vheetink-- $200, Worth $4.150, total $60.000. lIn November, 1929. the.expenditurés re- *ported were $75,000 for the fiscalyeaýr 1928. according to ordinance. An ini- vestigator was paid $100 a month. the dose. Stop suffering from constipation. Chew a Rexall Orderlie at ilight. Next day~ bright. Get 24 for 25c today, at the nearest. Rexail Drug Store--Rennechar Drug Co. --.Advertlsemeflt. (Connelly Photo) Adolphl Bolm will direct a ten week course ini dancing at the Shawnee Couintrv club), with. classes for, boys and girls, from 3.30 to 5 :30 o'cllck. in the afternoon on Thurs ,days and -at- 10 o'clock on Wednesday morn- ings, for the women members of the club. «Mr. Bolm is cliairnian of the dancing conmittee for the Ceitury of Progres s exposition ii i1933. He' las bee n director of the ballet of the C'hicago Civic opera company for the past two vears anid the 'Metropolitani ballet for several 'ears. tlie various townlsh'ips of. Cook couaty for their work ini valuing realty for the latest assessment, that is, of the' v.ear 1929. The prognosticated increase in the àmounts of the next tax :bis was based on the assumption, it was said, that the program for -public im.prove- mepts called for 't'he expenditure of- great sums of money which with the rising levies of the ~townships and other tax spending bodies wouln' causeý a deeper:furrow ini the public purse. ýAs usual, the tax spending bodiesý were urged to lower tlieir levies. Despi te the- heroice efforts, in. the: last few ..onths to cla'rify the tax situation,, it remains as muddled as, ever, it was said. Taxes continued to rise *hile realt.Y'values, that is, theý market values,. continue to drop. There was talk in the countv.building abouita "stfrike" of. owners. of. real e state especially in those outlýrin;z communlities which were hardest bit hy the 1928 assessment. It cost the township of Barringtoni $550 p1lus $165 for the hire of deputy assessors to learn how much taxes the 1929 taxes will be; the $550 wvas raid to the assess-br. Berwyn. town-, shi») paid $3, 200,and an additional $960 for deputieà i Bloom the same ainounts, that, is, $3,200 and.- $960:1 Brenien $800 to its assessor and $240 to bis deput.y or deputies; Calumet $4,000 andl $1.200: Cicero $4,800 auJk It's Your Moveo.M to protect yourself against the on- 1208 Centr $1,600 Trhe total a monetp aid to assesso 1rs was $62,500, te their deputieý. $18,750.; grand total paid to "Ilearn the bad nýews $81250. W.HY SUFFERI FOOT TORTURE? A MESSAGE TO FOOT SUFFERBItS FROM ........ Ground Gripper, Shffl qi ckly Put an enid to foot,,suffering. Any of ouf customers,,wîll tell you this, so will any physic=n or otoei specialist. Just do, this. Let us 1make. a free ,iGripper-graph analysis of your feet. -al Ave. Phones: Wâluette 131 and 190 OE^NÇMIUC 1735 SHERMAN AVENUE For More Than Forts Years GENEF68 ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___EVANSTON

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