Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1930, p. 68

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15ts- cents a lino 1la one paper. 25 cents a Ino in any two papers. Rates-3.cents a lino in ail threo papers. 311NIMUM CHARGE $1.00. .Average of five words to the lino. No black face type used. 10% discount on ail cash with order advortlsemonts whea brought te our office .at 1232 Central Ave., Wilimette, 561 Lincoln Ave., Wlntka, or 341 Park Ave., Glencoe. Contract rates rnay be had upon roquest. Deadfn useClassified advortisements will be Deadl,e for I ertions-accepted »p to Wedaeàday 9 o'clock for the WiLMWTrz aLirâ or ail three papers; Thursday 9' o clock for the WiNIWrriA TALx and Friday 5 o'clock for the GËlSqcoaE Nws. Tolephones: Wilmette 4300, Winit'etka 2000, Winnetka 500 or Glencoe.1484, Grenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 5687. 'I 3 . Lt>T AND FOUND LOÔST-2 STRAND PEARL AND CRY- stal:necklace. Finder please eall Gien- coe 937, 2LT.N22Z-ltc LOST-D5IAMOND RIING-LAST FRt- da,.%,nlght la Winnetka. à large and 10 ..,mall dlamonds set in gold. Heirloom. Reward. No. questions asked. Raw- leigh, 9M3 Hill Rd. Phone Winnetka, 2984.,. 2LTN22-ltc LOST-GIRL'S TAN COAT WITH lerowa leather 'beit size 1 2e at Cen- tral school play ground.. Rew afd. Ph.' Wilmette 2647.- 2L22-ltc. 5 ANTrIQUES CLEARANCE SALE Zarly Amnerican antiques, speclal prices on. beds, chests, glassware and oid prInts. Dueling pistols,. Statuettes. Mary Ana Dicke, 808 Washington St., Evaastoa, 1 blk south of Main, 1ý4 blks east of Rlidge. 5LTN22-ltc EARLY AMERICAN MAPLE FOUR poster bed. mahiogany finish, fuil sized double with spÉings and hair mattress. Also handsome xnalogany music cabinet. Sheraton reproduc- tion. Both ln excellent condition and reasonably priced. Tel. Glen<'oe 812. 5L22-ltp AT- THE LITTLE HOUSE 0FPfINTER-. est, 1420. Sheridan Road, Wilniette. 10 pink lustre teacups. 8, Royal Wooster teacups. Amber; t'anary, Miue, green, and white glass. Staf.. running order. Cuirrier ,and':Ives prints. Tables, chests, chairs, scr0ens, and quilts. Iron hltchinig poist. Many small objeets, reasonable pr ices. Tel. Wilmette 4913. 5L22-lt» REMOVAL SALE WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONÂBLE, offer on any piece of antique furniture collection. This month only. Y-VONNE SOHN 823 Washington Ave., Evanston. Gr. 6592 5LTN19-tfc *BUSINESS SERVICE ALL CKRPENTER WORK FOR REA- sonablo prices, don. by Albert Rutar. Please caîl evenings after 6 o'clock. Winnetka W40. >9LTN21-tfe PAINTING, PAPER HANGING *AND ARTISTIC DECORATING CARL FRANKELL 1506 Wilmetto Ave. Ph. Wilmotte 3104 14AIE TO SUIT YOUR INDIVIDU- ality. Only the flnest of workmanshlp. Strict attention given to the smallest details. We also remodel and alter. *COLLETTE SOEURS PHONE .WIN.1011 11LTN22-ltp 14 GARDENING IS YOUR GARDEN READY FOR winter and inext spring? For expert work by experienced men caîl Win- neika 329. 14LTN22-Stp Scroened Black Dlrt, $2 Per d URBAN F. HOFFMAN. -Morton Grovo 183 2 14LTIN20-3tp in INSTRUCTION TUTORINÇl. By experienced graduate teacher, chul- dren 5 to 9 years qld. Ph. Miss. Wood- cock, Willmette 609. 15LTN22-ltc WANTED- TEACHeR IN FRENCH conversation for children. P'hone Win- aetka 2617. 15LTN22-ltp GLA.DYCE CRESSEY B. IC. NATIONAL College of Education. Tuto'riag in lower grade subjects, Ph._ Wilmette IF YOU NEED A CARPENTER, TELE- Phone Carl Bengston! 'Ho does ait kinds of carpenter work and repah- lng. Winni. 2480. .30LTN15-tfe 3 CLOTH COATS. 2 PUR TRIMMED, 1 Hudson Bay raInbow stripod, 1. raja- coat like new, sizes 16-18.. Kenil- worth 1329. 33LT22-ltc FOR SL-USRTCOAT, GOOD co)ndition, size 14. Aise -other clothing and-. a- Star sail boat. Ph. Wilmette 141.. 3LTN22-ltc FOR SALEa-BROWN WINTER COAT fur trlm, velv et dress, evening dress;- Tweed suit size 16, also shoes 6A. Ph. Winnetka 2170, 337 Sheridan Road. 33LTN22-ltc FOR >SALED-BROWN .COAT, CARA- cul trim, -excellent qÙalty. Reasonable price. Ph-. Wilmette'2070. 33LTiNI22-ltc FOR SALE'SILK AND WO0L'KNIT sweater suit, green, size 18. Wern only a few times. Ph. Wilmette 1509. - 33LTN22-ltp BLACK LEATHER COAT, PULL length, size 16 yrs. perfect condition $10. Ph. Wllmette 1083. 33LTN22-ltp 33-A WATCHES, IN THESE MODERN DAYS MODERN GIFTS ARE IN ORDER- new principles, smnart designs in our present seleôtion of watches and docks. Whatever your deniand, costly or inexpensive, we caa show you just the thirng at any price you wlsh to pay. PAUL DAVEY JEWFILER 1165 Willnette Ave. Ph. Wilinette 6 33-A LTN15-tfte 41 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 746 ELM ST. PH. WINNETKA 2662 Free to employer., We, specialize in 'white domeéstlc help. Applcants regis- tered at tliis office have' reference a7s to character and abllity te perform such duties as applied for.. May we Assist In securing that particular kiad of help for you. 41LTN15-tfc FIRST CLASS COLORED COOK AND trieu all the rear, ry mh(% best * 41LTN22-Itp EXPER. WOMAN WAN,ýTS DAY work, washlng, cooking, or cleaning. Mrs.,'Mary Ouh.ind, Winnetka 2976. 41'N22-p YQUNG WHITE WOMAN ý WANTS,ý 1.ýgene*ral housework by day or hour. Ph. Wiimette 3839. 41LTN-itp- GERMAN GIRL B EST 0F REFER- en'es wants Gen. Hswk. .$18, week.. Pauline's Agency. Ph. Winnetka 2662. 41LTN 22-Ite WANTED WASHIN 0 IRONING, cleaning. Monday, Tue.sday and Satr urday by reliable ,German woman., Ph. Wilmette 299 41LTN22-1lp GIRL DESIR ES POSITION AS governess or tutor for children. Grades 1 through 6th. Ph. Wllmette 2M57. 41LTIN22-ltp) *MOTHERS HELPER. AND STAY« nights. References. Phonoe Wilinette 2995. 41LTN-ltp 2 Exil. GER'MAN GýIRLS WAlNT .POSI- tion tQgether a cook and second worlç. First class ref. Pauline's Agency. Ph. *Winnetka 2662. 41LT22-lte STEADY POSITION WANTED AS, housekeeper or general work by neat lreliable G'ýerman girl. Ph. Wiirnette. 2999. 41LTN22-Up, WANlýTED.SFWING BY THE, DAY OR week.ý Exper. Or maids work. Ph. Drexel 0491. 41LTN22-ltp, (' E RlM A N TRAINED INFANT'S nurSe wants permanent. position. Best of ref. Phontý Winnetka 242. 41 LTN22-ltlp SITi. WTD, - GENERAL ITOUSE- work, good Cook, take care of chîldren. Ph. Glencoe 1244. 41LTN22-l1tl) MIDYDLE AGED WOMAN DESIRES Position for general housework o caré of eilîdren. Ph. Glencoe 611. 4ilLTN2t-ltpý, GEWNERAL HOUSIEW1ORK, GOOD ste.ady, pose An fafnily of aduits- ýor growen ehild'ren. Good north shore rèe- erences. Cal *Winneëtka 1468. 41LTN22-itp CAPABLE -COLORED W-M A N wants cooking and, housework. Ref- erences.- Ph. Greenleaf 9333. T a0 R0 " [. v. 1imPI41rLTN22-lt i Pis '...'ce wilj acceptclcassilleda acvertîsing to be run ii THE EVANSTON RE-VIEW, reacbing 16,000 fami- lies in Evanstoni. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. 'M. onephon enTesday.nWilmette 4300 or :Winnerka 2000. AwI WANTED 1, exp., gonE ly. Rof. Tel. ette faniily. Write A .,tp ,N-. DOWNSPOUTS A: rk, and other repai Ph. Wlnnetka Il .ltp oa rviuent ave ai ter 5 p. m . -42!LTN15-tic IL [cý:- ýi m

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