and Lînclen. streets. wlnniietka. zA tent will he erect.ed to bouse the excellent supply of f utniture, so thiat the .mnany bedIs, tables, chiests of drawers, ba-b~y cribs. wicker pieces, rugs, and luggage can be' shown to the b.Iest advantage.. 'Post- ers, also, .%ill ' serve as guides for thé buvers. On each floor..tler.e will be a large placard, listing the articles to be.found on that particÙl ar loor. Shopping lists are suggestedl for visi- tors because Nvith the very large, sup- ply of 'rummage and with noc pre-sale allowed. better - purchases cau be made if need s are counsi dered' hefore-. hand.. Notbing can he bougbt' by anyone àefore the opening bour of, the sale, so'.that ,evervone bas anÏ equal opportunitv for buying.. The boursof the sale are 8 ini the niorni- ing to. 7 in the evening., At 2 o'clock what things are left wil be niarked down i. The French rooni. managed by Mrs. E. Ashllev Gerhard, will, have the un- u-sual values in clothes: An excellent 'ridIing' habit- in size 38 bas jus't been given, which is only one of' the nmany fine donations to be 'shown: The Tre asure table, nanaged this yearby' Mrs. John Hooker and Mrs. Arthur Cox.. always bas.,both iiew. and sedarticles in pewter, costume. jewelry. china, and glassware. In addition to rumimage, there .wil'î be a display of Cbristinas gifts and suggestions in a' room on the first floor of-t-Fi Parisb hbouse. The Order *departmnent will show théir popular blank et covers, ltuncheon sets, towels., and fine band-iade table clotbs. Christinas ribboiis aind wrapp]IIgs, decorated boxes for tnauv usefuil pur- poses, -oul cloth novelties, aifd coin- forts, will be shon. ýOrders NNvîli le taken for Chri stias. deliNer\-. 'Mrs.. John N. V.anderVries, presi- dent, of the WNomanI's. guil1d of the church,, is the.generàl chairnian, in charge of the sale, and she iîs assist- ed b)v thirtv co-chairmien, w~ho are the Mesdames Willian J. Eldridge, Rollin' D. NWood, .W-vndhaiu iChanner, Charl'es C. MicKinney, Lawrence Howe. Randolph Buck, Godfrey At-, kiii, Ernest. Ballard, Gross WVilliains, lihn B.. Guthrie. Robert LI. Boyd, 'N Another mark of the well designed with fireplace at the f ar, end, thlis house in the better sections of the north "throwing together" these three roins, shoe i th atenton ive tobeatygiving space for entertaining a large number of guests. Oný the. west side. of of the rear elevation, %vell illustrated the living room is a spaciotxs porch by the hônie being btilt on Shabona f ranied in îixgged timnbers easily cou- Jane for Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Baker verted into' a screened outdoorr.m. . Williamis. It may be. considered icono-' Upstairs are four rootns and,. two clasmto say that the rear of tbe'Wil- battis.. The -master bedroom is eixtea liants home is as beautiful as the front. large witb a. corner fireplace. Both Siluggled arnong the great oak, and the >master bedroom and living' roomi elfi trees, the- Williamns bouse fits: so occupy the fui!lil ôf the, bous e naturally. that: it seenis. like them. to and' enjov three exposures with perfCct have g'rown there. But not only beauty Iigit and air. There1 is plenity of coe and location* distinguishi this homte. Oue, room .tbrougbouit. would flot believe it hias. so much room.* The, garage entrance is iell banidled. Dôwnstairs, b)esides a large living roomn, The reçcss housing the doors flot oinly dining rooni, and -w\ell-arraniged kit- A)hIAIls them f romt damage if left open chen, is a iniaidI's room adjoining the in a stôr-m Ihut the shado'ws and timber- kitc$n. The iinig room opens -across, ing ackl character-an attribute ofteni the entrance hall iîito the living rooiacking in the garage entrance. Ilints for Planting lA iPine, Rock Garden By Henry SéhauffIer (landscape designer aind contractor). -Rock and alpinie gar(lets differ' iii thie' wavy'of-, Ný-éllas iin the use oif rocks. In thie.alp)ine 'gar- déti use l)oul(lers. to profusion., and planit iith truc alpines, on11. Ini the rockei, otir. owni native builbs. flowérs, sbrubs and evergreens, 1,500 Pire Prevention Week Slo.gans Reeeived Mý1ore,,than 1,,500 slogans froni high school pupils i n se-venty-five cities of Illinois have been réceived by the, insurance conlmittee of the Illinois, Chamiber of Commerce ànd arenow being judged 'in the prize' competi- tion., The slog-ans list inany different miethods of fire prevention aiid the inigslogans will be used during Fire Preventi.on week. Announicement, after .vîitîi'iLr s. lDraper' â rei ]-sPa p l. returnin- bv %wav oft ic Panama Canal. IMr. and Mrs. Frank Barrett of23 --o-~ ~ WarNick road, 'jenilwortbi, enitcT- iss 'Madge Harris, 223, 1Melrose tained at tea 'Sundav nigbit for MUrs. avenue, Keniil\wortb, 1bas returned I Fred Pitney., who is the bouseguest from Youniistown, Ohio where she of. Mr. and Mrs. George Bird, 1010 sPpt a week visiting friends. Cbiestniut avenue. in interior arrangement. In the con- ,gested centers of 'cities and towns where numbers of these buildings are grouped together, in closely built blocks, they present not only the possibilîty, of. large individual fires, but serious fires -in groups of builid- ings as, well.' Automatic sprinklers. bom-ever, offe'r a means of largely off- setting the defects of construction and arrangement ini these buildings and can in the case of nearly every non- fire-resistive mnercantile or industrial building mniniize tbe' danger of fire. loss and consequent interruption of business. greens -are 'b'eing, appreciated more 'each vear as material for porch and indow boxes, and, surel y a window box of these interesting plants would be something new and different. . When selecting plants for a windtow box, take into consideration the type of house for which the, box is in- tended. Tail, slënder Arborvitaes will. look well with a bouse that runs to vertical lines. Pines and' Hemlocks' suggest the horizontal. Spruce tiees are pyramidal ini shape and carry the, eye upward. There is' a variation in colori, too, that should be kept in mind. Pines are a much lighter green -than the Firs and Hemlocks.' Arborvitaes are dulI, green, %vith a tendency to turn somewhat rusty before spring arrives. TIhose who liye in the Northerni states will most likely turn to Spruces, for they rernain a good green color and do not turn brown. These a 1re recommended-Norway, Spruce, White Spruce and Black fi Spruce. The number of trees nieeded for a window box wviIl depenil somewhant upon the effect you wish to gain. For a massèd :effect plant Arborvitae, ,but if .you wvish the individual ýplants. to.sta nd out,.WXhV!ite Spruce and Black Hill Spruce are excellent. Norway Spruce,, the favorite Christmas tree. is particularly, pleasing, in a porch I)Qx or. vase. For a box five feet. lonfg an attrac- tive grouping consists of Pyramidal Arborvitae at each end, filling bé- tween w'th Mugho Pline. A Lacy green curtain of somne of the hardiei. strains of English Ivy will finish the 'front of, the box b'eautifu-Ily. How- ever, hether N'ou 'are able to use themn depends entirely upon, the severitv of ý inter.iii 'your locality. One of the: bappiest Uses to. which boxed or pottedever'gr7ee"ns can .be put is, to, carry out the idea- of a "living Christmas- tree.", Norway Spruce is Mosi-, often used for this ptrpose and is attractive a.s a single specimen in tub or box. Grow your own Cbristmas treec-then after the holiday season is over i .t cani decorate the porcb or entrance until spring, whien it.may be rnoved to the garden. Field Museum k' Offer