who were flot playing oni the varsiti' or freshman-sophomnore teanms took part in ititramlural football at the higli school this fail. If voui are look- ing for champions, Northwestern, \"a-s the winner in the ightweight divisji and Dart Mou th in' the. heavvNweightý class. Namnes, of' the player-s and- coaches appearing Jw t.hese ffictures are, reading fromn left ýto ýright: ..... ....Northwestern-Back row:ROY West; -- coach; Jack Gaither, John Bell, B. Far- J- Weil, A. Ciayton, George Jackson, Tonm McCann;. Tom Heffner, coach.' Front roW: Chapin W'Hight, Charles Brown, Bob Knauer, captain; Jim Hall, bon. Camnpbell, Frank Mueller. -int le d- tue dGrauer, Grant, Ehrlich, Leo Kraft. Purdue - Back row: Joe Converse, ecoach; Harold Verhalen, Willard Reich, John. Cutier, Steve Kraft, Cy MacI.tKin- non, Kenneth Hess, Marshall oose, SIr Mann; Felix Balak, coach. F ront row:ý Charles Williams, L. Botthof, Fr'ench Pogt1e, Norman, Wipper:eurth, Richard Torrey, Frank Wanner, Rnfford 4 Mann. N9ýt in pieture: Roy Renneckar, Richard Flynn. IlliÏiois-Back row: ýJack Woodhead, Coach; Bob Long, Paul Flannery, L. Greenblatt, Rober Pridmnan, Bob Fui.-. ton, -Mahlon Sharp, Russel Wyle, Elaier Young. Front row: Gus FElias, -Adani Gruber, Warren Young, Dick Mooney, Dick Dorn, Frank Hardin, jack Big- hn.Not in picture: Ralph Sinsheimer, Dwight Green, Malcolm MeConniell,' coach. lNfichigan-Back riw:Philip J11,li ton, coach; James 'McClupre, A. Massini. Allen Roth, John Danley,' Donald Hughes, captain; Charles Leonard, Gai'- land Foscue, Jeff Whitman, Ted Hos: king. Front row: John Kiewick, 1DiII Ma'thews, Donald Vall, Bob .Wolff, .DIck Pickard, Bill Rothchild, Daid J.sp-r. Not in picture: Ed Andrews. W; N-lxWisconslp-Back row,' Harvey Klu n - der, coach; Bud Bartnick, James Me- Kay, Howard Pederson, M. Bryant, Bob 1'urney, Char-les Ashléy, Gilbert Keith. Front row: Gilbeèrt Conover, Bill Meyer, Bob Leonard, Merton: PÎostle, Jack .>..,.. - Brrie DonCooke, Ed Moony. Not10 picture: Mark Simnonds, Hy SudloW, Alva Chubb. Chlcago-.Back row:, Charles Coffin, coach; George Cole, E.. Frazer, John Fischer, John Borino, N. Boehmet, Bill Healy, coach. Front row: BilI Morris, 7j& George Benson, E. Johnson, Paul Leach, Rtoland Feu'rman, Jchn Jerome.. Nôti pit Je . Stackhouse, DartrotBack row: C. 0. Waters, .oach;'Stanley KnilîîÇ Jack Brenier, Berger Jensen, Dan Wax, Bruce Griflin, Ray Goss, W~ilami Drackett, Kendal Garretson; 0. A- Oaks, coach. Front 1row: Albert N'*co1azz1, B. Johnson, HIIh Ïýy Benider, Geore Sehopen, Marshall ~Gôoeh, *erbert Carlson, Jackc Durham. Niot in lpicture: -WilJlam Clover. Harvard!-B3ag* rÔw:. B. W. . Shearer. coach; pave Walker, Vance Soule, WiI- liam ndlof~9, lebert Pelot t, John Lang J~ohn Slnmon, John~ Harrison, j>ack l3road. le Hllan CaueHailtn, mu t in pleur: halesVane, oach;Jc fflnc0*Din- 1ack row: obseijer, Godo Wright, M. Sêhara, EUg-ne q wa m e ' ' l pltue: Bill }anid-- Bob Dn mjord, Bob Kyle, Art BalmesF, BbBrown; R~oland Wehr, coach. Yale--Back row: R, H. Carpenter, coach; Robert Rosenbert, Wlllard Meier, lgàrl Lingle,; Joe Kraft, captain; JameS Beretta, Robert Byrne. Front row: AI Barke'r, Herbert Otten, Robert Ward, * Paul Willia.ms, Rober't Thorsen, Edward Solomon, William Mooney. Not in Pic- ture: Phîl Von Ammon, John Warren, Worthy Chambers, Earl Llndahl, N. G. Christensen, coach. Carlos Photos