This 1*3 CHILD REN'S BOOK WEEK af Lord's" Don't yoD remember Jo, Meg, Beh, and Amy of "Little Women, Alice, Hans Brink er and Huckleberry Finn. . . as old, playmates? This week throughont the ccountry, par- ents' teachers and librarians aie helping ta select trhese "11classics", . . . as Weil as -ne*. books for 'boys and- girls. Lord's bave always beeni head- quarters for -children's books: of adventu te. romance, animal. stories, and fairy tales! The Indian Twins Lucy'Fitch Periins Houghton-Mifflin Co.. . $1.75 Twiligbt of Mage P-ugli Loftng Siokes.. . . .25 Charlemonfe Crest Augusta HueiIl Seaman Doubleday Doran... $2.00 Singing Seamep Helen Coale Crew Century Co ........ ý.$1 .75 The. Tr.asure Hou.. Emilie Benson,,Knipe and Alden Art-hur - Knipe Century Co......... $2.00 Ramna Ohan Gopal Mukerji Putton........$2.50 Bradfordon Mt. Fairwather 'Bradford Washburn Putnam .....1.1.......$1.75 Two things combine to niake this one of the outstanding books of the year: The story and the illustrations. To define things further, it stands but anîonIIg al b o k s, juvenile and aduit. 'k i The story es a delicate, piquant about ayounig artist, bis bouse- I keeper, and a ýcat, -avery superior sort of cat. Thîe ca-brings good fortune to the Elizabetha house of the Coatàwort1k pain ter. mih o i S conmissioned to paint a picture ofA the death 'of Buddhag. The',cat was nearly the downfall, of lus imasteýr, toQ. But the. story is 'one of the. miost smoothly and beautifully related tales it bias been our good fort'une to read for some time. Now to talk about the illustrations. The y are wash drawings done witb a rnarvelously sure stroke. TheirF siniplicity fits ini with the. Japanese atinospbere of tbe story. In formn the book is prinited ini clear I3yes that have or oii:i you shoulu flot miss this bookc. TH E GYPSY CARAYAN.Bv How~- ard Pease. Doubleday, Doran. This is a charming story of ýtwo childrent who join a magic gypsy cara- -van. 'The smiall hiero and heroineiý Bet- tyand Joe, start out. in. a taxi to6 masquerade Party, but- their cal) b)reaks dow»n. At nightfall the-v ineet a gypsy caravan oàn the road. hée leader of the t.ribe' invites theèm to join the. Romnany band whicb is "go- ing anywhere the road Ieads becauise around eaclî .turn lies adventure." it does flot. take long to find the exp.ected adv ,entures.- First the chi!- Robin Hood.. Then thev journiey to AustÉia and assist Blondel to rescue, Richard Coeur clé' Lion fron , the. Tower'.of Gratz. Ini coin- panv with thîe gypsies,.the clîildren g cveito Bagdadi wlere they encouinter Ali .Baba and JHaroun al Raschid hi.mii s'elf. There is,l of. course, nothing partic- ularly nolveliii "The Gypsv Caravan." After the average clîild hero and bero- ine, hoee*Betty and Joe > are- a relief. They are ueither. littie, prigs of the Elsie Diiismore variety, iîor, typical ellfanits terribles. They. are normial, healthy young people M'ho *ccept the adventures that corne their way as. a matter of'course, and do flot. spend their ture philosophizing, or being naughty. Any rigbt-t-yiinded chiid, who had been -broughit up ou he Robin Hood tales and the "Ara- bian Nights/, tuigbt have b)eh.a%,e, inuch as, they did. SUSANN 0OF SANDy POI N T. flv Anuie Gray Caswell. Longmnans, Green & Co. LINNET ON THE THRESHOLD.' By Margaret Thompsoln Ravm-ond. Th e same. Tbese two books, for girls ini the never needeci ro face such problems. LITTLE TOOKTOO. By Marie Ahnigbito Peary. Morrow. Marie Peary is the daugbter of Rear-Admiral Peary and is heroine of', theý famous book, "'The Snow Baby" . She knows *what she is ta.lkiiîg . about wben she writes of t11e' north. Little 'rooktoo wvas a l)abv rein- deer, nephew of the fanions Pran- cer-, who, is 'a memiber of Santa Wben Prancer wvent. to Santa Marie A. Peary. Clause' toY shop. in the ýfall, lie brought l1ittle Tookto o with him. Tooktoo becaine. a nies- sengc.r for Santa 'Clause and -worktfd cllienlvA day, long. Cuipid wa., bis special friend, and when 'Tookto rescued himi from the wolves, he wa s amply rewarded. But just readtu .story td find out bowl The arctic background and natu rai bistory ini the book are as reliaàble and accurate asý one should expect. coniing from such a fanious pen. It is a loveIy, -fantastical story and juist right for Christmias eve. THE LOST CRICKE 1T AND OTHER STORIES FOR CHIL- DREN. By Howard Dean French. Abingdon. The first of these two volumes of short stories is a real surprise. If yu should notice ,on the, jacket that these' arc sermons 1)reacbedby Dr. French oô the clidren *of bis congregation, you would probably exclaim like a re--; viewer's dangliter, "Oh, Suniday School stories, I'mi tired ofý those." anid .you would picture to yourself the first story as one of. a lost cricket IILord' Statiomu- 'Fiwt Floo-4ust inaide the West Davit Stroet' Doom ES This is a> collection o f old 'tales for CHAN LERSnew cbildren mnade by the Interna- tionual Kindergarten union. The kuanaton', .Book Store stories corne f rom ail languages anid now bas a, are chosen. from the folk literature. RENTAL LIBRARY Tbey are told simply and can be. underst od by children who. are",quite- youing. a fi 's ai