a laiuy trait ut the'Jgans- to oc clas s presidents. *We're expecting a lot of other things from Phil, too. And Elizabeth Barden is walking in the footsteps of bier illustrious broth-, er, John. We really ought to con- gratulate the freshmen, for display- in g such .-mature judgment in the selection of class officers. The sophomores, have already donc seime big tbings..Saturday, Novem-, ber 8, they gavre a very.success fut in- formai dance. Th e mess. hall was quite transformed by black, and or- ange crepe paper. The New Trier or- chestra, headed by Bob Hess, certain- .!y mlade lit a gay and festive occasion. The non-date rule prevailed and ev- eryone had a wonderful Cime TRI-SHIPPERS PREPARE FOR BYRD -LECTURE To date we, haven't saidmuch about the Tri-Ship club. But the. boys, headed by Mr. Fribie, have been extremely busy making arrangemnenits for the, Byrd lecture. Every year this organization affords the township. an opportunity to hear a numberof, fanmous. men lecture. Last year Count, * Lucknor'gave a fascinating talk. And November 28, we 'shall be able ta. hear AdmiraI Richard E. Byrd's ac- count of bis thrilling adventures at the South Pole and see bis authen- tic niovies. This lecture has in- volved so much work hat the boys The Girls' club is doing 80 rny hinigs that we find it very bard to keep up with hem. One of the new' projects Chis fall ha.$ been the sale of class pictures. Frances Lutz,- who is in charge, reports hat about 22.5 senlôrpictures bave been sold.. Per-I haps. the New Trier student -body doesn't know that et eacb. home game- one of the'Girl1s' club conimittees bas been hostess to the visiting9 football eam and our own team. 'The girls serve sandwiches. and cocoa Co the boys-in tbe Tri-sbip room. It's sur- prising how. much food two hungry football teýams can consýume. Har- nietteê Webster, who has been in com- plete charge of the hot dog sales at the games, reports a total. receipt of $450., Good wvork, Hattie! The charity' committee is starting the Red Cross drivre Monday. It will continue '1until W-etnesday, Novem- ber. 26. Betty. Buckett, chairman. of the committee,. urges everyone to be- corne members of the Red Cross thru N,ewý, Trier. Girls will be in .the main hall before, and-after school and dur- ing both lunch periods to receive your contributions. Let's have a hun- dred percent enrolîment! We have. more news about thre bazaar which is being held Decemnber 6. ThA doli bootir is eth er giving or sellingI The Gavel club held very myst .erlous iitiation 'rites'the evenIng Of November- sýeVenth at thé homne -of Margaret Cobb. Twenty-slx members were present, about fifteen .0f whom. were initiated. These were takerý blindfold, one at a time, and led uPstairs and, down and finally were allowed to partake of thre brairis.of .a Icat (raw oysters). This gives thr em-, bers more akili tln debating. TIhen thiri fortunes w ere toid. After a bsns meeting, where Ruth 'Jackson was elec-, t.ed -Vice-president, Mrs., Cobb -served eider and dougirmutsc. Thre club tIs ex- pectirig to bear some, woriderful debates from thre, "brainy" new. members. We recelved anotirer letter, apparently frôm an aggrle1ved yourig mari.- We are Pinting It In, is erirety 'You speak of the funerai 0f razzinrig wvhIci was :held at tire Evariston gamne, but it seemns to me that flot ail of Mr. Razziig- was bUried. Perirapa It ,was just an arm or~ a Ileg. that was left above ground; that armù or leg has been sirown In your column lni the last few weeks. 'In r1egardt-o~boys .dftng girls for the dances.* How do you account for the mess hqll betng filled to over-flowirig every tirne there 18 an all-scirool dancé? Some boys muat be datlng; ln tact a great many of them. Give tire more bashful orres a chance. They'iI get Up nerve sorne day. Then agairi, did you ever liapperi to thtik tirat some of the girls who d9ri't get dates might flot be wortir asldig? Maybe thre girls need as mucir razzirig as t-he boys. But let's eall quits on ail of it. Wirat do. out- siders think when they read tire columri? Sincerely, M. E."1 *EVERY- ON£ ENJOTS The. New DIOTEL WHITCOMB, and, -4INE"R.1.84THS, Se.Joseph, Michigan The Whaitcomb tres foi 1930 -at 2.5%. Iower tham in .9 2'9. and ebe rates ai- ways .re0m aiàsnconstant throu.gholàt the year. Bvery for. of. entereain- ment - Attractive CasUin -Dancing every night- Seupp pow at its beighe. ReaervatIom Duogeatud Z. D. JIENICINS, Manager e. was to be beld Noci after Tbanksgiving.> Mr. Carpenter and Che> editors-in- chief of the EchoeIs, Johin Barden and George Boylston, have already started. work on Che 1931 -Echoes. Their flrst job is Co collect .Che money owed to last year's Echoes. Bernie is taking Che. senior pfictures and also the pic- tures of the football eams and the iMPortenhauserj Painteir and Decoratoe : iMLUGreenleaf Phone 27641 HC. WOLCQTT. Local 1representative of .WOLCQTT'eS..,LIMITED. Landsca pe Architects and Engieelrs of Jackson, Michigan CREENLEAF 4687 Evanston For Catalogue and furthler information are 4choo4ing TuS! NEW VATYTF E IP 1%0 moot d4inguisho<I bridcs in eica-in Philadelphia-Washing'. 1636 Orrington Avenu. EVANSTON Michigan Ave. et Van Buron St. CHICAGO.