"Fashions ini Words," Music, and Talk on "Education ini Transition" on Program The litera ture department of i-be Womanes club. of WiImçtte wil pre- sefli, Arch.ibald W., Smalley 'as i-be:, mnorning speaker on Novemnber' 19.. The club program bas, 'on diffeen occasions, included'a demonst-ration i-alk on fashions in dre ss - and nexi- -Wednesday ati- 1:30, for i-be firsi- time,- "Fashions in 'Words"ý will be discussed. Mr.. Smalley is.an insiructor' in, Latin- and Englisb ai- i-e Hyde Park High schçol,, co-author of Ulîman and .Stnalley's "Latin ýTests," ex- president and a coni-ribuiing member of i-be Chicago Classical club, mem- ber of i-be Chicago Literary >club, and also a member of i-be Amnerican Classical -league. In bis talk on "Fashions in Words,"y Mr. Smalley tells of thbe origin of several of our current words and' traces their bisi-ory. down i-rough -ti-e ages or years, as i-be case may be, sbowi ng in many instances i-bai- words in common use i-oday ofi-en * mean exaci-ly i-be opposite i-o their o'riginal meaning. Those wbo beard M*Ar. Smalley's talk ai- i-e conference lasi- spring - pronounced t mosi original and fas- cinating. Club members are 'urged not~ to miss t, Mrs. David J. Davis, ev chairman of i-he literature depari--Pa -Mrs. C. P. Dubbs of 1004 Mjic/- igan avenue, ?cqIth her husband, ïs ýchairmait of the dancing Party the Woman-'s club' of Wilmette 4s. giving Friday evening, Novcnber 2,at N o'clock. The chairman, in announcing the -vent, si-ates: ."The autun dancing )ar-y_ is -prominen- among i-be op en- niment of i-be club, an-nounces. - ing festivities of the season. The Mr. Smalley is i-be brother of M~rs. fanxous 'Black Friars' will produce Hayes Mclinney. - - usic that will miake everybody Luncheon will be served ai- 1 want i-o dance, -muisic flot too miodemn o'clock as,- usual ai-d i-be afi-ernoon - for sorne of 'us and flot too anicaent programn opens ai- 2, wii-b Miss Caro- 'for i-be resi- of >us. Earl VoyleF, ai- Une Thomnas Harnsberger, violinisi-. th- piano, will ,fumrnisb ,diversion ini Following ber selections,. Dr. Cbarles singing specialties. Gei.- your crowd. G. Obermeyer, -Englisb philosopher together and make i-bis a gala occa- and psycbologist, forme rly professor sion.- Ail club'merubers and their o -f Dui-ch ai- the Universii-y of Soutb partniers are ctrdially invii-ed. Bring Africa, will give a' lecture on-"Edu- your friends.- cation in Transition."* "Bridge tables and prizes' will be Thbe Junior sisi-erbood of the Norti Shore Congregation Israel is bus' witb two projeci-s: Tbanksgivîng din. ners for poor families and' a -Tbanks- giving dance., The Junior sisterbooi feels that, this 'year every organizatior sbould devote a greai- part.of its ener- gies to.charitable endeavors. The first enterprise ofi-bis nature will be the giving of dinners and. clothes to i-w poor flamilies on Thaniksgiving . day, At -be, holiday season ýthe Junior sis- terbood -wfllý also - tare for à- number of families.. Yetive Scbapiro, chair- mnan of i-be cbarii-y. committee, is in charge. Everyone is very entbusiastic about i-be dance Whicb is being held Wed- nesday evening, November 26., Many invitations bave been sent, and a large icrowd is expeced. Jane- Metz and Blossom- Roseni-hai are planning - very novel dteorations.' Sunday afi-ernoon,- November 16, i-be third regular meeinig will be held in i-he. Temple lounge.- Another attrac- tive program of oui-side talent bas been planned. Arrangements for the Thanksgiving dinners will be -COM-, plei-ed- and i-be girls -%ilI commence the new sewing projeci- for i-be Michael Reese bospital. Neighbors' Departmentà Announce Next Meeting .s Mrs. Russell C. Small, music chair- manfortheNeigbbors of KeniIworth, *annoutices i-be.firsi- morning meeting of ber depari-meni- for-i-bis season ai- 10:15 o'clock, Tuesday, November 18. The' program will be a piano Jecture re- citai by Mrs. Harold B. Maryott en- tiiled "'Opera and, the. Oratorio." Jewel Marin Loveioy will, illustrate *Mrs. Maryoi-'s lecture by singing i-be arias. Mrs. -john - O'Connoir of 149 Ken-. ilworth avenue, wilI be bostess for i-be. meeting. The art an-d literai-ure depari-ment -of the Neighbors, of w'hicb Mrs. Walter- h -ieAsémn fPie ie y Wfor Asortnt ofCubPBild-Gve ing ?und Bentfit n Arnong the prizes listed for dist.ri. -bution at i-be evening: card Party to tbe held ai- i-e Wom «ans club on 'No- evember 18, area large number of val- uable articles. An -electric toaster, a ton of wood, orders for service at *beauty parlors and for higb grade r. pbiotographs and a -portrait, a, beauti- fuI purse, a silk* night gown, plants, orina pillowý-hms- wo cartons of ofmayonnaise, 'a ,turkey, .slipper buckles, eleciric Iafle rn. cn *sticks,- a hooked rug, a 'book of ice tickets, a radio. bencb, as'*well as a piece of furniture wbich i-be com- mu-tee as a wbole is donating. T T he prize .comrmiiee announces that there *also will be, a fine gas range. Refreshments will1 be served. ai- '10:30, after which the priz'es wili be distributed. There is to, be a prize for eacb table. In order.to se- cure tables in i-he large room where the .prizes, will be ýdisplayed, reserva- iions 'are i-o be in by Tuesday. C 1ard playing begins >at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Herbert Leach is cliairman of the prize committee an-d is assisted be Mrs. Wali-er Schur, Mrs. Earle Lyon, Mrs. Elmer Codner, Mrs. C. C. Hen- derson, Mrs. G. W. Lilly, Mrs. C. L. Wachs, Mrs. W. W. Baldwin, Mrs. W. H. Rehfeld, Mrs. Harvey Craig, Mrs. Harrison Storms, Mrs. R. D. Oilar, an-d Mrs. E. V.-Youngberg:' Ask Volunteer Talent T for Catholic Club HOP The. philanthropy. depari-ment of i-be Womnan's- Catholic club' of Wil-, mette announces, ts Calùço Hop and, Amateur night. for December 6. In*addition i-o the calico feature of i-is merry dance i-bis year, where al the guests are i-o corne wearing a bit of - calico, a vaudeville eni-ertainmeni- bc irst - meeting of the Junior be given fo ia ïn December wiIl be in Mrs.- Stanley -ge -01 the philanthropy commit- avenue is tic] of which Miss Alice King is vations may lu~. ,her. - .~~aa~zI1-5 O 'AY ivember 19, of supervised trecreation of any town, Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber of Win- I prize will on the north shore. neka will broadcast for the Tenth of bridge. The activities are free to any resi- district, Illinois Eederai-ion of Wom- Kepilworth dent of Wihmette and ail are urged ens clubs, 'over WJJD iFriday, No- and reser- to attend and join with their neigb- veniber 14, at 12:30, e'clocc. Her by- calling hors in the pleasant work of keeping subject* is "Parliamentary Law and: physiially, fit and mentally alert. hi-s Relation.i-o Ciiizenhîp.>)