Wfllskers, Visitor at, Aquarium Finds On Saturday, my sIsten, grandfàther and 1 went dowa to Shedd-aquaLriutn., About 10:30 in the morning w okt North Shore don to, my.grandfather'à. We, had lunch and took a Wilson ave+ nue local t o'Adame and Wabaeh. Fron there we took a yeliow cab to the aqua- rium. Up the, long flight of atepe te the huge doors, then Into a large lobby. or vestibule, we went. We looked kt the sait water tIlsh of ail colorssites and kînde.' Some wero bine,- some yellow, and some looked> like convicts with their black stripes. The cenvlct ftsh are lilk zebras. No-one-iýknows If they are black~ wlth whlIte stnipea, or white wlth blacki Stripes. We saw Some huge turties with wing- like arme and legs wit4i wblch te swinî s.round. We aise esaw some sand sharks, ugi>' thîngs te -look at, long and, thin with aà long mouth lor pose. We aise Isaw soins canary fish, as 1 believe tbey wore cailed. .. They were a pretty caniar>' celer. Thene were sm ilsh f rom the lowen part of the MisMsie- sippi river and the Gulf of Mexico. They, were sort of élate coieoed, gly Jloo king thinge with long black whiskers, and a long fiat mouth. -Vîrginia Huoettel, 8B Howard HUowardIs Determinedý. to Excel in Everythiing The Howard sohool le trylng te beat the Stolp achool In writing JuxIoR Lira artiles and aiso -an>' other schbooi. We are golng te try te outdo theni in keeping our school ground clean and tny te obe>' the iaws of our echool. We are going te be as loyal as possible. We are aise trying to beat ail other' achools In the oames wue nlay. eae poholUIM i w IKi~lmet -Marguerite Petersen, 8B Howard Class in Social Science: .Learns-,Story of Steel' In Mrs. Groves' room-, the 7A, and 7B are Juet going te ýread about steel ln social science.' Wo were going te read the chapter on steel for homo work Tuesday night. Mn.. Todd came. ln the rooru and toid Mrs. Greves somothlng. Aftor he went eut, she toid us' Mn. Todd oegave us a present. Wea Al i rout Refuses Chance Cheer Team Encourages of Rein g Birthday Gift - Howard 7A to Win Titie During my vacation last summer we Monday we had a game with 7B for Splanned a trip to Colorado. We started the chamnplonship. Our lineup was: r on~e morning about 5 o'clock, fr Wil- catcher, Jerrine Frommn;piceDr ri. meroe. othy Hill; tiret base, 1helen Pearson; e Whn w gotto anea th ~ ecq1id, base, Lois Roberts 4 third, Dot . were -threshing .their wheat and t yrnne; .. nihta ottop, nn.Jarie Brandt 5.ýhadth irai piedup n he.opn. Atrlght fielder,- Helen Schwall 1 left n tiret It 1looked like sand until Dad got flelder, Dorothy Masel g; center fielder,. L- out of tto car and got aà handful, and F'nces. Colline; and substitute, Kate we ail chewed wheat., It makes good MeConniohie. We played .five Innîlngs Schewing Èum. When we got to Colo- an, h cr a idi o1.W r rado we etayed at a dude ranch, on the had. to play another inning, and the eConejos river., We had a- good, timie-p Il tiehing fortrout wlth fil es, score was il ,to 18 lu our favor. Our Mamaha abithaywhlewewee heer teamx was out and it was ver>' there;ahd Ianltedato urie er gpood for the tiret time. Our.umpires r thr. ndce1big tou'tfo .re prsent; were George Green and Vrginia. wit anie bg rou friverpee- Hettl.We willlplay Stolp Wednes- no 1 went down to therie one ee day, and the cheer team will come withi niwitlr m flhÉn7ro. When 'Igot to the river, I waded out vers' quietly u-&n ai eee AHwr a'lea tsig fished for about -Ann _Ma__re______AHwar ten minutes when I felta strike.,IT ie o1,a, Dei:ked ny Polo and there was a trout .~ lne' T abouta fot lMg on my hook. _'I wound my line, ln and' igot the fish on the bank of the river, and when I1 went - e , o l ik ttoik the trout off the hoo k, it flopped One, day when I had no tbing te do, back Into the .water. I thotw 1ht I'd try to teach the pup somè When. we. were upon the Rio Grande tricks. river we Slept ln what they sald wa s found a-n old hoop, taken off a bar_ a haunted house where Bob Ford, Who rel, and vlsited the cracker box, takIng killed Jeses James, lived. H4e is eald a few crackers. ¶'hen pùttlng Fritz on~ to have shot many mon and thrown a sôap box, 1 held the hoop enticingly them in the river. over hie head. He sat and looked as -Bobby Brown, 5tlh grade, Central if be'd like te talk. What he'd, sayt wmould be pienty. While talk though I would, liejuet sat .with such an angelic G iris Sec One Mummy epesoon-hsfc. 1tug fs Then Seh for orean idea that miht wonk 'botter than ThnSarchfrM e the hoop trlck,3s taking Fritz lan*My On October 16, al of Mies Larson's arma, I sat hlm up ini a corner of2 -thef room went to the Art intitute to see kitchen an d holding a craceker over hie ý the muniy case of the 'priest we had nose, told him to beg. He felL forwards been studying about in hlstory, but we (of course he would) when I wanted did net see any mummies except one, hlmi to sit up; I feund out after making and that was not enough te satisfy hlm asit up about fifty times that his S;usa» Anderson and 1. So on Satur- backbone was élastic. day. October 18, Susan, her siseml. I gave thatu eet l 'I'henTi terested lnn nsni, tmc we visitedtheUicIf sometime you- are ambitios n Fildmueumn where we looked at have nothing to do, try to, train your muminiles to our heart's content, and dog to do tricks. iast we went to the Art Institute where -Ellene Weakly, 7B Howard we saw more Egyptian art. We ýal2 had to admît we bad a moat Ist eti time. The trip was woàft 9Test Inspres Students -Rose Marie, Mille, 6A Howard toH n Pat ofS ec Centrai B wsto Fad Hrld 1B lhad a grammar test last C Bows Howar We out ten verbe, ten djectives, live adverbe, five. pro-ý Girls inScheduled Gamie .ea noune. three, prepositions and. twelve Howard 7A girls went te Central to nouns. play,,%* scheduled game, and 7A won by Gérald May mlssed one. Elmer Stone a score of 7 to 4. Last year Central missed one. Ellene Weakiy xissed one. won from. us, but this, year 7A beat Helen Llndstroni missed one. Elizabeth theni for the tiret game they played. Leslie didn't miss any. Allan Stahi 1 hope they vwin the ,est ,of t+ en nes ili,,wIone-Ho nd- bný Wilrnette Schools Provide Students With Lively Gaines The pupils in the Wilmotte schoole, have -a' number of strange gaines that .they play One ortbtem le "Flinceh.' lu this game one pupil, pretende to bit another, and If the other flînches be le hit once upon the. muscle. -Hodwever, Fniday you inuet fiinch or get bit. Another game le !"Look 'Somewhere, In the ,Unîverso." In this game if .you do look somoewhere you, get bit twlýce, but on' Friday you must look some- where. A 'variation of this game le "Don't Look Somewhere -in the Uni-. verse."p If you say this qulckly you may be able to catch tbemn, You get bit twico If yen 'close Your eyes, but, on Friday you mnuet. -Stîli .another le just plain, «'Look." If You do> look, you get bit twlce, but on Friday you. muet look. -Jerry Born, SA Howard Howard 7A Girls Battie for Chance to Play Stoip Two weeke ago 7-A-1 -played 7A-2 girls. Bec-muse it was a rainy day, we had to play la the gym. The 7A-1 team did not have a chance to wl» inside: se 7A-2 won. Mrs. Franckboner eaid that we were to play over agaln out- sidé. TA-i had a~ littie hope then.îand sure enough .thé>' *on outside., ,The score was, 4 to 5. Mes., Franckboner sald .we were to pick, the good. players from .the team'thýat won, and, to make up. for the ones who, were oniitted, she took the good players off other teams. So the tearn that le to 'play Stolp. is: Jerrine Fromm, Do6rothyMas- sig, Anna Marie Reese, Jane Brandi. F~rances Colline, Derothy Hill1, Helen Pearson, Helen Schwall, Dorotby BYrnne and Kate McConnohie. 1 hope wre defeat 7B. If we do, we shall play Stolp. -Dorothy Byrnhe, TA Howard' 'Taming of Horrors" Is Presented by Girl Scouts On F'ridLay, October 31, the Girl Scouts of Troop$ 4 and 2 gave a play' in the, *uditoriim called "'The.Taming 0f Hon- rors." The chanacters were: Horrore, Alilce Derhnell;. Mrs. Lipkins,. Jean Pernili; Mrs. ]Kent, Miss Humphiries;- 'atricia,, Eleanor Steen; Capta-in Kid,, Nlarjonie Meaker; Jesele James, Shirley 'arniss; -Amy, Barbara Ormsibee; 'inif>', Frances Haskins; Snowy, Dor- )thy Anderson; Duckie, Barbara Behr; Irst girl, Cecilia Hîhîs; second girl, oulse Hickman_; thIrd kirl, Jane Me- 71intock; fourth ogirl Verna Archn-, I J I ç j k t c a r A r F G F o n L C Howard e Jack û'Lanterns si tting on ie lîttie goblins, behind the corn, ttle boys blowing on their n Peterson, Miss Wltcherls room, Logan -Ludwig Skog,. 8B Howard I bat a. pon that 1 got on my birth- 1day on Motîday; se I weuld be ver>' 1 glad If some one found lit and returned ILt I live at 1210 Gregory avenue. Tt le a green pen with white spots and >tnlmtned ln goid with s. blackc end. - I lest Just the part with the point. There le a -rewand If returned. Tt la ai Carter Pen. .ilyShearer, Howard 1 1 -Ti