by Leading States Vigorous campaigns for adoption of the Drivers' Uicense Law as reçoin- mended by the National Conference .on Street and Higbway Safety will be conducted in tweiity-eight states during the, fal and earhy spring months., In several of these states' * whre hiee i anexisting drivers' E- cýense law, lacking the "teeth" as recommen'ided by the national-confer- ence, an effort will be made to stan- dardize the.present haw. The states where passenger or stan- dardizatioù of 'the law will be souglît: are, Alabama,. Arkansas, Clorado, Idaho,, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas,ý Minne-, sota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico,, North- Carolina, North Dlakota,* Ohio, Oklahomla, Oregon, South Dakota, 'Tennessee, Texas,r Utah' Washington, Wyoming, Indi- *ana, Michigan, Wiconsin, Florida and Georgia. The latter two hold their *e-ýltv sessions in the spriii'g., * There are twelve siates which at- * readyv ha ve, the drivers'. license la f ollowing .in most iarticulars the leg- islation recommended by the iia-1 Conference. These states are Califor- nia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Nev- York, New Jer-'l sey, Maryland, Vermont, Arizona,j New Hampshire, Rhode Island andIl th"e District of Columbia. "Ail of these have' enjoyed a 'decided downward trend since adoption of -the law and in the nine states first mentioned, for which officiai' records' are ayai able there have been 29 percent fewe'r fatalities sinceý'the, adoption of thle Iawthan there would have b.een if,. these states hbad experience ,d the saine increase,.as the non-license. states. > In ail this amnounts to a saving of 22,000 ives accor officiaIs of' the National Safety C o uncil who re - Application blanks for 1931 au-, tomobile and motôr truick state li- censes are' now available to al car owners at the' ifty-Sjx offices of the Chicao Motor club in Il- liiois. Motorists wbo prefer to re- tain theý saine license number lrom year to year-can do so, the motor club pointed out, by mailing their appliçation,' with eus o the same number as in 193 0, so th at the sécretary'of state will receive it before December 1. Section 8 .of- the 'lHinis motor vehicle law provides for this: procedure., Coalifornia Has New Way of -Weeding9 Out Violations The Catýifornia Con'mittee on Public Safety announces, th roughi Senator Arthur H. Breed, chairman, a rather. odd system of traffic law enforcement for 1931, whereby the highway patrols and the city police of California wilI concentrate cach month on a speci- fie type of traffic law violation. Need 4 -Years to Finish State Bond Issue Routes 1After ail existing road construc- tion contracts are completed, it will take four years more to finish alU the 'state bond issue routes, assumig that the state will continue to receive its present share of the state gasoline tax collections., This is the eýtiinate that Director H., H. Cleaveland, of the dèpartment of public 'works and buildings forniulated hast weelç. In. an address delivered' at Freeport, lie p ointed' out. the necessity of. continu- centl.y made this interesting: study of national experienice of drivers' Il-' ceuse haws. issue system before embarkin buil.dinig of a secondary sysi will connect every hamilet wi ,other. hamlet in the state.ý Sbond on the ni that every Fir-st Haif of 1930 Bringa Gas Tax of $230,982,099 Trhe forty-eight states aid the Di9- trict of 'Columbia collected 'an, aver- 6,809,863,076 gallons of gasoliwae duriug the first six months of 1930, accord- ing to' reports treceived a~nd coanpiled by the Bureau of Public Roaiof the U. S. Department of Agriculture. After deducting certain exuemptions, froma the total' assessed: tax, the rnet tax on the*àsales of gasoline amounts t6 $230,600,455. Undier the tax laws, certain sp ecial fees, amouniting to %381.644,: also were collected, making a total of $23082,099.. Auto Laundry & Greasing 1209 WASHINIGTON STREET Located directly 'in the rear of thse Wilmette Stage Service batik .building Jane 09Jaduom BIVd. Southa'Of Pout 0"1e Nmw ouofcT" mandFandaf Diagdac Cat the fJsed Car Dtpart usent and Arrange for a Doetuta.u PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY OF CHICAGO 925, LINDEN AVENUE, HUBBARD WOODS WiNnnetka 3070> Greenlèaf M03 NIow:ls the rThme- To change i. GREAS9Ê in your differetimi and transmission-before cold weather sots in-andeliminate the hard shifting. Wb, spedam nluDump.Wowik We Cati for and Defiver! Sunday Service-Tire kepairing-Simonizing Phone Wilmette -602 'PRIDE Just a word about the matter of -pride in owvning a used car because a great many people are in doubt about the wisdom of buying anything second