Mrs. Behan have been staying re since the 1sast of the nionth. If they wiU get Marriedl, Ludicrous, of course-the rate at which these young things march off to, the altar! Yet you want to speed them on their way with the very nicest wedding present possible. 'And that means some- thingfomTat-Mans. Perhaps china. Spode, for instance, in any one of its. many charming patterns. Or glass., We have by ilustrations ot i IanAy urcct, types, were most true to life. Hisa lecture was enoyed by ail, so niuchc so. that1 the students aslced to have a1 second lecture of the sameè type at a I date flot so fardistant. The Misses Lois Miller, Marcelli Kummer, .Josephine Biter, Mary -Mc-t .Nulty anid Elizabeth Hoffmnan have receivedBraille certificates which en-1 tites, them to, take ý their place amôn)fg the, Nationial'Braille Workers. Stu- dents..of .The Mallinckrodt are very mnuch interested inr transcribing books for the blind which work they do inv after-school classes. The. work is so faséinating to them that the Alum- nae bas'formed a Braille club which mneets every Tbursday eveningat the school. At The Mallinckrodt Mothers' club~ held November 4, after ýthe 'Requiem., Mass said for the late Sister Aibertis, plan s for the ýNoveniber party were discussed. It was decided that the party, be held November 21. Al friends of The Mallinckrodt are in- vited. Mrs. Frederick Breit of 422 Essex road, Kenilworth bas b een . 11 for niany weeks and is now convalesci-g at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wil- liam J. GormIey, of 3359 South West- ern avenue, Chicago. SUPIUOR 63 * H G. LINDWALL Higbeat Grade Upbolatering M Oak SrotEtaIsed 18% Ph.Wim.k 2450 ~r n adventilrer gives nîs il sr l u A t u r on h .is recent Antarctic expedition at New Trier High school. on Friday night, Novemnber 28. This announcemnent was, made ti week .by P. D. :Frishie, f aculty .spon-. sor of the Tri-gbiprclub of New Trier, the boys' .organizatioli ufder whose auspicesRear AdmiraI Byrd is being brought to the north shore. Mr. Stiong is à personal friend of the admirai. The demand for tickets for the B-Yrd lecture continues to be héavy, Mr., Fris- bie state .si, and the best'seats are selling fast. The Leslie F. Gates g ynansiumn at the high school, where.:the lecture. is to be held, has, a seating capacity, of 3,000,, with 2,000. seats on the main floor anrd,,1,000,in the balcony. AIl main- floor' seats are to be -res erved. Amplifiers. are to be installed inthe gym na sium so that everyone, no t at- ter in wbat. part of -the. room, h4 sItsý, will be able to bear weIl. The. lecture * will be illustrated hy motion pictures which give a comprehensive view of 11f e in Little America. the appearance of: the vast South Polar regions and the historie flight to, the South Pole. These pictures, different f rom those al-. ready shown in tlieaters, have been se- lected. and assembled utnder the pei- sonal direction of Rear Admiral Byrd. Byrd is one of the popular idols of, the day, and it is expected that New Trier township residents will turn out in large numbers to hear hini. Youtng, handsome, fearless. lie adds. to bis other gifts the ability to tell bis story well. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Wôodland, 336 Leicesterroad, have returned to their homne inKenilworth after a month's. stay abroad. They ývisited the. con- tinent and saile d on the Aqutfania, whicb was due in New York. on, Thursday, November 6, but because of a bad storm at sea itarrived eighteen hours late. Miss, Virginia Woodland,