vinceJwoiract v. t0LU 1May UU na upon. requstr Classliled, advertisemnents will b., ,Deaeios forl»setiolS-accepted UP te Wednesday 9 o'clock for the WuMrruLi u or al three papers; Thursday 9 e'elock' for 'the WINNTrA TALic and'Frlday fi o'clock for the GLzxcOBN Na4,. Telephones: Wilmette 4300, Winnietlca 2000, Wlnnetka 600 or Glencoe 1484, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 6687., FOR SALE-NEARTaY NÊW- FULL dress suit with two vests for man 5 ft. Il ln., welght about 180. $25. Ph. Wilmette 2987. 33LTN28-ltc GRAY SQUIRREL JACKET, SIZE 18. Canary yeliow wool suit, silk lined, size 38. Cheap.ý Winnetka 243.- 33LTN28-ltc CHILD'S FUR COAT, MHAT, SIZE 8 years, perfect condition. Phi;one Win- 11*1 etk<a 36 3Le4.rr2z-1Âr E Loft AND POUND FOUND-11OUND B R OWN AN D whiter male;- bulldog brown and, white, m1aie; Irish terrier dog, maie; Ter-' rier black and white male. Kenlworth Police Dept. 7. 2LTN28-ltc LOST-BLACK AND ýWHITE FOOT- beJl uniformiù n Winnetka. Return t'O Wlnn.. Drug Co. Reward. 2LTN28-ltc LOS3T-BIROWN ENGLISH BULLDOG; 4ame- 'Luc]ky" on collar. Cail Win- netka 2115-reward. 2LTN2i8-lte B ANTIQUBS A&NTIQUES DROP-LEA.F TAP3LES, PINE CHESTS, cabinets, corner cupboards; chairs In maple, mahogany aji4 walnut; mand- wich glaas, vases, GerandoIes, prints by Goduy, Currier and Ives, Flower prints, etc. MARY ANNEDIOKE 808 Washington St.. 1 blk south Of Main, 1% bîks. east of Ridgg. Evanston 5LTN28-1te Always in Perfect Taste TUE CHOICE' OF SILVER, ARTIS- tioally dealgned, antique, peripd Pat- terns, superlor by virtue of Its beauty, worth and perfrmance. Odd p>ecesj reUtored to originatl finish. PAUL DAV1Y JEWELER 1165 Wilmette> Ave. Ph. Willnette 6 5LTN19-tfc YVONNE SOHN la *nnouncing the removal of.her col- leetion of antique furniture to 12'.4 Walton Place, Chicago. Liquidation sale continu esuntil everythlng Is aold. Ph. Whltehali 4786. 5LTN27-tfc COLLECTOR RAS F~OR SALE UNUJS- téal assortment of antique jewelry, textiles and Morocco leather, reas. prices. Ph. Wtlmette 906-M, 1315 Elmr Il DRESSMAKINCI Dressmaàking -'Renodéing COLLETTE SOEURÙS- Winnetka 1011 1LTN28-t BLACIK SOIL AND ROTTEN COW maànure for sale. Ph. Wilmette 647. ErIc Haglunid, Glenview Road. 14LT28-ltc 18 YOUR GARDEN READY FOR wiiter anid neXt h»ting? l'or expert work by experlenced men eall Win- netka 329. 14LTN22-Stp TREES TRIMMED AND TAKEN down. S. Llndberg, 1026 Pine St., Winnetka. Phone Wlnnetka 1793. 14LTN28-4tc Wé Cover Lawns WIth Compost KLEIN & SON Wilmette 4956 1' FOR SALE - ROTTEN] Cali B. itaglund. Wllmette1 ,MANU.RE. - 15LTN23-Stp PLAYCLASS CONDUCTE» 3Y GIRL with kindergarten tralnrmg. Mornings oj' afternoons. Best of rpZ. Winnetkr4 1409: 15J.,TN28-tp PRIVATIE LESSONS iN FRENCH, Italian, by graduate native teacher. Reasonable charges. A-80, Box 4 0, Wilmette. 15LTNU28-ltc 17 INTERIOU. DECORATING 33-A WATCHES IN THESE MODERN DAYS MODERN GlIPS -AIR IN ORDER- new princIples, smart designs In.our present selection, of ,watches and docks. Whatever your demand, costly or inexpensive, we.can, show ydu just the thing at any price yoti wish to pay. PAUJL DAVEY JIMWELER 1165 Wilmette Ave, Ph.- Wilmette 6, 33-,A. LTNI5-tfc 41 SITUATION %WANTE£D-FamALE- PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 748 IiLM ST. PH. WINNETKA 2362 Free to employer. We speclalize ln white domestie help. Applicants regis- tered at this office have reference as to character and abillty to p)erformý such duties as applied for. May we assist in securlng that particular kind of help for you.?41T1tc PLAYHOUSE. B R I N G CHILDREN for the day. Oood care and whole- some lunch. $1.25 per day. Also col- lege girl who can care for children afternoon and evenlng. Ph, Wllmette 4203. . 41LTN28-2tp for second,,woric. a;Ebove th 0 average. ref. Pauline's Agencey.. 20.62. e girl ' are ellenat N. S. 'h . Wlnnètka 41LTN28-ltc RtEFINED, MIDDLE-AGED LADY wants position ashous3ekeepeër with 1 or 2 aduklts'employed. WIll consider good.home more than wages.. Phone Wlnnetka 2905. . 41LTN28-lnCý LAUN DRY AND CLEANING, BY DAY. Fine hand work. White, 15 years' experecWinnetka references. Tel. of ýchl COOK WITH G ýeliable, conscientio 1good manager. 'V nnetka 95É. 41L' fond etka EXP. WHITE .WOMAN WANTS Iaundry or eleaning. W.,dnesday also ever-y other Tuesday. Cali Wilmette 4288 after 5 :30 P.M. 41L28-lnc GERMAN GIRL, 1 YR.. LOCAL REF. wants generaj $15 per .wk. Pauline's, Agency. -Plý. Winnetka 2662. RELIABLE SWEDISH WOMAN-Z wants washlng and cleaning by theý day. Cali Winnetka 2632. 41LTN28-lte .EXPER. GERMAN WOMAN WANTS laundryý, cleanifiX. Cooking. and serv- ing for parties. Winnetka 3325. 41LTN?8-lc SWEDSH GRL,1 YR. LOCAL REF. wants general. $15 j>er week.. Paul-. Ine's Agency. Ph. Winnetka 2662. 4lLTrN28-ltc WOULD LIKE STEADY LAUNDRY work for 'Tuesday, *Wednesday, and Thursday. Phone Juniper 3755. 41LTN28-ltp HOUSEWORK, HALF DAYS $7, BY the. week $12. Colored. Reference. Ph. University 2250. 41LTN28-1tp LAUN~DRY OR -CLEANING BY young colored woman. Ph. University 1778. 41LTN2S-lnc WANTED LATXNDRY WORK BY THE day or ât homne. Ph. Wllmette 17J4. 41LTN28-lte SWEDISH. GIRL WANTS GENERAL housework. Glencoe 793. 41LTNT28,lte COLORE» WOMAN WANTS GEN- eral housework, fond of chldren. Ph. University 7162. 41LTN28-lne DRESSMAKING AN» REPAIRING TO, do at home. Ph. Wlnnetka 1066. 41LTN28-1te LAUINDRY OR CLEANING. EXP. 35c per hour. Ref. Ph. Atlantic 3075,, 41LTN28-Ine EXP. GERMAN GIRL P'OR HOUSE- work, good ref. Ph. Lakevliew 5110. Tbis OliIce will accept classified advertising tQ be run in THE EvAN4SToN REVIEW, reaching 16,000 fami- lsnin Evansto2l. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. og Tuesday. %4Telephone Wilmette :4300 or Winnetka 2000 .. K t , do at hnome. Ph~.Wnn 1401. 41LTN27 LAUNDRY OR CLýEANIN4G Monda3r, Tuesda.y andI Saturday. Wlnnétýa 1468. 41LTN28. 4 yti - -- 2i L T N 28 -1n c ýR AND GAR- 1 11 private fam- it place. Phone, - IGE. OUE LENIGWINDOW ri Jos h. alete499 ddN2-n IL 1.1 -. ýj