it sinstaliment saving JNSALLMENT buying had t day. Thereýw.ere advantages in.-it but, unfo:rtunately for mny her were al so. pitf alls. Times have "c hanged. and now. it's instaliment s aving. The merit in setting aside, regu- 1larly, some portion of, income to, earn consistently in safety cannot bé. impeached.. And, speaking of in.-,. ..s taliment saving, the Christmas Club has been univers'ally accepted as an agreeable plan. Qur 1931, club is, now forming.l. Cla s to Suit every taste have bee n arranged. Slight weekly payments -fot enough to miss-insure a bountiful Christmas. Stop in for just a moment and enroll-ýToday. FiRsT -NAITIONAL-BANK of W1ILMETTE.