the Wilmette i starts on Frid day after Than one can use ul ;gîving. How a dollar'sv ITodd, Jard sq Jthe s< bly wý the direction of Mr, :Lowell incipal of the Logan and IIow- )ols, assisted by Mrs. Stopka, o1 nurse, an interesting assem~- held last Friday in the schoël, The Kappa Alpha Theta. mothers' Schidt is working under the club wilI meet at the chapter homse, 619e ion of the Chicago Tubercu.* University place, Evanston, on Mon- titute and expects to show this day, November 17, for luncheon.which. -ough Cook county. will be served at 12 o'clock. Mo~ Arn The Ques. W Ans.Shm Ques. An 7sat: makes:happy feet: run. and play? ~wear sosbulit Ntr' u;ay. liai ma~kes Iifti< tocs gow straight? es tè4at are soft and light in weiglit. td what maltes you forget ypur feet- Ans. 1"Simp&xFlezwes "for Hfealth týComplete. "SýIMPLE*X FLEXIES Ridge ndWilmette, Avenues Phone Wilmette :4271 leq % J