Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Dec 1930, p. 48

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i I U açu Cr,1dsetingas e entire assess- lltoîY7nt-tle uiteu IiAlVU e menton ral stat mad in1927 and it o Uostruetion CosI. Down menton eal stae mde i 197, ad ~nowanpears that such costs have effective for the year 1928-on which aroppedwabout 20%. In the last two years. the taxes would be, payable April ly On that baste, *the preserit assesenient 1929-and directed the Board ,of As- on ail buildings in the county may be 20% too high. We would like ssosto mnake a reassessment of- such building va1lLes ais, and malce an ail real- propertyr in Cook .coUnty. equitable reduction for.,1929, but the While it was, first ýstated that -ut taàk la so .great and the time se short, sucnthàtit is a Physicai imPoésibilit'y to do work c oUid> be done in four months, Bo. If the attempt wer, ae i ih atacst f$00O0,it took about. involye, more costs, bond issues and con- sixteen . months, -and. the cost wasý fusion than the eaving effected. over$8,00,OO. n acoun of hat However. we are hereby servtng notice ,Ove $BW,00.>On acout:,f.tàtýon the Board of Assessors tihat they delay, the iaw had to be amendied to miust revise their assessed values on extend the payment of 1928 taxes t o buildings and improvements for the year JUIY 1 1930i1930 and adjust the saie. according. to July th 1930 8 . the present, market cest, or else this, When th 1928 essment books, board, on itsown motion, w111 do so a were ,finally dellvered te the Board of soon'as the .1930 assessments are deliv- Review in 1930, over 10U,00 complaints ered to US. wera flied against the new 1928 Values Nuît Cut Revenues the assessors. W e started to' It 1wIll be sald that.any reduction In review such complaînts as qulckly . txesno made will cipea oa possible, but soon -found it physicahly toa res ntw hich ievyand ilpendcax Impossible to finish the work, and de- one Our answe iytat if lower liver the books luntime to collect th onaxes rue iwer evenuesf then 1928 tax aessb1, 130. Il suh local governments must cut One.ldrdTaxe lJnaI ]dow their, running. expenses accerding- It new .bea4s that sInce July 1,13,l. If a private corporation nist céut - only about twe-thlrds of the total 1928 it xenses, :a public corporation mnust taxes have been pald, and that about o.iepws j one ~i' ' 1~~1~ ad In r de- d we sggest that If ail inunicipal cor-t fault; that thereupon the County 'rrea- prti oudmaeacount i t surer fiied an application In the County the saine as private corporatieis-they court to have a Judgment entered ceîdqicISly ascertain how much tax ci against îueh property, and sale be made money ha- been misspent through 1Waste t. for all delinquent taxes. On December -,doter causes, and by drastic, ece- 4,. the Chicago Tribune stated that eut nme dfn]tewyt u 5 of the total taxes of $233,000,000 ievied nomies, qpuld n runthe ay tocu 25 for 1928, the sum of $51,000,000 or 22% fomterwnunlgepies a were stilI unpaid; that a large percent .Tlume for Action of this $51,000,000 wlll actually be lest,, The time for action-not talk - has se that there will not bc sufficient1'unds now àirrived. This board wili take the te pay thie runnlng expenses of local responsiblity of assessing values on real S governments this year. estate in Cook county that will.,be fair It . further appears that real estate and iust te evçyy property owner. it f values luctuated wideiy between 1927 may take timne, but it wlll be donc. In and 1930'; thàt prices were highly spe c- the meantime, we are open to all sug- 4: ulaîve tht te s~sasssemnt asgestions that willI help expeffite tbis fc made wheh the values were highest, teedij o.T' and that by1903lag peen'. The Board of Review of Cook Couflyd these Values dropped from 1 e WlimH Wbr himn dward Y t*5 ls knwntha 1o account%. R. Litsinger, Charles V. Barrett. M th epesien. hundreds of millions of dollars of real estate mortgages are Warren Triggs, son of Mr.. and ln default or under fereciosuje. Also, Mrs. Charles W. Trigs of 1041 Asti- SI that the 192.9 tax rates have been inl- z-,veui 9hm frn tea creased, sn that on a plece of real estattelad veui hoefôn.tegr Of the saine value In 1929 as it had In Artists colonv 'at Santa Fe, N. M. cei 1928, the txes for I929-payable April 1, where he is spendingthe winter. He to 1931-ýwIll be about 20% higher. There- %wiil spend the, Christnias oiasn fore If ail the 1929 values reinain. the, oiasm saine as they were In 1928, every tax- withli ts parents and will then- return, payer will have te pay 2M.%' more on after' the irst.of the year. ýAprJI 1, 1931, than hie Paid last July. Such an~ increase will net enly make thîs Year's taxes. fearly confiscatory, . Mrs. D. L. Taylor of 849 Michi- of butwill stop) ail new building and prac- gnaeu a erfml ihhrof tically kili the real estate business ingafor enuChrisier' " and h he 1 ereoi Uoys in Lflij adUv ' 5r. rooms worceived medals in the differeit sports : G. H. Flaningam'- HeavyNNeight football, George Schopen and Dan Wax. O. A. Oaks-Heavyweight. football., Henry Bender. and Kenneth Garret- son. é.IL. Persing--Heavyweight foot- ball, Jack Durham, William Br-ackett and jack. Bremer; tennis doubles, Jack Mee and Charles Coffin;. footi- bail skills (puntinig for, accuracy), Charles Me-icher.. ]Roland. Wehr-Hand bail double3, William Morgan and James I.versoii; hand bail singles, James ýIversoit tennis, singles, Allen. Fuller; golf. (winner handicap match tournament); Williamù Morgan; football. skills (drop, kicking), James Iverson. For PassaiËg Accuracy H. B. Airam-Football.'skills (pass- ing for accuracy),' Howard Pedersen. Kenneth Funkho user-Lightweigî.t football, Chapin Wright. John Nay-Lightweight' football,. Robert Knauer; heavyweigh-t foot- ball, .Ted Wilder., R.S. Reàm-ýFootball, Berger Jein- sen; golf ('runner-up .in handicap match tournament), John Kirby. C. W. Reiley-Heavyweight -foot- ball, Bruce Griffin and Rae Goss. N. G. Christensen -Lightwçigh,4 football, Albert Clayton and Doni Campbell; golf (winner of 72-hole medal tournament), Sherwood Pal- mer. 1 V. H. Condon-Heavyweight foot- ball, William Clover; football skills (punting for distance), William Clover.. C. H. Jones-Heavywreigt t.f oot- ball, Otis Gooch4 C. Minnema-Heavywe.ightý f o-ot- baIl, Howard Carlson. j. C. Schunmacher - LightWeigt football, Charles Brown, George Jackson and John Bell; golf (runner-- up ,in -72-hole, medal tournamient), William Johnson. For lightw.ight Football M. E. Duckles-Lightweight foot- ball, James Hall and Jack <aither- -o--'t ad ate of 820 Greenwoc avenue for the holi- ~ h o g o t l e- -M r. and M rs. P eter J. R iapperic - days r. an r .1J F [able relatl»g to real Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Roberts of St. of 412 Central avenue are entertain- .A d ro ,o *ndtins -o a to Louis spent Christmas mwith-Mr. and ing' for the holidays Mrs. Klapperich's 'r n r.j nesno r 'b~ owvalas Mr. G S Roers o 115 4ak ae- neheAber Eofann of Du- Cincinnati will be the houseguest s of Ilsfirne hefml Christmas -gathéring buque, Iowà, who i"s Ua oerso *3 aeav nlheA r Hfa senior at Co- Mr.' and M rs. 'Rbert 'Swaim, 701 9 ol voiuutadny; was held ini the Robéri om.lumàbia collège. ". Laurel avtnue,.over New Year's. Little Est her Logapt of Evanis- toit is one of the Pupils of MViss Jeantette' Adland . who teaches the Logan-.Howuard P.. T. A. dantcing class 'for children. The dancing class held its first Chris t- as party at the Logan school last and prizes were'won by Peggy, Petier- on, Jean Hall, Jimmie Hartman, Dore- by~ Davis, Mary Alice Husting, flillie Fanckboner, and Mary Arthur. 'Ice reani, cake, and candy were served te the twenty-one pupils present, STiiere will be no more classes until. fter Christmas vacation and Miss Ad- lnd announces the new term starting 'hursday, .january 8, at the Logan whool. The baby class starts at 3 o'clock .llowed by the ballet and tap class at. :45 o'clock. A special ciass will be 1 rmed for those beginning this. terpt. rhose who wish to enroil their chul- Iren ini the new terni classes may call [rs. J. D. Kinnear of Wilmette or [îss Adiand at her Evansion studio. The tap class entertained Miss Joe cidmore's class of womenl at the How-1 rd school on Thursda-y evening, De-ý ember 18, and Miss Adland expects1 3present the class again at a P. T.'A. ieti ng in 1Pebruary. Miss Genevieve Smithers, daughter- fM.r, and Mrs. Perry L. Sn'iihers f711 Lake avenue, returned iast; 'ek7end' from Pine M2nr 2 Wel- y 1~

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