O UR thougbt goes outý at this time in grateful appre- ciationta those whom we bave been privileged ta serve during this yeart and we like to feel that the ownership of a Ford immeas- urably increases the f amily joys,' flot only during the. happy Yule- ti'de ýseason, but during the entire.. year. Somebow, i t seems as if everything bas been pla.nned and immediate Dehivery *arranged for the particular con-ý *venience of the matorist. We want you te feel that aur interest in -you and your Ford is the ini- terest of, a f riend-we are better prepared than ever ta relieve you af every detail in the care of the *car, and help you-get mnany thou- sands' of miles of pleasant, econo miclmtoring. OnNearly Ail Models The oldest authorized dealer be- tWveen ÉVansto'n and Highland Park *1 1 1 -